Are definitions evaluated in order?

Ross Williams ross at
Thu Jun 27 17:03:31 AEST 1991

Does C guarantee that it will evaluate declarations in order?

For example, is the following program guaranteed to output "3"?

    int a=3;
    int b=a;


And how about:

    int a=3,b=a;


Even if it is standard, does anyone know if it is practically portable
(i.e. do compilers as a rule evaluate in order).

I am asking because it would neaten up a lot of the code I am writing.
Without the order assumption, variables that are dependent on other
variables initialized in the same block have to be initialized using
assignments instead of at their declaration.

I don't just need a yes or a no, I need a specific reference to [K&R]
or the ANSI standard ([K&R] preferred as I don't have a copy of the
standard). Without a formal language spec reference, I won't have a
warm fuzzy feeling about it.


Ross Williams
ross at

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