Wanted: string matching routine

Lloyd Kremer kremer at cs.odu.edu
Thu Jun 27 22:24:05 AEST 1991

In article <2868E3EF.6133 at ics.uci.edu> vahid at vesta.ics.uci.edu (Frank Vahid) writes:
>Does anyone have a routine which is similar to strcmp, but permits
>unix-type wildcard characters in at least one of the strings?
>For example, strmatch("abc*", "abcdefg") would return a value denoting
>a successful match.

So would strncmp("abc", "abcdefg", 3).

While there is no wildcard capability in the str* routines, it is fairly
easy to combine them to produce the desired result.

Some almost have a 'grep' type of action like finding a substring within
a string.

					Lloyd Kremer
					Hilton Systems, Inc.
					kremer at cs.odu.edu

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