booze laws (Utah)

Will Martin wmartin at brl-tgr.ARPA
Sat May 19 06:17:55 AEST 1984

"The booze is 'free'", hmmm? Does this mean that I can grab a bottle
and swig directly from it and not pay anything? If you won't let me,
can I complain to the {random authority figure here} and get the
hosts/caterer/whoever arrested for violating the Utah liquor laws?

I would think that such polite evasions of the law by contrivances
such as charging booze prices for a glass of ice could easily backfire
if a concerted effort was made to take their logical conclusions to
the possible extremes. I encourage everybody going to USENIX to do
just that. It might make swimming through the streets worthwhile...

"If all laws were enforced, all legislators would be dead."


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