Embedded SQL

Daniel Tietze lion at dat1hb.north.de
Mon Jun 24 21:52:58 AEST 1991

     Hi, Net-World!
  I have to write an application program in C (or rather C++) which has
to access a databse via "embedded SQL" (groan). Can any of you recommend
suitable books in which the applicable techniques and basic structure of
such database access is explained (in terms understandable by the
average computer science student)?
  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

| Daniel Tietze, 2800 Bremen 1,  Tel.(voice) : 0421/448806         |
|-=============- DATELINE Communications, Bremen.  The home of DMS |
| Mail: (private) lion at dat1hb.north.de (univ) E07J at DHBRRZ41.BITNET |
|-====- DMS-Support: dateline at dat1hb.north.de                      |

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