v17i099: calentool - day/week/month/year-at-a-glance SunView tool, Part18/23

Bill Randle billr at saab.CNA.TEK.COM
Sun Apr 7 10:55:10 AEST 1991

Submitted-by: Bill Randle <billr at saab.CNA.TEK.COM>
Posting-number: Volume 17, Issue 99
Archive-name: calentool/part18

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file".  To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c".  You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g..  If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
#		"End of archive 18 (of 23)."
# Contents:  Makefile dates/lives1 dates/music dates/television
#   week.cursor
# Wrapped by billr at saab on Thu Mar 28 08:38:29 1991
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'Makefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Makefile'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Makefile'\" \(7240 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Makefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# $Header: Makefile,v 2.7 91/03/27 17:01:26 billr Exp $
X#C DEFINES (make macro DEFINES):
X# (These can all be set in ct.h also)
X#SUN3_5	      Define this if using SunOS 3.5 or earlier
X#DATELIB_DIR  Directory containing the Date Library
X#PRINT_CMD    Command to send postscript to appropriate printer (=\"...\")
X#NR_WEEKDAYS  Define to number of days in week to display (5-7)
X#START_HOUR   What is first hour of day to display
X#END_HOUR     What is last hour of day to display
X#N_NOTESLOTS  What is the number of note slots to display
X#START_YEAR   What is first year of calendar to display
X#NR_YEARS     How many years to display.
X#UPDATE_RATE  How often to perform updates (second or minute)?
X#MAILPROG     Mailer for -m option
X#HOUR_24      For 12 or 24 hour time formats
X#MON_FIRST    For Sun-Sat or Mon-Sun week formats
X#APPT_CHECK_LIMIT What limits to check for appointments (see ct.h)
X#LANGUAGE     Enable PostScript code for extended character sets
X#NO_PRINTER   No printing is supported
X#RASTER_ONLY  Define if no PostScript printer available.
X#NO_HOLIDAYS  No holiday display is supported
X#NO_SUN_MOON  No sun and moon phase info is supported
X#NO_DEFAULTS  SunView defaults file is not used (saves linking in
X#		pixrect library when making calencheck)
X#CALENCHECK   Ifdefs out parts of files for calencheck program
X#LOCATION     Geographic coordinates of this physical location (if known).
X#[121-08'-56"W x 44-15'-15"N == Redmond, Oregon, USA]
X#[122-15'-12"W x 37-29'-00"N == Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA, USA]
X#If the longitude is not known, the local time offset is derived
X#from the timezone information (tzp.tz_minuteswest). If the
X#latitude is not known, the default used is 34-0'-0" - the approximate
X#centerline of the U.S.
X#To find your local coordinates, call the local Flight Service Station
X#(in the U.S., look under Transportation, Department of - FSS) and
X#ask for the latitude and longitude of your local airport. That
X#will probably be close enough.  Other useful sources are a local
X#planetarium, science museum, Dept. of Astronomy, or library.
X#LONG_DEGREES Degrees part of site longitude
X#LONG_MINUTES Minutes part of site longitude
X#LONG_SECONDS Seconds part of site longitude
X#LAT_DEGREES Degrees part of site latitude
X#LAT_MINUTES Minutes part of site latitude
X#LAT_SECONDS Seconds part of site latitude
X#BINDIR       Where to install binaries
X#LIBDIR       Where to install date files and utility binaries
X#MANDIR       Where to install man pages
X#DEFSDIR      Where to install calentool default values
X# make sure LIBDIR here matches DATELIB_DIR in ct.h (or use -D)
XBINDIR = /usr/local/bin
XLIBDIR = /usr/local/lib/calentool
XMANDIR = /usr/man/manl
XDEFSDIR = /usr/lib/defaults
XCC = cc
X	-DPRINT_CMD=\"lpr -Plw\"
X# Comment this out to use the defaults in riseset.h
X# Warning: file wpaint.c must not be compiled with -O[n] option in
X# SunOS 4.x - causes screen update problems.
XLIBS=	-lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect -lm
X# Uncomment -lpixrect portion for SunOS with shared libs (i.e. > 4.0)
X# if NO_DEFAULTS is *not* defined. [Due to a bug in SunOS.] Otherwise,
X# just uncomment the -lsunwindow portion.
XCC_LIBS= -lm #-lsunwindow -lpixrect
XDATEFILES= dates/CREDITS dates/README dates/ancient dates/can_holiday\
X	 dates/celtic dates/computing dates/events1 dates/events2\
X	 dates/events3 dates/events4 dates/events5 dates/events6\
X	 dates/gdead dates/hawaii dates/literature dates/lives1 dates/lives2\
X	 dates/lives3 dates/lives4 dates/lives5 dates/lives6 dates/lotr\
X	 dates/movies dates/music dates/radio dates/sfo dates/space\
X	 dates/sports dates/television dates/usa_holiday dates/usa_other\
X	 dates/usa_states dates/witchcraft dates/world
XSRCS=	calentool.c common.c datelib.o devent.c dpaint.c event.c\
X	 expire.c holidays.c init.c moon.c mpaint.c notify.c pcal.c\
X	 pcaldw.c printer.c ras2ps.c riseset.c tool.c utils.c\
X	 version.c wevent.c wpaint.c ypaint.c
XINCLUDES= ct.h event.h paint.h patchlevel.h riseset.h
XOBJS=	calentool.o ct_common.o ct_datelib.o devent.o dpaint.o event.o\
X	 expire.o holidays.o init.o moon.o mpaint.o notify.o pcal.o\
X	 pcaldw.o printer.o ras2ps.o riseset.o tool.o ct_utils.o\
X	 version.o wevent.o wpaint.o ypaint.o
XCC_OBJS = calencheck.o cc_common.o cc_datelib.o cc_utils.o
Xall: calentool calencheck conv_tools
X# the main program
Xcalentool: ${OBJS}
X	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o calentool ${OBJS} ${LIBS}
Xcalentool.o: calentool.c ct.h std.icon rev.icon nap.icon
Xct_common.o: common.c ct.h
X	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c common.c
X	mv common.o ct_common.o
Xct_datelib.o: datelib.c
X	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c datelib.c
X	mv datelib.o ct_datelib.o
Xdevent.o: devent.c ct.h event.h
Xdpaint.o: dpaint.c ct.h paint.h riseset.h
Xexpire.o: expire.c ct.h
Xholidays.o: holidays.c
Xinit.o: init.c ct.h
Xmoon.o: moon.c
Xmpaint.o: mpaint.c ct.h paint.h
Xnotify.o: notify.c ct.h
Xevent.o: event.c ct.h event.h
Xpcal.o: pcal.c ct.h
Xpcaldw.o: pcaldw.c ct.h
Xprinter.o: printer.c ct.h
Xras2ps.o: ras2ps.c
Xriseset.o: riseset.c riseset.h
X	${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LOCATION} -c riseset.c
Xtool.o: tool.c ct.h
Xct_utils.o: utils.c ct.h
X	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c utils.c
X	mv utils.o ct_utils.o
Xversion.o: version.c
Xwevent.o: wevent.c ct.h event.h
Xwpaint.o: wpaint.c ct.h paint.h
X	${CC} ${WP_CFLAGS} -c wpaint.c
Xypaint.o: ypaint.c ct.h paint.h
X# the calencheck program
Xcalencheck: ${CC_OBJS}
X	${CC} ${CC_CFLAGS} -o calencheck ${CC_OBJS} ${CC_LIBS}
Xcc_utils.o: utils.c ct.h
X	${CC} ${CC_CFLAGS} -c utils.c
X	mv utils.o cc_utils.o
Xcc_common.o: common.c ct.h
X	${CC} ${CC_CFLAGS} -c common.c
X	mv common.o cc_common.o
Xcc_datelib.o: datelib.c
X	${CC} ${CC_CFLAGS} -c datelib.c
X	mv datelib.o cc_datelib.o
X# conversion utilities
Xconv_tools: cal2ct month2ct mt2ct
Xmt2ct:	mt2ct.o put_aentry.o
X	cc -o mt2ct ${CFLAGS} mt2ct.o put_aentry.o
Xmonth2ct:	month2ct.o put_aentry.o read_sched.o
X	cc -o month2ct ${CFLAGS} month2ct.o put_aentry.o read_sched.o
Xcal2ct:	cal2ct.o put_aentry.o
X	cc -o cal2ct ${CFLAGS} cal2ct.o put_aentry.o
Xinstall: all
X	install -s calentool ${BINDIR}
X	install -s calencheck ${BINDIR}
X	install -c -m 444 calentool.1 ${MANDIR}/calentool.${MANEXT}
X	install -c -m 444 calencheck.1 ${MANDIR}/calencheck.${MANEXT}
X	install -c -m 444 CalenTool.d ${DEFSDIR}/CalenTool.d
X	-mkdir ${LIBDIR}
X	install -s cal2ct ${LIBDIR}
X	install -s month2ct ${LIBDIR}
X	install -s mt2ct ${LIBDIR}
X	install -c -m 444 mt2ct.1 ${MANDIR}/mt2ct.${MANEXT}
X	cd ${MANDIR}; \
X		rm -f cal2ct.${MANEXT}; \
X		ln -s mt2ct.${MANEXT} cal2ct.${MANEXT};
X	cd ${MANDIR}; \
X		rm -f month2ct.${MANEXT}; \
X		ln -s mt2ct.${MANEXT} month2ct.${MANEXT};
X	rm -f calentool calencheck cal2ct month2ct mt2ct *.o *.BAK core *~ #*#
X# If you are using GNU make, the following statement will cause it to
X# ignore any (bogus) files named `clean', `all', etc.; if you are using
X# the standard Sun or bsd make, it won't hurt anything...
X.PHONY: clean install all
if test 7240 -ne `wc -c <'Makefile'`; then
    echo shar: \"'Makefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Makefile'
if test -f 'dates/lives1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dates/lives1'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'dates/lives1'\" \(29768 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'dates/lives1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# CalenTool V2.2 - nflag=1 range=1,2 - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
X# $Header: lives1,v 1.1 91/03/07 16:18:52 billr Exp $
X# (Jan-Feb)
X# Famous people's births, deaths and marriages file for calentool
X# extracted from ProLine's today file and Today in History provided
X# by Robert Heckendorn at Hewlett-Packard in Fort Collins, Colorado.
X# converted to calentool format by lwv27%cas.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu.
X# There may be duplicates where I don't have a definitive correct
X# date.  billr at saab.cna.tek.com
