methods for putting labels into your software?

mlevin at mlevin at
Thu Jun 27 02:56:09 AEST 1991

   I'd like to hear suggestions, or any tricks that the pros out there
know about, for putting some kind of text label or code into your
executable (compiled and linked from C code) so that if anyone were to
copy a part of the code, you could know it was a copy by somehow
seeking out that label. For example, I guess you could probably define
a static string in your C program which contained a code word, and
then you could know if a given program was copied from yours by
doing "strings a.out | grep keyword" or something.  I am looking for
ideas that are less obvious to detect - a method such that someone
copying the code wasn't likely to notice and edit out (with a patch or
something). Any ideas would be appreciated.

Mike Levin

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