Spawning an interactive DCL from Eunice

Chip Rosenthal chip at t4test.UUCP
Wed Nov 14 20:33:24 AEST 1984

> From: lwall at sdcrdcf.UUCP (Larry Wall)
> Date: 9 Nov 84 19:02:59 GMT
> Another limitation is that ^Y won't work.  Woe betide if you say "dir/full"
> in a directory with 1000 versions.  There's no way to stop it short of
> killing the process.

Not true.  When a shell is opened, ^Y is turned off.  The reason is
obvious...ugly things would happen if you did a ^Y in csh and VMS trapped
it.  If you do a "suspend", a simple


will enable ^Y for the duration of the DCL.  (Today's handy hint: define
"Y" as a logical name to do this).  Of course, if you don't enable ^Y you
can always ^O, drum your fingertips merrily on the tabletop for 30 seconds
or so, and then continue on when you get your prompt back.  As ugly as the
^O solution is, it's probably easier (and quicker) than logging on somewhere
else, locating your PID, and stopping it.


Chip Rosenthal, Intel/Santa Clara
{cbosgd,idi,intelca,icalqa,kremvax,qubix,ucscc} ! {t4test,t12tst} ! {chip,news}

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