v06i101: random word-list generator src

Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc allbery at uunet.UU.NET
Mon May 15 13:34:02 AEST 1989

Posting-number: Volume 6, Issue 101
Submitted-by: glenn at osiris.UUCP (Glenn M. Mason)
Archive-name: rwords

[I fixed "dummyshar" this time; the file size is reported correctly.  ++bsa]

Here is the source for a simple, but very useful program for generating
random word lists. Rwords is useful for generating input for testing
software, such as debugging btree-lib code, etc. I compiled and tested
this program on a Sun-3/60 and a Sun-4(SunOS-4.0).

I hope that someone may find it useful.

#! /bin/sh
# This file was wrapped with "dummyshar".  "sh" this file to extract.
# Contents:  rwords.c
echo extracting 'rwords.c'
if test -f 'rwords.c' -a -z "$1"; then echo Not overwriting 'rwords.c'; else
sed 's/^X//' << \EOF > 'rwords.c'
X *  rwords - a random word list generator
X *
X *  rwords [-fdictfile] n
X *
X *  Rwords generates a random list of words from /usr/dict/words
X *  or an alternate user-specified word list file with the same
X *  format as /usr/dict/words. A number, n, must be specified on
X *  the command line which is the number of words to generate; n
X *  must be greater that 0.  Words will be multiply generated in
X *  the case where n is greater than the number of words in the word
X *  file (note also that there is a very small probability that all
X *  words in the word file will be generated in any case)
X *
X *  Glenn M. Mason,  May 1989
X *  (C)Laboratory for Applied Research in Academic Information
X *  The William H. Welch Medical Library,
X *  The Johns Hopkins University
X *
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <ctype.h>
X#include <fcntl.h>
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include <sys/stat.h>
X#include <sys/file.h>
X#include <sys/timeb.h>
X#define DICT "/usr/dict/words"
Xint argc;
Xchar *argv[];
X	char *words,usage[80];
X	struct stat sbuf;
X	char wbuf[BUFSIZ];
X	int fd,nw,nread;
X	register char *p,*q;
X	sprintf(usage,"Usage: %s [-fwordlist] n\n",argv[0]);
X	if (argc < 2)
X		fail(usage,0);
X	words = DICT;
X	if (argc > 2) {
X		if (strncmp(argv[1],"-f",2))
X			fail(usage,0);
X		if (argv[1][2] == NULL)
X			fail(usage,0);
X		words = &argv[1][2];
X		nw = atoi(argv[2]);
X	}
X	else
X		nw = atoi(argv[1]);
X	if (nw == 0) {
X		sprintf(usage,"%s: specify number of words > 0\n",argv[0]);
X		fail(usage,0);
X	}
X	if ((fd = open(words,O_RDONLY)) == -1)
X		fail(words,1);
X	if (fstat(fd,&sbuf) == -1)
X		fail("fstat",1);
X	if (!(sbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG)) {
X		sprintf(usage,"%s: not a regular file\n",words);
X		fail(usage,0);
X	}
X	srand48(time((time_t*)0));  /*non-repeating sequences*/
X	while (nw > 0) {
X		long r = lrand48()%sbuf.st_size;
X		if (r < 2L)  /* prob. at 1st byte = first word */
X			r = 0L;
X		if (lseek(fd,(off_t)r,L_SET) == (off_t)-1)
X			fail("lseek",1);
X		if ((nread = read(fd,wbuf,sizeof(wbuf))) == -1)
X			fail("read",1);
X		if (nread < sizeof(wbuf))
X			wbuf[nread] = NULL;
X		p = wbuf;
X		if (r != 0L) {
X			for (;*p != NULL && *p != '\n';p++)
X				;
X			p++;
X		}
X		if (*p == NULL)  /*EOF*/
X			continue;
X		for (q = p;*q != NULL && *q != '\n';q++)
X			;
X		if (*q == NULL)  /*try again*/
X			continue;
X		else
X			*q = NULL;  /*... a word!*/
X		nw--;
X		puts(p);
X	}
X	exit(0);
Xfail (s,flg)
Xchar *s;
Xint flg;
X	if (flg)
X		perror(s);
X	else
X		fputs(s,stderr);
X	exit(1);
chars=`wc -c < 'rwords.c'`
if test $chars !=     2483; then echo 'rwords.c' is $chars characters, should be     2483 characters!; fi
exit 0

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