v01i018: Calendar/planning tool: Part09/09

Charles Mcgrew mcgrew at dartagnan.rutgers.edu
Sun May 28 07:16:16 AEST 1989

Submitted-by: Bill Randle <billr at saab.cna.tek.com>
Posting-number: Volume 1, Issue 18
Archive-name: calentool/part09

#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	dates
# This archive created: Sat May 27 13:14:27 1989
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if test ! -d 'dates'
	echo shar: creating directory "'dates'"
	mkdir 'dates'
echo shar: entering directory "'dates'"
cd 'dates'
echo shar: extracting "'README'" '(989 characters)'
if test -f 'README'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'README'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
	XThese date files were derived from a USENET posting of special
	Xevents.  The derivation and formatting were done by R.P.C. Rodgers
	X(at UCSF).  To use any of these files with the calentool program, add
	Xa line of the form:
	X	#include "/somepath/file"
	X	#include <file>
	Xto your ".appointments" file.  The first method specifies the complete
	Xpathname to the desired file.  The second prepends the file name with
	Xa pathname determined from the CalenTool/LibDir entry in the suntools
	Xdefaults file (first), or from the path specified by DATELIB_DIR
	Xdefined in the Makefile or ct.h file (second).
	XIf you add dates to these files, or create new ones, share your entries
	Xwith the net by mailing a copy to myself or to Rick Rodgers
	X(rodgers at maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.edu).  PLEASE be CERTAIN that you have the
	Xcorrect rule for specifying the date before you do this; remember that
	Xnot all holidays fall on the same Gregorian date each year!
	X				Bill Randle
	X				billr at saab.CNA.TEK.COM
	X				February 7, 1989
if test 989 -ne "`wc -c < 'README'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'README'" '(should have been 989 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'lives'" '(15134 characters)'
if test -f 'lives'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'lives'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'lives'
	X# $Header: lives,v 2.2 89/05/16 10:46:09 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Biographical dates
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Paul Revere born (Boston, 1735)
	X** 01 02 99 99 00 Isaac Asimov born (Petrovichi, Russian S.F.S.R.--now part of U.S.S.R., 1920)
	X** 01 04 99 99 00 Jakob Grimm born (1785)
	X** 01 04 99 99 00 Wilhelm Beer born (1797), first astronomer to map Mars
	X** 01 04 99 99 00 George Washington Carver born (MO, 1864)
	X** 01 05 99 99 00 DeWitt B. Brace born (1859), inventor of spectrophotometer
	X** 01 10 99 99 00 Ethan Allen born (1738)
	X** 01 11 99 99 00 Alexander Hamilton born (Nevis, British West Indies, 1757?)
	X** 01 13 99 99 00 Sophie Tucker born (1884)
	X** 01 13 99 99 00 Wilhelm Wien born (1864), Nobel prize for blackbody radiation laws
	X** 01 14 99 99 00 Albert Schweitzer born (1875)
	X** 01 17 99 99 00 Benjamin Franklin born (Boston, 1706)
	X** 01 19 99 99 00 Robert E(dward) Lee born (Stratford Estate, VA, 1807)
	X** 01 19 99 99 00 Edgar Allan Poe born (Boston, 1809)
	X** 01 20 99 99 00 Geo. Burns born (1898)
	X** 01 21 99 99 00 Lenin dies (1924)
	X** 01 21 99 99 00 Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson born (Clarksburg, VA, 1824)
	X** 01 22 99 99 00 Sir Francis Bacon born (1561)
	X** 01 23 99 99 00 Joseph Hewes born (1730)
	X** 01 23 99 99 00 John Hancock born (1737)
	X** 01 23 99 99 00 Ernst Abbe born (1840), formulated diffraction theory
	X** 01 23 99 99 00 Humphrey Bogart born (New York City, 1899)
	X** 01 23 99 99 00 Samuel Barber dies (1981)
	X** 01 25 99 99 00 Robert Burns born (1759)
	X** 01 25 99 99 00 W. Somerset Maugham born (1874)
	X** 01 25 99 99 00 Virginia Woolf born (1882)
	X** 01 27 99 99 00 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born (Salzburg, 1756)
	X** 01 27 99 99 00 Samuel Gompers born (1850)
	X** 01 27 99 99 00 Nick Mason born (Birmingham, England 1945)
	X** 01 30 99 99 00 Franklin Delano Roosevelt born (Hyde Park, NY, 1882)
	X** 01 31 99 99 00 Irving Langmuir born (1881), invented tungsten filament lamp
	X** 02 02 99 99 00 James Joyce born (Dublin, 1882)
	X** 02 03 99 99 00 Gertrude Stein born (1874)
	X** 02 06 99 99 00 King George VI of UK dies; his daughter becomes Elizabeth II (1952)
	X** 02 08 99 99 00 Friedleib F. Runge born (1795), father of paper chromatography