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Hank Williams, country singer, dies (1953)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 J. Edgar Hoover, first director of the FBI, is born (1895)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 J.D. Salinger is born (1919)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Lorenzo de Medici, Florentine ruler was born (1449)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 Robert Marshall, for whom the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Alaska was named, is born (1901)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 Father Damien, helped the lepers in Hawaii. (1840)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 J.R.R. Tolkien, the REAL Lord of the Rings. (1892)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 Mel Gibson, actor and hunk, is born (1951)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 Charles Stratton (alias General Tom Thumb, famous short person) (1838)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 Dyan Cannon, the actress, is born in Tacoma, Washington (1937)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American born Catholic saint, dies in Emmitsburg, Maryland (1921)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 Louis Braille, blind educator, inventor of Braille alphabet, is born in Coupvray, France (1809)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 Sir Issac Newton (1643)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot, the poet dies at 76 (1965)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 Tiny Tim, the dwarf made famous by P. T. Barnum, is born (1838)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 Calvin Coolidge dies (1933)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 Grace Kelly announces engagement to Prince Ranier (1956)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 King Camp Gillette, inventor of the safety razor (1855)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 Stephen Decatur, early American Naval hero (1779)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 Zebulon Pike, the explorer, is born (1779)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Carl Sandburg, poet and biographer, is born in Illinois (1878)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Charles Sumner, leading Reconstruction Senator (1811)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Danny Thomas, actor and comedian, is born (1914)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Earl Scruggs, bluegrass musical performer, is born (1924)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 George Washington and Martha Custis were married (1759)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Jedediah Strong Smith, American fur trader and explorer, is born (1799)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 John DeLorean, automaker and entrepreneur, is born (1925)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Khalil Gibran, metaphysical author, is born in Lebanon (1883)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 King Henry VIII marries his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves. The marriage will last about six months. (1540)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Loretta Young, actress, is born (1913)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Samuel Rayburn, Speaker of the House (1940 - 1957) (1882)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Sherlock Holmes is born (1854)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Syd Barrett, born Roger Keith Barrett (Cambridge, 1946)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Theodore Roosevelt died at his home in Oyster Bay, NY (1919)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Tradition says that Joan of Arc was born on this day (1412)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 Emperor Hirohito of Japan dies of cancer. He is succeeded by his son Akihito, a fish biologist. (1989)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 George Burns and Gracie Allen marry (1926)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 Millard Fillmore, 13th President (1850-1853) (1800)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Chou En-lai, Chinese premier, dies (1976)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 David Bowie born David Robert Jones (London, 1947)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Elvis Presley, early rock performer and truck driver, is born (1935)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Frank Nelson Doubleday, publisher & founder of Doubleday & Co. (1862)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Lord Baden-Powell, philanthopist and founder of the Boy Scouts, dies (1941)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Nicholas Biddle, made 2nd Bank of US 1st effective central bank. (1786)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Sir Frank Dyson, proved Einstein right about light bent by gravity (1868)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Tod Brannan (1946)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 the passing of Norton I, Emperor of the US, Protector of Mexico (1880)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Astronomer Caroline Herschel, publisher of "Herschel's Catalog of Stars" and sister of William, dies at 97 (1848)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Bob Denver, actor played Gilligan on "Gilligan's Island", is born (1935)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Chic Young, creator of the "Blondie" comic strip. (1901)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Gypsy Rose Lee, entertainer and author, is born (1914)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 James Patrick Page (Led Zeppelin) born (Middlesex, England, 1945)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Joan Baez, folk singer, is born on Staten Island, New York (1941)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Joseph B. Strauss, civil engineer & builder of Golden Gate Bridge. (1870)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Karel Capek, Czech author and originator of the term robot, is born (1890)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Richard M. Nixon, 37th President (1968-1974) (1913)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Simone de Beauvoir, feminist, born (1908)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Blues guitarist Howlin' Wolf dies (Chicago, 1976)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Buffalo Bill Cody dies in Denver, Colorado (1917)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Coco Chanel, the fashion designer, dies (1971)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Dashiell Hammett, the author, dies (1961)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Ethan Allen, Revolutionary War fighter (lead the Green Mtn Boys) (1738)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Frederick Gardner Cottrell, invented the elecrostatic precipitator, used for polution control and air ionizers. (1877)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Jim Croce born (Phildelphia, 1943)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Pat Benatar born (Long Island, 1952)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Ray Bolger, the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz, is born (1904)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Rod Stewart born (Glasgow, Scotland, 1945)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Aldo Leopold, ecological writer, is born (1897)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Ezra Cornell, founded Western Union Telegraph & Cornell University. (1807)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky, Russian author, is born (1821)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Francis Scott Key, the author of "Star Spangled Banner", dies (1843)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Thomas Hardy, the English author, dies (1928)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 "Long" John Baldry born (London, 1941)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 Agatha Christie, mystery writer, dies (1976)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 Herman Goering, Nazi field marshal, is born (1893)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 Isaac Pitman, the inventor of shorthand, dies (1897)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 Jack London, author and adventurer, born (1876)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 John Hancock (1737)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 John Winthrop, 1st governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (1588)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 Tex Ritter, western folk singer, is born (1907)
X** 01 13 99 99 00 Horatio Alger, Jr. (1832)
X** 01 13 99 99 00 James Joyce dies (1941)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Benedict Arnold, fink (1741)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, dies (1898)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Donna Reed, actress, dies of cancer (1986)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Edmond Halley dies (1742)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Hal Roach, early film director and producer. (1892)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Humphrey Bogart dies (1957)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Ray Kroc, founder of the McDonald's empire, dies (1984)
X** 01 15 99 99 00 Charo, entertainer, is born (1951)
X** 01 15 99 99 00 Edward Teller, fathered the H-bomb. (1908)
X** 01 15 99 99 00 Fanny Farmer, cook and writer, dies (1915)
X** 01 15 99 99 00 Martin Luther King, Jr., dreamer (1929)
