Keyboard support in C (was Re: making characters disappear)

Peter da Silva peter at
Tue Mar 5 02:11:38 AEST 1991

In article <1991Mar2.065232.1637 at> scs at writes:
> The point has been made approximately 2,974 times, but if you
> want a standard which defines controls over terminal driver
> characteristics, GO READ POSIX.

Too prescriptive, too complex. There really is a need for something
less complex.

> I've made this suggestion
> myself, at least once; now I'm just annoyed enough that I'm going
> to spend an hour and cobble one together.

Thanks. Will be eagerly waiting for it.

>      2.	this package isn't going to come close to addressing the
> 	sorts of complicated functionality that complicated programs
> 	want.

If you want screen control, use curses. If that's not enough, code directly
in termlib. Once *this* package is available, termlib is trivial to do
portably. I posted a version to alt.sources late last year.
Peter da Silva.  `-_-'  peter at
+1 713 274 5180.  'U`  "Have you hugged your wolf today?"

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