	X** 02 08 99 99 00 Jules Verne born (Nantes, France, 1828)
	X** 02 09 99 99 00 George Hartmann born (1489), designed astrolabes & timepieces
	X** 02 10 99 99 00 Charles Lamb born (1775)
	X** 02 10 99 99 00 William Allen White born (1868)
	X** 02 11 99 99 00 Thomas Edison born (1847)
	X** 02 11 99 99 00 William Henry Fox Talbot born (1849), photographic pioneer
	X** 02 12 99 99 00 Abraham Lincoln born (1809)
	X** 02 12 99 99 00 Charles Darwin born (Shrewsbury, England 1809)
	X** 02 15 99 99 00 Galileo Galilei born (Pisa, Italy, 1564)
	X** 02 15 99 99 00 Susan B. Anthony born (1820)
	X** 02 16 99 99 00 Pierre Bouguer born (1698), founder of photometry
	X** 02 17 99 99 00 Federick Eugene Ives born (1856), pioneer of halftone
	X** 02 17 99 99 00 T. J. Watson, Sr. born (1874), founder of IBM
	X** 02 17 99 99 00 Marion Anderson born (1902)
	X** 02 17 99 99 00 "Red" Barber born (1908), pioneering sportscaster
	X** 02 18 99 99 00 Ernst Mach born (1838), philosopher & optics pioneer
	X** 02 19 99 99 00 Nicolas Copernicus born (Thorn, Poland, 1473)
	X** 02 20 99 99 00 Ludwig Boltzmann born (1838), atomic physics pioneer
	X** 02 21 99 99 00 Alexis De Rochon born (1838), developed spyglass
	X** 02 22 99 99 00 George Washington born (1732)
	X** 02 22 99 99 00 Pierre Jules Cesar Janssen born (1838), discovered hydrogen in sun
	X** 02 23 99 99 00 W. E. B. DuBois born (1868)
	X** 02 23 99 99 00 Georg Friedrich Handel born (1685)
	X** 02 24 99 99 00 Winslow Homer born (1836)
	X** 02 25 99 99 00 Renoir born (1841)
	X** 02 26 99 99 00 Dominique Francois Jean Arago born (1786), observed "Poisson's spot" cf June 21
	X** 02 28 99 99 00 Michel de Mantaigne born (1533)
	X** 02 29 99 99 00 Herman Hollerith born (1860)
	X** 02 29 99 99 00 Jimmy Dorsey born (1904)
	X** 03 02 99 99 00 Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) born (1904)
	X** 03 04 99 99 00 Antonio Vivaldi born (Venice, Italy, 1678)
	X** 03 04 99 99 00 Casimir Pulaski born (1747)
	X** 03 07 99 99 00 Aristotle dies (322 BC)
	X** 03 07 99 99 00 Sir John Frederick William Herschel born (1792), astronomer
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 Alvan Clark born (1804), astronomer & lens manufacturer
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 Howard Aiken born (1900)
	X** 03 11 99 99 00 Robert Treat Paine born (1737)
	X** 03 11 99 99 00 Vannevar Bush born (1890)
	X** 03 12 99 99 00 Gustav Robert Kirchhoff born (1824), physicist
	X** 03 14 99 99 00 Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier born (1768), mathematician & physicist
	X** 03 14 99 99 00 Giovanni Virginia Schiaparelli born (1835), astronomer, named Mars "canals"
	X** 03 14 99 99 00 Casey Jones born (1864)
	X** 03 14 99 99 00 Albert Einstein born (1879)
	X** 03 16 99 99 00 George Clymer born (1739)
	X** 03 16 99 99 00 James Madison born (1751)
	X** 03 21 99 99 00 Bach born (1685)
	X** 03 24 99 99 00 Harry Houdini born (1874)
	X** 03 26 99 99 00 Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford) born (1753), physicist
	X** 03 27 99 99 00 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen born (1845), discoverer of X-rays
	X** 03 27 99 99 00 Tony Banks born (England, 1950)
	X** 03 28 99 99 00 Pierre Simon de Laplace born (1749), mathematician & astronomer
	X** 03 29 99 99 00 President Barthelemy Boganda dies (Central African Republic)
	X** 03 30 99 99 00 Francisco Jose de Goya born (1746)
	X** 03 30 99 99 00 Vincent Van Gogh born (1853)
	X** 03 30 99 99 00 Sean O'Casey born (1880)
	X** 03 31 99 99 00 Rene Descartes born (1596), mathematician & philosopher
	X** 04 03 99 99 00 Washington Irving born (1783)
	X** 04 05 99 99 00 Thomas Hobbes born (1588), philosopher
	X** 04 08 99 99 00 David Rittenhouse born (1732), astronomer & mathematician
	X** 04 09 99 99 00 Eadweard Muybridge born (1830), motion-picture pioneer
	X** 04 09 99 99 00 Paul Robeson born (1898)
	X** 04 09 99 99 00 J. Presper Eckert born (1919)
	X** 04 10 99 99 00 Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry born (1854)
	X** 04 13 99 99 00 Thomas Jefferson born (1743)
	X** 04 13 99 99 00 Samuel Beckett born (outside Dublin, 1906)
	X** 04 14 99 99 00 Christian Huygen born (1629), physicist & astronomer, discovered Saturn's rings
	X** 04 15 99 99 00 Leonardo da Vinci born (1452)
	X** 04 16 99 99 00 Charles (Charlie) Chaplin born (London, 1889)
	X** 04 18 99 99 00 Einstein dies (1955)
	X** 04 20 99 99 00 Adolf Hitler born (Austria, 1889)