X** 01 15 99 99 00 Ray Bolger, the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, dies (1987)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 Carole Lombard, actress, her mother and about 20 others are killed in a plane crash near Las Vegas, during a tour to promote War Bonds (1942)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 Edmund Spenser, the poet, dies (1599)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 Ernie Kovacs, comedian, dies in automobile crash (1962)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 Ethel Merman, actress and singer, is born (1908)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 Robert Service, Canadian author, is born (1874)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Al Capone, mobster, is born (1899)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Anton Chekhov, the writer, is born (1860)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Charles Brockden Brown, father of the American novel. (1771)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Juliette Low, founder of the Girl Scouts, dies (1927)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Mack Sennett, created Keystone Kops (1880)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Muhammed Ali, who floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee. (1942)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 A. A. Milne, author of "Winnie the Pooh", is born (1882)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Cary Grant, actor, is born (1904)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Daniel Webster, early American orator and politician. (1782)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Henry Morgan, the pirate, captured Panama on behalf of England and was knighted regardless of his ruthless techniques (1671)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Joseph Farwell Glidden, invented 1st commercially useable barbed wire (1813)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Oliver Hardy, of the comedy team Laurel and Hardy. (1892)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Peter Roget, of Thesaurus fame, invented Slide Rule, pocket chessboard (1779)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Rudyard Kipling, author, dies (1936)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Sir Thomas Octave Sopwith, aviator, airplane builder, Sopwith Pup, Sopwith Camel, Hurricane, and the Harrier VTOL, born (1888)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Thomas A. Watson, needed by Bell. (1854)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 Dolly Parton, buxom singer, composer, is born in Sevierville, Tenn. (1946)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 James Watt, inventor of the practical steam engine, is born (1736)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 Paul Cezanne, the artist, was born (1839)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 Phil Everly (of the Everly Brothers) is born (1939)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Andre-Marie Ampere, French physicist and mathematician, is born in Lyon (1775)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Barbara Stanwyck, actress, dies (1990)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 DeForest Kelley, Dr. McCoy in Star Trek, is born in Atlanta, Georgia (1920)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Dmitri Mendeleyev, chemist, formulated the periodic table of the elements, dies in St. Petersburg, Russia (1907)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, American astronaut, is born in New Jersey (1930)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Federico Fellini, film director, is born in Italy (1920)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 George Burns (Nathan Birnbaum), comedian, born in New York, NY (1896)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 John Ruskin, philosopher, dies (1900)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Johnny Weismuller, Tarzan, actor and swimmer, dies at 79 in Acapulco (1984)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Benny Hill, comedian, is born (1925)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Cecil B. De Mille, film producer, dies (1959)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Eric Arthur Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell) dies in London (1950)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Horace Wells, dentist, pioneer in use of medical anethesia. (1815)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 John C Fremont, mapmaker & explorer of Western US (1813)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 John Fitch, had a working steamboat years before Fulton. (1743)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Joseph Scaliger, the chronologist and inventor of the Julian date, dies (1609)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Louis XVI is beheaded by the guillotine of the French revolution (1793)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Telly Savalas, actor, is born (1924)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Vladimir Lenin, the revolutionary, dies of a stroke (1924)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Wolfman Jack, radio personality, is born (1949)
X** 01 22 99 99 00 Lord Byron, poet, lover, revolutionary, is born (1788)
X** 01 22 99 99 00 Molly Pitcher, distinguished herself in the battle of Monmouth during the Revolutionary War, dies (1832)
X** 01 22 99 99 00 Queen Victoria, long time queen of England, dies at her winter home on the Isle of Wight (1901)
X** 01 22 99 99 00 Sam Cooke born (Chicago, 1935)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 Ernie Kovacs, American comedian, is born (1919)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 Ernst Abbe, formulated diffraction theory, is born (1840)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 John Hancock, first signer of the Declaration of Independence and first governor of Massachusetts, is born (1737)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 Joseph Hewes, American revolutionary leader, born (1730)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 Salvador Dali, Spanish surrealist painter and founder of the movement, dies (1989)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 Samuel Barber, the American composer, dies (1981)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 Wolfgang A. Mozart, musical prodigy (1756)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Edith Wharton, American author, is born (1862)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Ernst Heinrich Heinkel, built 1st rocket-powered aircraft. (1888)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 John Belushi born (Chicago, 1949)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Lord Randolph Churchill, English statesman, dies (1895)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Ted Bundy, confessed serial murderer of over 21 (possibly as many as 100) women during a period of 15 years, is executed (1989)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 Ava Gardner, actress, dies (1990)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 J. L. Lagrange born (1736)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 Nellie Bly (Elizabeth Cochran Seaman), American journalist, went around the world in 72 days (1890)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 Robert Burns, poet, born (1759)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 Somerset Maugham, poet (1874)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 Virginia Woolf, novelist and critic, born (1882)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 W. Somerset Maugham, author, born (1874)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Angela Davis, is born (1944)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Douglas MacArthur, he did return (1880)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Jules Feiffer, satiric cartoonist, is born (1929)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Paul Newman, actor, is born in Cleveland, Ohio (1925)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Bobby "Blue" Bland (Robert Calvin Bland) born (TN, 1930)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (you know him as Lewis Carroll) (1832)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, writer and mathematician, is born in Cheshire (1832)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Dmitri Mendeleyev, chemist, formulated the periodic table of elements, is born in Tobolsk, Russia (1834)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Giuseppe Verdi, composer of "La Traviata and Rigoletto", dies in Milan (1901)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 John James Audubon, naturalist and painter, dies (1851)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Samuel Gompers, 1st president of the American Federation of Labor (1850)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Sir Thomas Octave Sopwith, aviator, airplane builder, Sopwith Pup , Sopwith Camel, Hurricane, and the Harrier VTOL, dies (1988)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born (Salzburg, 1756)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 Colette (Sidonie Gabrielle Claudine), French novelist, is born (1873)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 Johannes Hevelius dies (1687)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 Seth Thomas, American clock maker, dies (1859)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 William Seward Burroughs, invented recording adding machine. (1855)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Allen B DuMont, perfected 1st commercially practical cathode ray tube (1901)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Anton Chekhov, writer (The Cherry Orchard) (1860)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Claude William Dukenfield (better known as W.C. Fields) (1880)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 John Davison Rockefeller, industrialist and philanthropist, is born (1838)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Lawrence Hargrave, invented the box kite (1850)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Thomas Paine, American author and Revolutionary leader, is born (1737)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Tom Selleck who plays Magnum PI was born in Detroit (1945)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 