Short circuit evaluation/expression rearrangement (2nd summary)

Mark Brader msb at
Thu Jun 6 09:18:33 AEST 1991

Wow, I get to correct Henry Spencer.
> > [a + b + c]
> > What you DO know:     The addition of a and b will be made before c is
> >                       added to the result.
> More precisely, what you know is that the program will *behave as if* things
> were done that way.  In particular, if the compiler can be sure that the
> order of evaluation will not affect behavior, it can use any order it pleases.

Still more precisely, what you know is that *if* the program would *not*
cause an exception (e.g. overflow) if things were done that way, *then*
it will behave *as if* things were done that way.

Presuming that i and j are ints which are 16 bits long, the statement

		i = 20000 + 20000 + j;

causes undefined behavior, since 20000+20000 causes int overflow.  However,
since the behavior *is* undefined, the compiler is free to ignore the "as
if" rule and compile the statement in some other way, e.g. as if it read

		printf ("This is silly, but legal\n");

or, more practically, as if it read

		i = 20000 + (20000 + j);

which *is* valid for some values of j (e.g. -20000).

On the other hand, if the statement originally read

		i = 20000 + (-20000) + j;

then the compiler would *not* be free to compile it as if it was

		i = 20000 + ((-20000) + j);

unless int overflows are ignored and cause wraparound in the common manner.
In this example, the rewritten form could cause an overflow where the
original form could not; in my first example, the reverse is true.

These examples were contrived to match the a+b+c of the earlier messages;
here is a practical example.

		long p;
		extern short q, r;

		p = q * r;

which, I hear, is compiled on some systems as if it was written

		p = q * (long) r;

which is probably what the writer meant to say in the first place.
Again, this rewriting is legal because it cannot *cause* an exception
and it produces the same result if no exception would have occurred.

Mark Brader		    "People tend to assume that things they don't know
SoftQuad Inc., Toronto	     about are either safe or dangerous or useless,
utzoo!sq!msb, msb at     depending on their prejudices."    -- Tim Freeman

This article is in the public domain.

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