GCC for MC96002?

Peter Holzer hp at vmars.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Jun 21 01:20:09 AEST 1991

I will soon have the pleasure :-) to write software for a Motorola
96002 signal processor. As Motorola is not yet delivering the
C-compiler and I am not too thrilled about writing everything in
assembler I want to know if anybody ported (or is currently porting) 
GCC to this beast. 

If you know of other compilers for the 96002, or GCC-ports to other
signal processors (might be a good starting point), I'd be interested,

Many thanks in advance,
|    _  | Peter J. Holzer                       | Think of it   |
| |_|_) | Technical University Vienna           | as evolution  |
| | |   | Dept. for Real-Time Systems           | in action!    |
| __/   | hp at vmars.tuwien.ac.at                 |     Tony Rand |

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