	X** 04 22 99 99 00 Kant born (1724)
	X** 04 25 99 99 00 Ella Fitzgerald born (1918)
	X** 04 26 99 99 00 William Shakespeare baptized (Stratford-on-Avon, England, 1564)
	X** 04 27 99 99 00 Magellan killed (Philippines, 1521)
	X** 04 27 99 99 00 Louis Victor de Broglie born (1774), physicist
	X** 04 28 99 99 00 James Monroe born (1758)
	X** 04 29 99 99 00 Jules Henri Poincare born (1854), founder of topology
	X** 04 29 99 99 00 William Randolph Hearst born (San Francisco, 1863)
	X** 04 30 99 99 00 Karl Friedrich Gauss born (1777), mathematician & astronomer
	X** 05 01 99 99 00 Kate Smith born (1909)
	X** 05 02 99 99 00 Benjamin Spock born (1903)
	X** 05 07 99 99 00 Johannes Brahms born (Hamburg, 1833)
	X** 05 07 99 99 00 Tchaikowsky born (1840)
	X** 05 09 99 99 00 Pinza dies (1957)
	X** 05 10 99 99 00 Fred Astaire (Frederick Austerlitz) born (Omaha, NE, 1899)
	X** 05 12 99 99 00 Florence Nightingale born (Florence, Italy, 1820)
	X** 05 13 99 99 00 Arthur S. Sullivan born (1842)
	X** 05 19 99 99 00 Ho Chi Minh born (1890)
	X** 05 21 99 99 00 Plato (Aristocles) born (Athens(?), 427 BC)
	X** 05 22 99 99 00 Johann Sebastian Bach born (Eisenach, Germany, 1665)
	X** 05 26 99 99 00 Al Jolson born (1886)
	X** 05 27 99 99 00 Hubert H. Humphrey born (1911)
	X** 05 28 99 99 00 Dionne quintuplets born (1934)
	X** 05 29 99 99 00 Patrick Henry born (1736)
	X** 05 29 99 99 00 Gilbert Keith Chesterton born (1874)
	X** 05 29 99 99 00 John Fitzgerald Kennedy born (1917)
	X** 05 30 99 99 00 Mel (Melvin Jerome) Blanc born (San Francisco, 1908)
	X** 06 01 99 99 00 Brigham Young born (1801)
	X** 06 01 99 99 00 Marilyn Monroe born (1928)
	X** 06 02 99 99 00 Edward Elgar born (Worcester, England, 1857)
	X** 06 03 99 99 00 Henry James born (1811)
	X** 06 07 99 99 00 George Bryan "Beau" Brummel born (1778)
	X** 06 07 99 99 00 (Eugene Henri) Paul Gaugin born (1848)
	X** 06 08 99 99 00 Frank Lloyd Wright born (Richland Center, WI, 1869)
	X** 06 10 99 99 00 Alexander the Great dies (323 BC)
	X** 06 15 99 99 00 Edward (Edvard Hagerup) Grieg born (Bergen, Norway, 1843)
	X** 06 16 99 99 00 Hammurabi the Great dies (Babylon, 1686 BC)
	X** 06 18 99 99 00 M C Escher born (1898)
	X** 06 22 99 99 00 Carl Hubbell born (1903)
	X** 06 23 99 99 00 Turing born (1912)
	X** 06 25 99 99 00 Eric Arthur Blair (a.k.a. George Orwell) born (1903)
	X** 06 27 99 99 00 Helen Keller born (1880)
	X** 07 03 99 99 00 Franz Kafka born (1883)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Nathaniel Hawthorne born (Salem, MA, 1804)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 John Adams & Thomas Jefferson die (1826)
	X** 07 06 99 99 00 John Paul Jones born (1747)
	X** 07 06 99 99 00 (Helen) Beatrix Potter born (1866)
	X** 07 08 99 99 00 Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin born (1838)
	X** 07 10 99 99 00 John Calvin born (1509)
	X** 07 11 99 99 00 John Quincy Adams born (1767)
	X** 07 12 99 99 00 Henry David Thoreau born (1817)
	X** 07 14 99 99 00 Woody Guthrie born (1912)
	X** 07 15 99 99 00 Clement Clarke Moore born (1779), author of "A Visit from Saint Nicholas"
	X** 07 28 99 99 00 Bach dies (1750)
	X** 07 29 99 99 00 Mussolini born (1883)
	X** 07 30 99 99 00 Emily Bronte born (1818)
	X** 07 30 99 99 00 Henry Ford born (1863)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Herman Melville born (1819)
	X** 08 03 99 99 00 Lenny Bruce dies of morphine overdose (1966)
	X** 08 12 99 99 00 Thomas Mann dies (1955)
	X** 08 13 99 99 00 Annie Oakley born (1860)
	X** 08 13 99 99 00 Fidel Castro born (1927)
	X** 08 17 99 99 00 Mae West born (1892)
	X** 08 18 99 99 00 Meriwether Lewis born (1927)
	X** 08 22 99 99 00 King Richard III, Last of Plantagenets, dies (1485)
	X** 08 22 99 99 00 Claude Debussy born (1862)
	X** 08 23 99 99 00 Gene Kelly born (1912)
	X** 08 27 99 99 00 Lyndon B. Johnson born (1908)
	X** 08 29 99 99 00 Oliver Wendell Holmes born (1809), physician & father of jurist
	X** 08 30 99 99 00 John W. Mauchly born (1907)
	X** 09 05 99 99 00 King Louis XIV of France born (1638)
	X** 09 05 99 99 00 Raquel Welch born (1942)
	X** 09 06 99 99 00 Word received that Perry has reached North Pole & died (1909)
	X** 09 07 99 99 00 James Fenimore Cooper born (Burlington, NJ, 1789)
	X** 09 07 99 99 00 Queen Elizabeth I of England born (1533)
	X** 09 08 99 99 00 King Richard I of England born (1157)
	X** 09 08 99 99 00 Anton Dvorak born (Nelahozeves, Czechoslovakia, 1841)
