WHY is this crashing???!!!

Robert Angelino robert at triton.jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jun 7 09:43:10 AEST 1991

I have this code that keeps going out to lunch.  Any suggestions
are welcome.

#ifdef vms
	char            cur_time[26];
	const   char    *ptr = (cur_time + 7);
	int             status = 0,
			i = 0;


/* Extract the year from the time */

#ifdef vms
        if(((status = LIB$DATE_TIME(&cur_time_desc)) &1) != 1)

        cur_time[11] = '\0';

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("ptr = %s\n",ptr);

        date->tm_year = atoi(ptr);  

It CRASHES at the "atoi" call.

This is the output I get from the run:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=04, virtual address=00000014, 
PC=0000D8D9, PSL=03C00000
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
module name     routine name                     line       rel PC  abs PC

JTMSYSTEM       jtm_system                       2577      00000085 0000D8D9
TC_TASK         tcr_sprintf                      2375      00000028 0000AE00
TC_TASK         write_rec                        2476      0000014D 0000B059
ADCC            update_adcc_data_table           1829      0000002F 0000754B
USER_I          user_interface_ml                4891      00000363 0000C403
SPA_TCLKUTC     main                             2642      000002A9 0000718D

These are the logicals I'm using as the libraries:

I've tried the following and it still crashes:

char *ptr = (char*) 0;

  cur_time[11] = '\0';
  ptr = cur_time + 7;
  date->tm_year = atoi((const char*) ptr);

    -     ------       -                              Robert Angelino
   | |   | ----  \    | |                             ms T-1704L
   | |   | |   \ |    | |                             4800 Oak Grove Drive
   | |   | | --  |    | |                             Pasadena, CA 91109
---| |   | | \__/     | |___                          robert at triton.jpl.nasa.gov
\____|et |_|ropulsion |_____\aboratory                (818) 354-9574

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