Porting C programs from a SPARC (SUN OS 4.1.1) to a VAX (VMS)

Robert Angelino robert at triton.jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Jun 4 09:55:09 AEST 1991

I've been doing some development work on a SPARC that just happened
to have to be ported to a VAX running VMS.  I've used Sun's Bundled
C compiler to compile everything I do.  Does anyone have any 
tips/suggestions/traps/pitfalls to look out for??
It's no bowl of cherries porting this stuff to the VAX. 

thanks in advance
    -     ------       -                              Robert Angelino
   | |   | ----  \    | |                             ms T-1704L
   | |   | |   \ |    | |                             4800 Oak Grove Drive
   | |   | | --  |    | |                             Pasadena, CA 91109
---| |   | | \__/     | |___                          robert at triton.jpl.nasa.gov
\____|et |_|ropulsion |_____\aboratory                (818) 354-9574

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