W91 USENIX in retrospect

Don Libes libes at cme.nist.gov
Tue Feb 5 03:41:15 AEST 1991

In article <26879 at ucsd.Edu> brian at ucsd.Edu (Brian Kantor) writes:
>Not a bad conference, with several interesting papers and a couple of
>lively panel discussions, as well as the usual highly-informative
>hallway discussions and BOFs, but important things first: the
>hospitality suite ratings.  

Now that we've seen 20 messages describing the window contest, book
selling, lack of dark beer, and hospitality suite analysis comparable
to the best of CNN Gulf War reporting, I'd be interested to read about
the technical aspects.

Would anyone care to summarize some of the best talks and papers?
Bear in mind, most readers don't have the proceedings yet.  Someone
already asked if they are on-line, but I saw no answer.  Perhaps
individuals could post where their papers are.

Perhaps we could start pushing the technical aspects of these
conferences a little harder.  How about naming a "Best Paper" in each
conference?  Maybe in 3 months (to give everyone time to receive and
read the proceedings) we can survey for this honor?

Don Libes          libes at cme.nist.gov      ...!uunet!cme-durer!libes

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