	X** 09 08 99 99 00 Peter Sellers born (Southsea, England, 1925)
	X** 09 09 99 99 00 Mao Tse-Tung dies at 82 (1976), Chinese Communist Party Chairman
	X** 09 12 99 99 00 Jesse Owens born (1913)
	X** 09 13 99 99 00 Walter Reed born (1851)
	X** 09 15 99 99 00 Agatha Christie born (Torquay, England, 1890)
	X** 09 18 99 99 00 Greta Garbo born (1905)
	X** 09 19 99 99 00 Mona Lisa born (1478)
	X** 09 20 99 99 00 Upton (Beall) Sinclair born (1878)
	X** 09 21 99 99 00 Louis Joliet born (1645)
	X** 09 21 99 99 00 H. G. (Herbert George) Wells born (Bromley, England, 1866)
	X** 09 21 99 99 00 Leonard Cohen born (Montreal, 1934)
	X** 09 22 99 99 00 President Garfield dies of wounds (Baltimore, 1881)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 Euripides born (Salamis, Greece, 480 BC)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 Augustus (Gaius Octavius) Caesar born (Rome, 63 BC)
	X** 09 24 99 99 00 F. Scott Fitzgerald born (1896)
	X** 09 25 99 99 00 Emily Dickinson born (1830)
	X** 09 26 99 99 00 Johnny Appleseed born (1774)
	X** 09 26 99 99 00 T.S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot born (St. Louis, 1888)
	X** 09 26 99 99 00 George Gershwin born (Brooklyn, NY, 1989)
	X** 09 27 99 99 00 Thomas Nast born (1840)
	X** 09 28 99 99 00 Greek soldier runs over 26 miles to report Persian defeat at Marathon, then dies (490 BC)
	X** 09 28 99 99 00 Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) born (Rome, 106 BC)
	X** 09 28 99 99 00 Michelangelo Buanarroti born (Caprese, Italy, 1573)
	X** 09 28 99 99 00 Seymour Cray born (1925)
	X** 09 29 99 99 00 Gene Autry born (1907)
	X** 10 01 99 99 00 Jimmy Carter born (1924)
	X** 10 02 99 99 00 Aristotle dies of indigestion (322 BC)
	X** 10 02 99 99 00 Mohandas K. Gandhi born at Porbandar, Kathiawad, India (1869)
	X** 10 04 99 99 00 John V. Atanasoff born (1903)
	X** 10 05 99 99 00 Pablo Picasso born (Malaga, Spain, 1881)
	X** 10 05 99 99 00 Ray Kroc born (1902), owner/founder of McDonald's
	X** 10 13 99 99 00 Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil) born (near Mantua, Italy, 70 BC)
	X** 10 13 99 99 00 Lenny Bruce born (New York City, 1925)
	X** 10 14 99 99 00 William Penn born (London, 1644)
	X** 10 14 99 99 00 Dwight David Eisenhower born (1890)
	X** 10 15 99 99 00 Pelham Grenville Wodehouse born (1881)
	X** 10 16 99 99 00 Noah Webster born (1758)
	X** 10 16 99 99 00 Oscar (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills) Wilde born (Dublin, 1854)
	X** 10 17 99 99 00 Richard Mentor Johnson born (1780), 9th U.S. Vice President
	X** 10 21 99 99 00 Alfred Nobel born (Stockholm, 1833)
	X** 10 22 99 99 00 Franz Liszt born (1811)
	X** 10 27 99 99 00 James Cook born (1466)
	X** 10 27 99 99 00 Gerald M. Weinberg born (1933)
	X** 10 31 99 99 00 Chiang Kai-Shek born (1887)
	X** 10 31 99 99 00 Dale Evans born (1912)
	X** 11 02 99 99 00 Daniel Boone born near Reading, PA (1734)
	X** 11 04 99 99 00 King William III of Orange born (1650)
	X** 11 05 99 99 00 Roy Rogers born (1912)
	X** 11 07 99 99 00 Albert Camus born (Mondavi, Algeria, 1913)
	X** 11 08 99 99 00 Patti Page born (1927)
	X** 11 09 99 99 00 Carl Sagan born (1934)
	X** 11 10 99 99 00 Martin Luther born (Eisleben, Germany, 1483)
	X** 11 10 99 99 00 Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev dies at age 75 (1982)
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, born (Indianapolis, IN, 1922)
	X** 11 13 99 99 00 St. Augustine of Hippo born (Numidia, Algeria, 354)
	X** 11 13 99 99 00 Robert Louis Stevenson born (1850)
	X** 11 18 99 99 00 William S. Gilbert born (1836)
	X** 11 18 99 99 00 Imogene Coca born (1908)
	X** 11 20 99 99 00 Robert F. Kennedy born (1925)
	X** 11 24 99 99 00 Scott Joplin born (1868)
	X** 11 26 99 99 00 Norbert Weiner born (1894)
	X** 11 26 99 99 00 Charles Schulz born (Minneapolis, 1922)
	X** 11 29 99 99 00 John Mayall born (Cheshire, England, 1933)
	X** 11 30 99 99 00 Cleopatra dies (30 BC)
	X** 11 30 99 99 00 Mark Twain (Samuel Clemmens) born (MO, 1835)
	X** 12 01 99 99 00 Woody Allen (Allen Stuart Konigsberg) born (Brooklyn, NY, 1935)
	X** 12 05 99 99 00 Mozart dies (1791)
	X** 12 05 99 99 00 Walt (Walter Elias) Disney born (Chicago, 1901)
	X** 12 07 99 99 00 Harry Chapin born (New York City, 1942)
	X** 12 08 99 99 00 Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) born (Venosa, Italy, 65 BC)
	X** 12 08 99 99 00 James (Grover) Thurber born (Columbus, OH, 1894)
	X** 12 10 99 99 00 Emily Dickenson born (1830)
