USENIX "89 - Baltimore

John Donnelly johnd at boulder.Colorado.EDU
Tue May 16 23:01:01 AEST 1989

                   BULLETIN!! BULLETIN!!
Pre-registration for the  Summer  1989  Baltimore  Technical
Conference and Exhibition closes 5/19/89 (mail must be post-
marked by 5/19/89).  Save yourselves the  late  registration
fee  ($50  for  the Conference AND $50 for the tutorials) by
sending in your registrations today.
Although none of the tutorials have  yet  closed  out,  pre-
registration  is very high in about half of them.  Don't get
shut out again!  Pre-register now as many of  the  tutorials
will most likely be closed out by the end of May.
Complete  descriptions  of the  individual  tutorial  offer-
ings,  as well as the Conference Agenda, registration infor-
mation, etc., are  contained  in  the  registration   packet
(avialable  by  calling  714-588-UNIX,  or sending e-mail to
uunet!usenix!judy to request  a  registra- tion packet).

John L. Donnelly
USENIX Tutorial Coordinator

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