W.C. Fields, American entertainer, is born (1880)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 William McKinley, 25th President (1897-1901) (1843)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 Carol Channing, actress, born (1923)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 Chief Osceola, Seminole leader, dies in prison. (1835)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President (1933-1945) (Hyde Park, NY 1882)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 Lightnin' Hopkins, most-recorded blues artist, dies (1982)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 Mohandas Gandhi assassinated by Hindu fanatic (New Delhi, 1948)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 Vanessa Redgrave, actress and activist, is born (1937)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Anna Pavlova, the Russian ballerina, is born (1885)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Eddie Slovik is executed (1945)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Franz Schubert, composer, born in Vienna (1797)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Irving Langmuir invented the tungsten filament lamp (1881)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Jackie Robinson, 1st black major league baseball player (1919)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 James G. Blaine, the 'Plumed Knight'. (1830)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 James Watt, highly criticized Secretary of Interior and professional tool of big industry, is born (1938)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Tallulah Bankhead, actress, is born in Huntsville, Alabama (1903)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Zane Gray, American West novelist (1872)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 Clark Gable, the actor, is born (1901)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 Don Everly, of the Everly Brothers, is born (1937)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 John Ford, the film maker, is born (1895)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 Sidney Joseph Perelman, American author, is born (1904)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 Buddy Holly, the singer, dies (1959)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 Fred Flintstone's birthday 
X** 02 02 99 99 00 Graham Nash born (Lancashire, England, 1942)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 James Joyce, novelist, is born in Dublin (1882)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 Nell Gwynn, actress and mistress of King Charles II, is born (1650)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 Talleyrand, French statesman & diplomat. (1754)
X** 02 03 99 99 00 Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper die in plane crash (1959)
X** 02 03 99 99 00 Elizabeth Blackwell, 1st woman to get MD from a US Medical school. (1821)
X** 02 03 99 99 00 Gertrude Stein, poet, novelist, is born (1874)
X** 02 03 99 99 00 Horace Greeley, journalist, born in Amherst New Hampshire (1811)
X** 02 03 99 99 00 Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Felix Mendelssohn), the composer, is born in Hamburg (1809)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 Charles Lindbergh, aviator, is born in Detroit (1902)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 Clyde Tombaugh born (1906)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 Francois Rabelais, French author and humanist, is born (1494)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 Liberace (Wladzio Valentino), pianist and entertainer, dies of AIDS related disease (1987)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 William Dudley ("Big Bill") Haywood, American labor leader who founded I.W.W., is born (1869)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 Alex Harvey (SAHB) born (Glasgow, Scotland, 1935)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 Andre-Gustave Citroen, French automaker (1878)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 John Boyd Dunlop, developed the pneumatic rubber tire. (1840)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 Sir Robert Peel, Prime Minister, founder of London Police force, is born (1788)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 William Seward Burroughs, inventor of the adding machine, is born (1914)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Aaron Burr (1756)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Barbara Tuchman, historian and author "A Distant Mirror", dies (1989)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Bob Marley, reggae singer, is born (1945)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 George Herman Ruth ('Babe Ruth'), baseball legend, (1885)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 King George VI of UK dies; his daughter becomes Elizabeth II (1952)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Patrick Macnee, actor, is born (1922)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Ronald Reagan, 40th President (1981-1988) (1911)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Tom Brokaw, television newsman, is born (1940)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Charles Dickens, author, "David Copperfield", is born (1812)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Eubie Blake, composer (1883)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Frederick Douglas, 1st black to hold high rank in US government (1817)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 John Deere, pioneer manufacturer of agricultural implements. (1804)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of "Little House on the Prairie" series, is born (1867)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Philippe Buache, geographer, devised contour lines for maps (1700)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Sinclair Lewis, novelist, author of "Babbitt", is born (1885)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Sir Thomas More, humanist, philosopher, statesman, is born in London (1478)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Chester F. Carlson, invented xerography (xeroxing) (1906)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Friedleib F. Runge, father of paper chromatography (1795)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Jack Lemmon, actor, (1925)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 James Dean, American actor, is born (1931)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Jules Verne, author, born (Nantes, France, 1828)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Lana Turner the actress is born (1920)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Mary Queen of Scots is beheaded (1587)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 The Viceroy of India is murdered (1872)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 William Tecumseh Sherman, Civil War general. (1820)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 Agnes Sorel, mistress of Charles VII of France, dies (1450)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 Carole King, American singer, is born (Brooklyn, 1941)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 Ernest Tubb, American country music star, is born (1914)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 George Hartmann born, designed astrolabes, timepieces, etc. (1489)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 Gypsy Rose Lee, stripper and author, was born naked (1914)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 Lord Darnley, consort of Mary, Queen of Scots, is murdered (1567)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 William Henry Harrison, 9th President (March 4-April 4, 1841) (1773)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Bertolt Brecht, German poet and playwright, is born (1898)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Boris Pasternak, author of "Dr. Zhivago", is born (1890)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Charles Lamb, English critic and essayist, born (1775)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Leontyne Price, opera singer, is born (1927)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Queen Victoria marries Prince Albert (Francis-Albert-Augustus-Charles-Emmanuel, Duke of Saxe, Prince of Saxe-Colburg and Gotha) (1840)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Robert Wagner, actor, is born (1930)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Roberta Flack, singer, is born (1940)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Tom Thumb and Mercy Lavinia Warren, famous midget couple, wed (1863)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 William Allen White born (1868)
X** 02 11 99 99 00 Rene Descartes the French philosopher dies (1650)
X** 02 11 99 99 00 Thomas Edison, the inventor and holder of over 1000 patents, is born (1847)
X** 02 11 99 99 00 William Henry Fox Talbot, photographic pioneer, is born (1489)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Abraham Lincoln, 16th President (1861-1865) (1809)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Catherine Howard the fifth wife of Henry VIII is beheaded (1542)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Charles Darwin born in Shrewsbury, England (1809)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 General of the Army Omar Bradley, 'The GI General' (1893)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Lady Jane Grey was Queen of England for nine days. She and her husband were executed on this day. (1554)
X** 02 13 99 99 00 Bess Truman, married to President Harry Truman (1885)
X** 02 13 99 99 00 David Dudley Field, lawyer whose advocacy of law codification (1805)had international effects.