	X** 12 12 99 99 00 E. G. Robinson born (1893)
	X** 12 14 99 99 00 George Washington dies (1799)
	X** 12 16 99 99 00 Ludwig von Beethoven christened (Bonn, Germany, 1770)
	X** 12 17 99 99 00 William Safire (Safir) born (1929)
	X** 12 21 99 99 00 Benjamin Disraeli born (1804)
	X** 12 22 99 99 00 Giacomo Puccini born (1858)
	X** 12 23 99 99 00 Joseph Smith born (1805)
	X** 12 25 99 99 00 Isaac Newton born (Grantham, England, 1642)
	X** 12 26 99 99 00 Chas. Babbage born (1791)
	X** 12 28 99 99 00 John von Neumann born (1903)
if test 15134 -ne "`wc -c < 'lives'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'lives'" '(should have been 15134 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'world'" '(25422 characters)'
if test -f 'world'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'world'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'world'
	X# $Header: world,v 2.2 89/05/16 10:46:16 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Various holidays commemorated around the world (non-US and Canadian)
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution (Cuba)
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Shi ho hai, Worhsip of the Four Directions (Japan)
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Independence Day (Haiti, Sudan)
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Universal Fraternity Day (Mozambique)
	X** 01 02 99 99 00 Ancestry Day (Haiti)
	X** 01 02 99 99 00 St. Berchtold's Day (Switzerland)
	X** 01 03 99 99 00 New Year's Holiday (Scotland)
	X** 01 03 99 99 00 Genshi sai, Second Offical New Year Holiday (Japan)
	X** 01 03 99 99 00 Revolution Day (Upper Volta)
	X** 01 04 99 99 00 Independence Day (Burma)
	X** 01 04 99 99 00 Martyrs Day (Zaire)
	X** 01 05 99 99 00 Twelfth-night
	X** 01 05 99 99 00 Shinnen Enkai, Third Official New Year Holiday (Japan)
	X** 01 06 99 99 00 Children's Day (Uruguay)
	X** 01 06 99 99 00 Epiphany (Twelfth-day)
	X** 01 07 99 99 00 Christmas (Ethiopia)
	X** 01 07 99 99 00 Nanakusa, Seven Grasses Festival ("Five Festivals", Japan)
	X** 01 07 99 99 00 Pioneer's Day (Liberia)
	X** 01 09 99 99 00 Day of the Martyrs (Panama)
	X** 01 11 99 99 00 Anniversary of Peoples Republic of Albania
	X** 01 11 99 99 00 Armed Forces Day (Liberia)
	X** 01 11 99 99 00 Prithvi Jayanti (Nepal)
	X** 01 12 99 99 00 Zanzibar Revolution Day (Tanzania)
	X** 01 13 99 99 00 National Liberation Day (Togo)
	X** 01 15 99 99 00 Adults Day (Japan)
	X** 01 15 99 99 00 Arbor Day (Jordan)
	X** 01 16 99 99 00 Martyrs Day (Benin)
	X** 01 18 99 99 00 Revolution Day (Tunisia)
	X** 01 19 99 99 00 Ethopian Epiphany (Ethiopia)
	X** 01 19 99 99 00 Nameday of Archbishop Makarios (Cyprus)
	X** 01 20 99 99 00 Army Day (Mali)
	X** 01 20 99 99 00 National Heroes Day (Guinea-Bissau)
	X** 01 20 99 99 00 St. Agnes Eve (Ah, bitter chill it was...)
	X** 01 21 99 99 00 Our Lady of Altagracia (Dominican Republic)
	X** 01 23 99 99 00 Feast of St. Ildefonsus
	X** 01 24 99 99 00 Economic Liberation Day (Togo)
	X** 01 26 99 99 00 Republic Day (India)
	X** 01 30 99 99 00 Australia Day (Australia)
	X** 02 01 99 99 00 Chinese New Year Holiday (3 days) (Taiwan)
	X** 02 03 99 99 00 Setsubun, Change of Season or "Bean Throwing Night" (Japan)
	X** 02 04 99 99 00 Independence Commemoration Day (Sri Lanka)
	X** 02 05 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Mexico)
	X** 02 06 99 99 00 New Zealand Day
	X** 02 07 99 99 00 Independence Day (Grenada)
	X** 02 08 99 99 00 Anniversary, 1963 Revolution (Iraq)
	X** 02 09 99 99 00 St. Maron's Day (Lebanon)
	X** 02 11 99 99 00 Kigen Setsu, National Foundation Day (Japan)
	X** 02 12 99 99 00 Pyidaungsa Day (Burma)
	X** 02 16 99 99 00 Makha Bucha Day (Thailand)
	X** 02 18 99 99 00 Democracy Day (Nepal)
	X** 02 18 99 99 00 Independence Day (The Gambia)
	X** 02 23 99 99 00 Republic Day (Guyana)
	X** 02 25 99 99 00 National Day (Kuwait)
	X** 02 27 99 99 00 Independence Day (Dominican Republic)
	X** 03 01 99 99 00 Samil Independence Movement Day (South Korea)
	X** 03 02 99 99 00 Peasants Day (Burma)
	X** 03 02 99 99 00 Victory of Adowa (Ethiopia)
	X** 03 03 99 99 00 Hinamatsuri, Girl's Doll Festival ("Five Festivals", Japan)
	X** 03 03 99 99 00 Throne Day (Morocco)
	X** 03 05 99 99 00 Independence Day (Equatorial Guinea)
	X** 03 06 99 99 00 Independence Day (Ghana)
	X** 03 06 99 99 00 Chikyu Setsu, Empress's Birthday (Japan)
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 International Women's Day (U.S.S.R.)
