Microsoft/Borland C/C++

house ron s64421 at zeus.usq.EDU.AU
Tue Jun 11 23:55:49 AEST 1991

flint at (Flint Pellett) writes:

>In the particular case I had Watcom's size became an even bigger win,
>because it became enough smaller that I was able to move to a smaller
>memory model and ended up with a program more than 30% smaller and
>even faster.  (I would bet there are a lot of programs in the 70K to
>90K size that could slip under 64K with Watcom.)  When Turbo compiles

Anyone thinking of buying Watcom should first write for a copy of their
user license.  If you can live with that hostile document, go for it.
I wrote to them because their license agreement appeared to demand that
I break Australian law.  They promised to change it, I bought their
compiler, and they broke their promise.  (There is a clause in the
agreement allowing them to break even written promises.)  My silly fault,
but I thought they were just doing the normal thing and covering
themselves; they really _mean_ it!


Ron House.   (s64421 at
(By post: Info Tech, U.C.S.Q. Toowoomba. Australia. 4350)

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