X** 02 13 99 99 00 Randolph Churchill, English politician and father of Winston Churchill, was born (1849)
X** 02 13 99 99 00 Richard Wagner, composer, dies (1883)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Benny Kubelski, aka Jack Benny.  Oh, Rochester (1894)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Florence Henderson, actress and singer, is born (1934)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Gregory Hines, actor and dancer, is born (1946)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Hugh Downs, TV personality, is born (1921)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 St. Valentine beheaded (278)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Thomas Malthus, English economist, is born. (1766)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 Galileo Galilei born (Pisa, Italy, 1564)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 Henry Engelhard Steinway, piano maker (1797)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 John Augustus Sutter (1803)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 Richard Feynman, winner of Nobel prize in physics, educator, philosopher, bongo player, dies (1988)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 Susan B. Anthony, American women's suffrage advocate, born (1820)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Giordano Bruno burned at stake (1600)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Henry Walter Bates, naturalist and explorer of South America, is born (1892)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 John Schlesinger, movie director, is born (1926)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 LeVar Burton, actor, Lt. LeForge on "Star Trek, the Next Generation", is born (1957)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Pierre Bouguer, founder of photometry, is born (1698)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Robert Flaherty, father of the documentary film. (1884)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 "Red" Barber, pioneering sportscaster born (1908)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 A. Montgomery Ward, found mail-order a nice business. (1844)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Frederick Eugene Ives, inventor, pioneer of halftone photoengraving process and color photography, is born (1856)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Hal Holbrook, actor, is born (1925)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Jazz great Thelonius Monk dies (Englewood, NJ, 1982)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere, playwright, author, actor, died on stage while playing the part of a sick man in his "Le Malade Imaginaire" (1673)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Marion Anderson, American contralto, is born (1902)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Thomas J. Watson, Sr. born (1874), founder of IBM
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Andre Breton, French author and critic, is born (1896)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, invented the electric battery, (1745)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Cybill Shepherd, actress, is born (1950)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Ernst Mach, philosopher and optics pioneer, is born (1838)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Helen Gurley Brown, Cosmo editor, is born (1922)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Jack Palance, actor, is born (1919)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 John Travolta, actor and dancer, is born (1954)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Louis Comfort Tiffany, glassmaker (1848)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation in Germany, dies (1546)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Matt Dillon, actor, is born (1964)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Michelangelo Buonarroti, sculptor, architect and painter, born in Caprese, Italy (1564)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Molly Ringwald, actress, is born (1968)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Queen Mary (Bloody Mary) is born (1516)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Vanna White, game show hostess, is born (1957)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Wallace Stegner, ecological author, is born (1909)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Yoko Ono, John Lennon's wife, is born (Tokyo, 1933)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Ernst Mach, physicist, philosopher, dies (1916)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 HRH Prince Andrew, second son of Elizabeth II is born (1960)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Karen Silkwood, plutonium plant worker, is born (1946)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Nicolas Copernicus born (Thorn, Poland, 1473)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Nicolaus Copernicus (1473)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 William "Smokey" Robinson born (Detroit, 1940)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Ansel Adams, photographer, was born (1902)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Buffy Sainte-Marie, singer, songwriter, is born (1941)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Gloria Vanderbilt, fashion designer, is born (1924)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 J. Geils (J. Geils Band) born (1946)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Ludwig Boltzmann, atomic physics pioneer, is born (1838)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Robert Altman, movie director, is born (1925)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Sandy Duncan, actress, is born (1946)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Sidney Poitier, actor, is born (1924)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Voltaire, the French philosopher is born (1694)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 Alexis De Rochon, developed spyglass, born (1838)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 Anais Nin, French-born American author and diarist, is born (1903)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 George Ellery Hale dies (1938)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 Malcolm X shot to death as he was about to speak to a rally of followers in Harlem (1965)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 W.H. Auden, English-born American author, is born (1907)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Andy Warhol, creator of the Pop art movement, dies (1987)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 David Susskind, talk show producer and host, dies (1987)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Edna St. Vincent Millay, the American poet, is born in Rockland Maine (1892)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Edward Gorey, slightly morbid cartoonist, is born (1925)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Frederic Chopin, the Polish composer, is born near Warsaw (1810)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 George Washington, Father figure for US, President (1789-1796) (1732)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Johann Nikolaus Forkel, musicologist & 1st biographer of Bach (1749)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 