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 Syrian National Day (Libyan Arab Republic)
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 Women's Day (Guinea-Bissau, Taiwan, Yemen Democratic Republic)
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 Youth Day (Zambia)
	X** 03 09 99 99 00 Decoration Day (Liberia)
	X** 03 09 99 99 00 Falgun Purnima Day (Nepal)
	X** 03 10 99 99 00 Riku gun Kenenbi, Japanese Army Commemoration Day (Japan)
	X** 03 10 99 99 00 Labor Day (South Korea)
	X** 03 12 99 99 00 Commonwealth Day (Swaziland)
	X** 03 12 99 99 00 Independence Day (Mauritius)
	X** 03 12 99 99 00 Moshoeshoe's Birthday (Lesotho)
	X** 03 12 99 99 00 Renovation Day (Gabon)
	X** 03 13 99 99 00 National Day (Grenada)
	X** 03 15 99 99 00 J.J. Robert's Birthday (Liberia)
	X** 03 19 99 99 00 St. Joseph's Day (Colombia, Costa Rica, Holy See, Liechtenstein, San Marino, Spain, Venezuela)
	X** 03 19 99 99 00 Tree Planting Day (Lestho)
	X** 03 20 99 99 00 Independence Day (Tunisia)
	X** 03 21 99 99 00 Afghan New Year (Afghanistan)
	X** 03 21 99 99 00 Shunki Korei Sai, Spring Equinox Festival for Imperial Ancestors (Japan)
	X** 03 21 99 99 00 Juarez' Birthday (Mexico)
	X** 03 23 99 99 00 Pakistan Day (Pakistan)
	X** 03 25 99 99 00 Greek Independence Day (Cyprus)
	X** 03 25 99 99 00 National Holiday (Greece)
	X** 03 26 99 99 00 Independence Day (Bangladesh)
	X** 03 27 99 99 00 Armed Forces Day (Burma)
	X** 03 29 99 99 00 Memorial Day (Madagascar)
	X** 03 31 99 99 00 National Day (Malta)
	X** 04 01 99 99 00 Youth Day (Benin)
	X** 04 02 99 99 00 Malvinas Day (Argentina)
	X** 04 03 99 99 00 Jimmu Tenno Sai, Demise of the First Emperor (Japan)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 Ching Ming Festival (Hong Kong)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 Liberation Day (Hungary)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 National Day (Senegal)
	X** 04 05 99 99 00 Arbor Day (South Korea)
	X** 04 05 99 99 00 Tomb Sweeping Day (Taiwan)
	X** 04 06 99 99 00 Chakri Memorial Day (Thailand)
	X** 04 06 99 99 00 Victory Day (Ethiopia)
	X** 04 08 99 99 00 Fast & Prayer Day (Liberia)
	X** 04 09 99 99 00 Martyrs Day (Tunisia)
	X** 04 11 99 99 00 National Heroes Day (Costa Rica)
	X** 04 13 99 99 00 Laotian New Year (3 days, Laos)
	X** 04 13 99 99 00 National Day (Chad)
	X** 04 13 99 99 00 Songkron Day (Thailand)
	X** 04 14 99 99 00 Day of the Americas (Honduras)
	X** 04 15 99 99 00 Bengali New Year (Bangladesh)
	X** 04 16 99 99 00 Holy Week (5 days) (Venezuela)
	X** 04 16 99 99 00 Tourist Week (5 days) (Uruguay)
	X** 04 17 99 99 00 Burmese New Year (Burma)
	X** 04 18 99 99 00 Independence Day (Chile, Zimbabwe)
	X** 04 19 99 99 00 Declaration of Independence (Venezuela)
	X** 04 19 99 99 00 Landing of the "33" (Uruguay)
	X** 04 19 99 99 00 Republic Day (Sierra Leone)
	X** 04 21 99 99 00 Tiradentes (Brazil)
	X** 04 23 99 99 00 Independence Day (Turkey)
	X** 04 24 99 99 00 Victory Day (Togo)
	X** 04 25 99 99 00 Anniversary of the Revolution (Portugal)
	X** 04 25 99 99 00 Anzac Day (Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Western Samoa)
	X** 04 25 99 99 00 Liberation Day (Italy)
	X** 04 25 99 99 00 National Flag Day (Swaziland)
	X** 04 26 99 99 00 Union Day (Tanzania)
	X** 04 27 99 99 00 Independence Day (Togo)
	X** 04 29 99 99 00 Tencho Setsu, Emperor's Birthday (Japan)
	X** 04 30 99 99 00 Sho Konsai, Commemoration for the Departed (Japan)
	X** 04 30 99 99 00 Queen's Birthday (Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles)
	X** 04 30 99 99 00 The Workers Day (Uruguay)
	X** 05 01 99 99 00 Labor Day (many places)
	X** 05 02 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Japan)
	X** 05 02 99 99 00 Memorial Day for the Emperor Shomu (Japan)
	X** 05 02 99 99 00 King's Birthday (Lesotho)
	X** 05 05 99 99 00 Children's Day (South Korea)
	X** 05 05 99 99 00 Tango, Boy's Festival ("Five Festivals", Japan)
	X** 05 05 99 99 00 Coronation Day (Thailand)
	X** 05 05 99 99 00 Independence Day/Battle of Puebla (Mexico)
	X** 05 05 99 99 00 Liberation Day (Netherlands)
	X** 05 06 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (UK)
	X** 05 06 99 99 00 Bataan Day (Philippines)
	X** 05 08 99 99 00 Buddha's Birthday (South Korea)
	X** 05 08 99 99 00 Elections for National Assembly (Philippines)
	X** 05 09 99 99 00 Liberation Day (Czechoslovakia)
	X** 05 09 99 99 00 Victory Day (Poland, U.S.S.R.)
