Evaluation of if's

Stephen Clamage steve at taumet.com
Wed Jun 19 02:33:28 AEST 1991

daniel at sdl.mdcbbs.com writes:

>    if ((i = 1) == (i = 2)) ...

>Read these results as you will, to me it merely confirms that exepressions
>with side effects should be avoided at all costs...

Not necessarily, but one most certainly should avoid multiple side-effects
between sequence points.

>This case is an interesting example of hard to is to provide a 'complete' 
>specification for a piece of code. After all an ANSI C compiler isn't
>one of the largest pieces of software around. And, if we can't get the
>specification for something as well defined (obviously not that well
>defined as a compiler correct, where does that leave us with respect 
>to some of the larger more complex software projects around 
>(air traffic control, fly by wire ......)?

This is not a difficulty of specification.  One could provide required
semantics for the above example, but it was a deliberate choice to
leave such things undefined.  Over-specification would force compiler
implementors to generate inefficient code in many cases in order to
satisfy the requirements of pathological programs like the above.


Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve at taumet.com

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