John Jacob Astor, the millionaire, dies (1890)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Luis Bunuel, film director, born in Spain (1900)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen, who found hydrogen in the sun, is born (1838)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Russell Porter dies (1949)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 George Frederick Handel, German born English composer, is born (1685)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 Johnny Winter born (Leland, MS, 1944)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 Samuel Pepys, English author and diarist, is born (1633)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 W. E. B. DuBois, the Black educator, is born (1868)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Admiral Chester Nimitz, in charge of Pacific Fleet in WWII. (1885)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Bluebeard executed for burning ten of his wives (1822)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Charles Le Brun, painter, is born in Paris (1619)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Henery Cavendish, physicist, dies (1810)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Steven Jobs, Apple co-founder. (1955)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Thomas Bowdler, censor and prude, dies (1825)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Winslow Homer, artist, is born in Boston (1836)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 August Renoir, the French impressionist painter, is born (1841)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 Enrico Caruso, singer (1873)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 George Harrison of the Beatles is born in Liverpool, England (1943)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State for President Eisenhower (1888)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 Zeppo Marx, actor, is born (1901)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 Buffalo Bill Cody, frontiersman and impresario, is born (1846)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 Dominique Francois Jean Arago born, first observer of "Poisson's spot". cf. June 21 (1786)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 Herbert Henry Dow, pioneer in US chemical industry (1866)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 John Harvey Kellogg, physician, inspired the flaked cereal industry. (1852)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 Victor Hugo, French author, is born. (1802)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 William "Buffalo Bill" Cody. (1846)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 Elizabeth Taylor, the actress, is born (1929)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the Poet, is born in Portland, Maine (1807)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 Ivan Pavlov, the physiologist and psychologist, dies in Leningrad (1936)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 John Steinbeck, the author, is born. (1902)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 Lawrence Durrell, English author, is born (1912)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 Ralph Nader, ex-Corvair fan (1934)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 Bernadette Peters, actress, is born (1948)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 Linus Pauling, Nobel prize winning chemist, is born (1901)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 Michel de Montaigne, French essayist, is born (1533)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 Swedish Prime Minister Olaf Palme, 59 was shot to death while walking from a movie theater in central Stockholm (1986)
X** 02 29 99 99 00 Herman Hollerith, invented 1st electric tabulating machine. (1860)
X** 02 29 99 99 00 Jimmy Dorsey, musician, born (1904)
if test 29768 -ne `wc -c <'dates/lives1'`; then
    echo shar: \"'dates/lives1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'dates/lives1'
if test -f 'dates/music' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dates/music'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'dates/music'\" \(8286 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'dates/music' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# CalenTool V2.2 - nflag=1 range=1,12 - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
X# $Header: music,v 1.2 91/03/07 16:21:19 billr Exp $
X# Dates for events in the traditional and popular music world
X# Today in History dates provided by Robert Heckendorn at
X# Hewlett-Packard in Fort Collins, Colorado.
X# Any corrections or additions may be sent to robert at fc.hp.com
X# Additional dates provided from ProLine's today file
X# Converted to calentool format by Larry Virden (lwv27%cas.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu)
X# and RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
X# and further edited and merged by Bill Randle (billr at saab.cna.tek.com).
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Led Zeppelin's first album released (1969)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 Premiere of Verdi's opera Il Trovatore in Rome (1853)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 Bob Dylan plays second "Hurricane" benefit (Astrodome, 1978)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 The song "We are the World" is recorded as a benefit to starving Africans (1985)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix headlines Madison Square Garden (1970)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 John Gay's "The Beggar's Opera" is first performed (1728)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 1st jazz record in United States is cut. (1917)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 The first jazz record was cut by "The Original Dixieland Jazz Band" (1917)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Grateful Dead busted (New Orleans, 1970)
X** 02 03 99 99 00 Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, & Big Bopper killed in plane crash ("The Day The Music Died"), outside Mason City, IA (1959)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 Glenn Miller records Tuxedo Junction (1940)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Beatles arrive in America for first time (1964)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Steven Stills makes first digitally recorded rock album (1979)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 The Beatles first visit the United States (1964)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 Beatles appear on the Ed Sullivan show (and American TV) for the first time. (1964)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Beatles play Carnegie Hall (New York City, 1964)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Paul McCartney's "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" banned in Britain (1972)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Yes sells out Madison Square Garden without advertising (1974)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 Vladimir Horowitz, pianist, first performs at Carnegie Hall (1953)
X** 03 03 99 99 00 Buffalo Springfield formed (Los Angeles, 1966)
X** 03 04 99 99 00 Antonio Vivaldi, late Baroque violin virtuoso and composer. (1678)
X** 03 07 99 99 00 Last Gilbert and Sullivan opera produced (1896)