	X** 05 10 99 99 00 Mothers Day (Guatamala)
	X** 05 14 99 99 00 Anniversary of Founding of Guinean Democratic Party (Guinea)
	X** 05 14 99 99 00 Buddhist Holiday (Waisak 2528) (Indonesia)
	X** 05 14 99 99 00 Independence Day (2 days) (Paraguay)
	X** 05 14 99 99 00 Unification Day (Liberia)
	X** 05 15 99 99 00 Kamuzu Day (Malawi)
	X** 05 15 99 99 00 Vesak Day (Singapore, Malaysia)
	X** 05 15 99 99 00 Visakha Bucha Day (Thailand)
	X** 05 16 99 99 00 Discovery Day (Cayman Islands)
	X** 05 17 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Nauru, Norway)
	X** 05 18 99 99 00 Battle of Las Piedras (Uruguay)
	X** 05 18 99 99 00 Flag Day (Haiti)
	X** 05 18 99 99 00 Prayer Day (Denmark)
	X** 05 19 99 99 00 Youth & Sports Day (Turkey)
	X** 05 20 99 99 00 National Day (Cameroon)
	X** 05 21 99 99 00 Battle of Iquique (Chile)
	X** 05 22 99 99 00 National Heroes Day (Sri Lanka)
	X** 05 23 99 99 00 Commonwealth Day (Jamaica, Belize)
	X** 05 23 99 99 00 National Labor Day (Jamaica)
	X** 05 24 99 99 00 Battle of Pinchincha (Ecuador)
	X** 05 24 99 99 00 Bermuda Day (Bermuda)
	X** 05 24 99 99 00 British Empire Day
	X** 05 24 99 99 00 Day of Slav Letters (Bulgaria)
	X** 05 25 99 99 00 African Freedom Day (Zimbabwe)
	X** 05 25 99 99 00 African Liberation Day (Chad, Mauritania, Zambia)
	X** 05 25 99 99 00 Anniversary of Revolution of 1810 (Argentina)
	X** 05 25 99 99 00 Independence Day (Jordan)
	X** 05 25 99 99 00 Revolution in Sudan (Libyan Arab Republic)
	X** 05 27 99 99 00 Kaigun Kinenbi, Navy Commemoration Day (Japan)
	X** 05 27 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (UK)
	X** 05 28 99 99 00 Mothers Day (Central African Republic)
	X** 05 31 99 99 00 Pya Martyrs Day (Togo)
	X** 05 31 99 99 00 Republic Day (South Africa)
	X** 06 01 99 99 00 Independence Days (3 days) (Western Samoa)
	X** 06 01 99 99 00 Madaraka Day (Kenya)
	X** 06 01 99 99 00 Victory Day (Tunisia)
	X** 06 02 99 99 00 Corpus Christi (Paraguay)
	X** 06 03 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (Rep. of Ireland)
	X** 06 03 99 99 00 Labor Day (Bahamas)
	X** 06 04 99 99 00 Dragon Boat Festival (Hong Kong, Taiwan)
	X** 06 04 99 99 00 Emancipation Day (Tonga)
	X** 06 04 99 99 00 Queen's Birthday (New Zealand)
	X** 06 05 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Denmark)
	X** 06 05 99 99 00 Liberation Day (Seychelles)
	X** 06 06 99 99 00 His Majesty, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong's Birthday (Malaysia)
	X** 06 06 99 99 00 Memorial Day (South Korea)
	X** 06 10 99 99 00 Camoes Day (Portugal)
	X** 06 11 99 99 00 Queen's Birthday (UK)
	X** 06 12 99 99 00 Independence Day (Philippines)
	X** 06 12 99 99 00 Peace with Bolivia (Paraguay)
	X** 06 13 99 99 00 Corrective Movement (Yemen Arab Republic)
	X** 06 17 99 99 00 Independence Day (Iceland)
	X** 06 17 99 99 00 National Day (Federal Republic of Germany)
	X** 06 18 99 99 00 Evacuation Day (Egypt)
	X** 06 18 99 99 00 Queen's Birthday (Fiji)
	X** 06 19 99 99 00 Artigas Birthday (Uruguay)
	X** 06 19 99 99 00 Labor Day (Trinidad, Tobago)
	X** 06 19 99 99 00 Revolution Day (Algeria)
	X** 06 20 99 99 00 Flag Day (Argentina)
	X** 06 22 99 99 00 Corrective Movement (Yemen Democratic Republic)
	X** 06 22 99 99 00 Midsummer Eve (Finland, Sweden)
	X** 06 22 99 99 00 National Sovereignty Day (Haiti)
	X** 06 23 99 99 00 National Holiday (Luxembourg)
	X** 06 24 99 99 00 Battle of Carabobob (Venezuela)
	X** 06 24 99 99 00 Fisherman's Day (Madagascar, Mozambique, Somalia)
	X** 06 24 99 99 00 Kings Day (Spain)
	X** 06 24 99 99 00 Peasants Day (Peru)
	X** 06 24 99 99 00 St. Jean-Baptiste Day (Quebec)
	X** 06 28 99 99 00 Mothers Day (Central African Republic)
	X** 06 29 99 99 00 Independence Day (Seychelles)
	X** 06 29 99 99 00 Last Day of Ramadan* (Algeria, Oman)
	X** 06 30 99 99 00 Day of the Army (Guatemala)
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 Eid-Ul-Fitr* (2 days) (Pakistan)
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 Freedom Day (Suriname)
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 Independence Day (Burundi)
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 National Day (Rwamda)
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 Republic Day (Ghana)
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 Union of the Somalia Republic (Somalia)
	X** 07 02 99 99 00 National Day (Kiribati)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Caribbean Day (Guyana)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Cayman Islands)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Family Day (Lesotho)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Heroes Day (Zambia)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Kadooment Day (Barbados)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Philippine-American Friendship Day (Philippines)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Warriors Day (2 days) (Yugoslavia)
	X** 07 05 99 99 00 Day of Peace & Unity (Rwanda)
	X** 07 05 99 99 00 Independence Day (Algeria, Venezuela)
	X** 07 07 99 99 00 Anniversary of the P.U.N. (Equatorial Guinea)
	X** 07 07 99 99 00 Tanabata, Weaver's Festival ("Five Festivals", Japan)
	X** 07 07 99 99 00 National Day (Malawi)
