where is Symphony Hall

Jay Lepreau lepreau at utah-cs.UUCP
Fri Apr 27 08:38:41 AEST 1984

There should be a map in your registration packet.  Symphony Hall is
labeled as being part of the "Salt Palace Center" and is that
trapezoidal outline on the N.E. side, so it's between the trade show and
the hotels-- in other words, very close.  From the outside it reminds me
of the I.M. Pei wing of the National Gallery in D.C.  The trade show
itself will be in the building just west of it.

By the way, right now it's coming down in huge flakes and the mountains
have a couple of feet of brand new very light powder, so maybe there'll
be skiing at the conference after all, even if they did move it from
January to June.  Course, I didn't say what kind of skiing, or where--
could be water-skiing on Main street.   It was 80 degrees a week ago.

Jay Lepreau

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