X** 03 13 99 99 00 Allman Brothers record live album (Fillmore East, 1971)
X** 03 21 99 99 00 The Beatles first appeared at the Cavern Club (1961)
X** 03 22 99 99 00 Ten Years After plays their last concert (1974)
X** 03 26 99 99 00 Emerson, Lake, & Palmer record "Pictures at an Exhibition" live (1971)
X** 03 29 99 99 00 Dr. Hook gets group picture on cover of "Rolling Stone" (1973)
X** 04 10 99 99 00 Paul McCartney announces departure from Beatles (1970)
X** 04 13 99 99 00 The twenty-three year old Van Cliburn of Kilgore, Texas wins the Tchaikovsky competition (1958)
X** 04 18 99 99 00 Gene Autry records "Back in the Saddle Again" (1936)
X** 04 18 99 99 00 Yes breaks up after 13 years (1981)
X** 04 19 99 99 00 The musical "Carousel" opens (1945)
X** 04 20 99 99 00 Vladimir Horowitz performs in Moscow for the first time since leaving 60 years earlier (1986)
X** 04 29 99 99 00 "Hair" premiers on Broadway (1968)
X** 05 07 99 99 00 Beethoven's Ninth Symphony presented for first time. (1824)
X** 05 12 99 99 00 Pink Floyd performs first quadrophonic concert (1977)
X** 05 20 99 99 00 The Jimi Hendrix Experience signed by Reprise Records (1967)
X** 05 31 99 99 00 The Who perform loudest concert ever--76,000 watts (1976)
X** 06 01 99 99 00 Beatles release "Sgt. Pepper" (1967)
X** 06 01 99 99 00 The Beatles release their album "Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
X** 06 06 99 99 00 "Rock Around The Clock" makes Billboard's
X** 06 07 99 99 00 Blind Faith debuts in concert (London's Hyde Park, 1969)
X** 06 10 99 99 00 Denver police tear gas Jethro Tull & 2000 fans (Red Rocks, 1971)
X** 06 11 99 99 00 Jelly Roll Morton records "Kansas City Stomp" (1928)
X** 06 16 99 99 00 Monterey Pop festival opens (1967)
X** 06 20 99 99 00 The Tallehatchie Bridge, mentioned in the song "Ode to Billy Joe", is torn down (1972)
X** 06 21 99 99 00 Columbia Records announces first mass production of LPs (1948)
X** 07 02 99 99 00 Felix Pappalardi & Leslie West form Mountain (1969)
X** 07 06 99 99 00 Jefferson Airplane formed (San Francisco, 1965)
X** 07 12 99 99 00 Chicago DJ Steve Dahl holds "Disco Demolition" (Kamisky Park, 1979)
X** 07 17 99 99 00 "Yellow Submarine" premieres (London Pavilion, 1968)
X** 07 25 99 99 00 Bob Dylan goes electric (Newport Folk Festival, 1965)
X** 07 25 99 99 00 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young debut (Fillmore East, 1969)
X** 07 28 99 99 00 Watkins Glen "Summer Jam" opens (1973)
X** 08 01 99 99 00 Concert for Bangla Desh (Madison Square Garden, 1971)
X** 08 04 99 99 00 John Lennon states "the Beatles are more popular than Jesus" (1966)
X** 08 13 99 99 00 Rock group Jefferson Airplane is formed (1965)
X** 08 15 99 99 00 Beatles play Shea Stadium (New York City, 1965)
X** 08 15 99 99 00 Woodstock, 3 day rock concert, begins. 400,000 people show up! (1969)
X** 08 17 99 99 00 The Woodstock Music and Art Fair concluded near Bethel, N.Y. (1969)
X** 08 26 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix gives last performance (Isle of Wight, 1970)
X** 08 26 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix's Electric Ladyland Studios opens (New York City, 1970)
X** 08 29 99 99 00 The Beatles gave their last public concert at Candlestick Park. (1966)
X** 09 09 99 99 00 Ludwig van Beethoven's last public performance. (1825)
X** 09 19 99 99 00 Simon & Garfunkel reunite (Central Park, New York City, 1981)
X** 09 19 99 99 00 The song "Dixie" is first sung by its composer, a blackfaced minstrel singer, Daniel Decatur Emmett (1859)
X** 09 23 99 99 00 "Paul is dead" rumors sweep country (1969)
X** 09 26 99 99 00 John Philip Sousa gives his first public concert, playing for the first time "The Liberty Bell March" (1892)
X** 10 07 99 99 00 Marian Anderson became the first black singer hired by the Metropolitan Opera Company of New York (1954)
X** 10 12 99 99 00 The Jimi Hendrix Experience formed (London, 1966)
X** 10 19 99 99 00 Wagner's opera 'Tannhauser' is performed for first time. (1845)
X** 10 22 99 99 00 The original Metropolitan Opera House in New York held its grand opening (1883)
X** 10 25 99 99 00 Rolling Stones appear on Ed Sullivan Show (1964)
X** 10 27 99 99 00 Opera star Beverly Sills gave her last performance. (1980)
X** 10 28 99 99 00 Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky debuts his 6th Symphony, the "Pathetique" in St. Petersburg (1893)
X** 11 02 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix's "Electric Ladyland" enters U.S. charts at
X** 11 09 99 99 00 First issue of "Rolling Stone" published (1967)
X** 11 15 99 99 00 Al Jolson puts on blackface for the first time (1909)
X** 11 16 99 99 00 Bill Ham first demonstrates psychedelic "Light Show" (1965)
X** 11 21 99 99 00 Jack Benny (Violin) & Richard Nixon (Piano) play their famed duet. (1959)
X** 11 23 99 99 00 Enrico Caruso made his American debut in New York appearing in Rigoletto (1903)
X** 11 25 99 99 00 "The Last Waltz" concert played by The Band at Winterland (1976)
X** 11 25 99 99 00 Johann Strauss, Jr., writes "On the Beautiful Blue Danube" (1867)
X** 11 26 99 99 00 Cream performs their farewell concert at Royal Albert Hall (1968)
X** 11 27 99 99 00 Premier of the Ravel's "Concerto for the Left Hand" (1931)
X** 12 03 99 99 00 Montreux Casino burns down during Frank Zappa concert (1971)
X** 12 06 99 99 00 Rolling Stones play Altamont Speedway (near San Francisco, 1969)
X** 12 09 99 99 00 The Who's "Tommy" premieres (London, 1973)
X** 12 13 99 99 00 George Gershwin's composition "An American in Paris" makes its debut in Carnegie hall (1928)
X** 12 16 99 99 00 Don McLean's "American Pie" released (1971)
X** 12 23 99 99 00 First Gilbert & Sullivan collaboration, Thespis (1871)
X** 12 24 99 99 00 Luisa Tetrazzini sings to 250,000 people at Lotta's Fountain. (1910)
X** 12 25 99 99 00 John Philip Sousa composes "Stars and Stripes Forever" (1896)
X** 12 25 99 99 00 The Christmas Carol "Silent Night" was song for the first time at the Church of St. Nikolaus in Oberndorff, Austria (1818)
X** 12 27 99 99 00 "Sweet Adaline", a barbershop quartet favorite, is 1st sung. (1903)
X** 12 31 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix introduces Band of Gypsies at Fillmore East (1969)
if test 8286 -ne `wc -c <'dates/music'`; then
    echo shar: \"'dates/music'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'dates/music'
if test -f 'dates/television' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dates/television'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'dates/television'\" \(6728 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'dates/television' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# CalenTool V2.2 - nflag=1 range=1,12 - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
X# $Header: television,v 1.2 91/03/07 16:21:34 billr Exp $
X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1)
X# Events from TV shows or concerning TV
X# Today in History dates provided by Robert Heckendorn at
X# Hewlett-Packard in Fort Collins, Colorado.
X# Any corrections or additions may be sent to robert at fc.hp.com
X# Additional dates provided from ProLine's today file
X# Twin Peaks dates provided by Larry Virden.
X# Converted to calentool format by Larry Virden (lwv27%cas.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu)
X# and further edited and merged by Bill Randle (billr at saab.cna.tek.com).
X** 01 01 99 99 00 "Hopalong Cassidy" show first aired on television (1950)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 "Upstairs Downstairs" premiers, a serial TV program taking the Belamy household from 1903-1930 in four seasons (1974)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 Lucy Ricardo (played by Lucille Ball) has Little Ricky on the "I Love Lucy" episode show this day. Four hours before the showing Lucille Ball gave birth to Desi Arnaz, Jr. (1953)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 1st Emmy Awards are given out. (1949)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 First television show (1926)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 1st public demonstration of television. (1926)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 First TV soap, "Secret Storm", is aired (1954)
X** 02 11 99 99 00 Jack Paar walks off his show after NBC censors excised one of his risque stories (1960)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Laura and James go on a picnic (TP)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 "Mister Roger's Neighborhood" premiers on PBS (1968)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 Laura's last day (TP)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Cooper comes to town to track down Laura's killer (TP)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 Sarah sees Killer Bob in vision (TP)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 Albert arrives in Twin Peaks and Cooper dreams (TP)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 Maddie arrives and everyone goes to Laura's funeral (TP)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 Hawk tracks down Phillip Gerard and Bernard is killed by Leo (TP)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 The last original episode of M*A*S*H is aired as a 2 1/2 hour special (1983)
X** 03 01 99 99 00 Cooper finds Jacques cabin (TP)
X** 03 02 99 99 00 The cataclysm - Waldo is killed, Cooper and Leo are shot, Catherine and Shelley are in the fire and we wait till next season (TP)
X** 03 03 99 99 00 "Mr. Wizard", educational science program for kids, first comes to TV (1951)
X** 03 03 99 99 00 Cooper meets a giant, Leo, Cooper and Nadine are fine (TP)
X** 03 18 99 99 00 Birthday of Number 6  from "The Prisoner" 'Arrival' (1928)
X** 03 25 99 99 00 RCA manufactures the first COLOR television set. (1954)
X** 04 02 99 99 00 "As the World Turns" and "Edge of Night" premier on CBS (1956)
X** 04 03 99 99 00 "The Smother's Brothers" TV show is canceled by CBS for their controversial political comedy (1969)
X** 04 09 99 99 00 TV Guide publishes their first issue. (1953)
X** 04 30 99 99 00 NBC makes 1st US demo of TV at opening of NY World's Fair. (1939)
X** 04 30 99 99 00 Valerie Perrine becomes the first woman to bare her breasts in an American dramatic TV show, PBS's Steambath (1973)
X** 05 11 99 99 00 1st regularly scheduled TV broadcasts (3 nights per week). (1929)
X** 06 01 99 99 00 The Cable News Network, CNN, makes its debut (1980)
X** 06 20 99 99 00 Ed Sullivan has his first really big 'shoe' on Sunday night TV. (1948)
X** 07 23 99 99 00 San Jose's KNTV airs the first condom commercial (1975)
X** 07 29 99 99 00 Jack Paar made his debut on the Tonight Show (1957)
X** 07 31 99 99 00 Chet Huntley retires from NBC, ending 'Huntley-Brinkley Report' (No more "Goodnight, David" "Goodnight, Chet") (1970)
X** 08 01 99 99 00 The cable network MTV (Music Television) goes on the air (1981)
X** 09 02 99 99 00 The last "Star Trek" episode is telecast (1969)
X** 09 04 99 99 00 NBC begins first network coast to coast programming (1951)
X** 09 04 99 99 00 cartoon characters, the Flintstones, created (1960)
X** 09 07 99 99 00 ESPN, the sports cable network, makes its debut (1979)
X** 09 08 99 99 00 "Star Trek" debuts on NBC (1966)
X** 09 09 99 99 00 NBC created by the Radio Corporation of America. (1926)
X** 09 10 99 99 00 "Gunsmoke" premieres on CBS television. (1955)
X** 09 15 99 99 00 "The Lone Ranger", based on the radio show of the same name, made its television debut on ABC (1949)
X** 09 21 99 99 00 The television series Perry Mason, made its debut on CBS. (1957)
X** 09 23 99 99 00 1st closed circuit pay-TV telecast of a sports event. (1952)
X** 09 24 99 99 00 "The Tonight Show" premieres. (1954)
X** 09 24 99 99 00 Howdy Doody's Clarabell the clown, silent for 13 years ended Howdy's last show by saying "Goodbye, kids." (1960)
X** 09 24 99 99 00 The CBS television magazine "60 minutes" debuted. (1968)
X** 10 01 99 99 00 Johnny Carson hosts his 1st Tonight Show. (1962)
X** 10 03 99 99 00 Captain Kangaroo is shown for the first time (1955)
X** 10 04 99 99 00 "Leave It to Beaver" premiered. (1957)
X** 10 05 99 99 00 PBS becomes a network. (1970)
X** 10 07 99 99 00 First Bandstand (later, American Bandstand) broadcast (1957)
X** 10 11 99 99 00 "Saturday Night Live" premiers (NBC-TV, 1975)
X** 10 11 99 99 00 The first political telecast in the United States took place. (1932)
X** 10 15 99 99 00 The TV comedy "I Love Lucy" premiered on CBS. (1951)
X** 10 23 99 99 00 "The Jonathan Winter's Show" airs the first video taped short clip (1956)
X** 10 25 99 99 00 Rolling Stones appear on Ed Sullivan Show (1964)
X** 10 26 99 99 00 Charles Kuralt heads off "on the road". He will wear out seven mobile homes and log over one million miles (1969)
X** 10 27 99 99 00 Walt Disney's first television program, "Disneyland" premieres (1954)
X** 10 29 99 99 00 "Goodnight, David" "Goodnight, Chet" heard on NBC for 1st time. (Chet Huntley & David Brinkley, NBC News, team up) (1956)
X** 11 01 99 99 00 National Coalition against violence on TV says the average U.S. child will see 50000 attempted murders on TV by age 16. (1985)
X** 11 06 99 99 00 WGY-TV (Schenectady NY), 1st commercial-license station begins service (1939)
X** 11 07 99 99 00 NBC becomes the first network to go all color (1966)
X** 11 08 99 99 00 Cable programming begins with HBO (1972)
X** 11 10 99 99 00 "Sesame Street" made its debut on PBS TV. (1969)
X** 11 15 99 99 00 KRON (Channel 4, San Francisco) signs on, from 7 to 10 PM. (1949)
X** 11 25 99 99 00 Edward R. Murrow's "Harvest of Shame", a documentary about migrant workers, is the first documentary shown on TV (1960)
X** 12 03 99 99 00 1st television broadcast in Hawaii. (1952)
X** 12 09 99 99 00 "A Charlie Brown Christmas" is shown for the first time (1965)
X** 12 17 99 99 00 "The Nat King Cole Show" is canceled after a year for lack of a sponsor (1957)
X** 12 27 99 99 00 First "Howdy Doody" show (1947)
X** 12 29 99 99 00 The first showing of the Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles" (1967)
if test 6728 -ne `wc -c <'dates/television'`; then
    echo shar: \"'dates/television'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'dates/television'
if test -f 'week.cursor' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then 
  echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'week.cursor'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'week.cursor'\" \(284 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'week.cursor' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* $Header: week.cursor,v 2.1 89/05/09 14:31:09 billr Exp $ */
X/* Format_version=1, Width=16, Height=16, Depth=1, Valid_bits_per_item=16
X */
X        0x4004, 0x2008, 0x1FF0, 0x1010, 0x17D0, 0x1550, 0x1550, 0x1550,
X        0x1550, 0x1550, 0x1550, 0x17D0, 0x1010, 0x1FF0, 0x2008, 0x4004
if test 284 -ne `wc -c <'week.cursor'`; then
    echo shar: \"'week.cursor'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'week.cursor'
echo shar: End of archive 18 \(of 23\).
cp /dev/null ark18isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ; do
    if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
    echo You have unpacked all 23 archives.
    rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
    echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
    echo "        " ${MISSING}
##  End of shell archive.
exit 0

exit 0 # Just in case...
Kent Landfield                   INTERNET: kent at sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sterling Software, IMD           UUCP:     uunet!sparky!kent
Phone:    (402) 291-8300         FAX:      (402) 291-4362
Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent at uunet.uu.net.

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