	X** 07 07 99 99 00 Saba Saba Day (Tanzania)
	X** 07 09 99 99 00 Independence Day (Argentina)
	X** 07 10 99 99 00 Independence Day (Bahamas)
	X** 07 11 99 99 00 National Holiday (Mongolian People's Republic)
	X** 07 12 99 99 00 Battle of Boyne celebrated (Northern Ireland)
	X** 07 12 99 99 00 The Twelfth (Northern Ireland)
	X** 07 13 99 99 00 Buddhist Lent (Thailand)
	X** 07 14 99 99 00 Anniversary of the Revolution (Iraq)
	X** 07 14 99 99 00 Bastille Day (France)
	X** 07 14 99 99 00 National Holiday (Monaco)
	X** 07 15 99 99 00 St. Swithin's Day
	X** 07 16 99 99 00 Presidents Day (Botswanna)
	X** 07 17 99 99 00 Constitution Day (South Korea)
	X** 07 17 99 99 00 July Revolution (Iraq)
	X** 07 17 99 99 00 Public Holiday (Botswanna)
	X** 07 18 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Uruguay)
	X** 07 18 99 99 00 Liberation Day (Nicaragua)
	X** 07 19 99 99 00 Martyrs Day (Burma)
	X** 07 20 99 99 00 Independence Day (Colombia)
	X** 07 21 99 99 00 National Holiday (Belgium)
	X** 07 22 99 99 00 King's Birthday (Swaziland)
	X** 07 22 99 99 00 National Day (Poland)
	X** 07 23 99 99 00 Anniversary of the Revolution (Egypt)
	X** 07 23 99 99 00 Eqyptian National Day (Syrian Arab Republic)
	X** 07 23 99 99 00 Remembrance Day (Papua, New Guinea)
	X** 07 24 99 99 00 Simon Bolivar's Day (Ecuador, Venezuela)
	X** 07 25 99 99 00 National Rebellion Day (3 days) (Cuba)
	X** 07 25 99 99 00 Republic Day (Tunisia)
	X** 07 25 99 99 00 St. James, Patron Saint (Spain)
	X** 07 26 99 99 00 Independence Day (Liberia)
	X** 07 26 99 99 00 National Day (Maldives)
	X** 07 28 99 99 00 Independence Days (2 days) (Peru)
	X** 07 29 99 99 00 Olsok Eve, commemorating Viking King St. Olav (Norway)
	X** 07 31 99 99 00 Revolution Day (Congo)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Discovery Day (Trinidad, Tobogo)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Emancipation Day (Granada)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Founding of Asuncion (Paraguay)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Freedom Day (Guyana)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 National Day (Switzerland)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 National Holidays (5 days) (El Salvador)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Parent's Day (Zaire)
	X** 08 02 99 99 00 Our Lady of Los Angeles (Costa Rica)
	X** 08 03 99 99 00 Independence Day (Jamaica, Niger)
	X** 08 03 99 99 00 Massacre du Pidjiguiti (Guinea-Bissau)
	X** 08 03 99 99 00 Memorial Day of Archbishop Makarios (Cyprus)
	X** 08 04 99 99 00 Freedom Day (Guyana)
	X** 08 05 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (Scotland, Northern Ireland)
	X** 08 06 99 99 00 Caricom (Barbados)
	X** 08 06 99 99 00 Emancipation Day (Bahamas)
	X** 08 06 99 99 00 Independence Day (Bolivia)
	X** 08 07 99 99 00 Battle of Boyaca (Colombia)
	X** 08 09 99 99 00 National Day (Singapore)
	X** 08 10 99 99 00 Independence Day (Ecuador)
	X** 08 11 99 99 00 Heroes Day (2 days) (Zimbabwe)
	X** 08 11 99 99 00 Independence Day (Chad)
	X** 08 11 99 99 00 King Hussein's Accession to Throne (Jordan)
	X** 08 12 99 99 00 Queen's Birthday (Thailand)
	X** 08 13 99 99 00 Proclamation of Independence (Central African Republic)
	X** 08 13 99 99 00 Women's Day (Tunisia)
	X** 08 14 99 99 00 Independence Day (Pakistan)
	X** 08 14 99 99 00 Waddi Dhahab (Morocco)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Founding of Ascuncion (Paraguay)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Independence Day (India)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Liberation Day (South Korea)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 National Day (Congo)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Santa Maria (Malta)
	X** 08 16 99 99 00 Independence Days (3 days, Gabon)
	X** 08 16 99 99 00 Restoration Day (Dominican Republic)
	X** 08 17 99 99 00 Anniversary of Death of General San Martin (Argentina)
	X** 08 17 99 99 00 Independence Day (Indonesia)
	X** 08 19 99 99 00 Independence Day (Afghanistan)
	X** 08 20 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Hungary)
	X** 08 23 99 99 00 Liberation Days (2 days) (Romania)
	X** 08 24 99 99 00 National Flag Day (Liberia)
	X** 08 25 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Paragual)
	X** 08 25 99 99 00 Independence Day (Uruguay)
	X** 08 26 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (England, Wales)
	X** 08 27 99 99 00 Liberation Day (Hong Kong)
	X** 08 28 99 99 00 Heroes Day (Philippines)
	X** 08 30 99 99 00 St. Rose of Lima (Peru)
	X** 08 30 99 99 00 Victory Day (Turkey)
	X** 08 31 99 99 00 Independence Day (Trinidad, Tobago)
	X** 08 31 99 99 00 National Day (Malaysia)
	X** 08 31 99 99 00 Pashtoonian Day (Afghanistan)
	X** 09 01 99 99 00 Army Day (Chile)
	X** 09 03 99 99 00 Anniversary of Founding of the Republic (San Marino)
	X** 09 03 99 99 00 Independence Day (Qatar)
	X** 09 03 99 99 00 Memorial Day (Tunisia)
	X** 09 06 99 99 00 Defense of Pakistan Day (Pakistan)
	X** 09 06 99 99 00 Settlers Day (South Africa)
	X** 09 06 99 99 00 Somhlolo (Swaziland)
	X** 09 07 99 99 00 Independence Day (Brazil)
	X** 09 09 99 99 00 Anniversary of Socialist Revolution (2 days, Bulgaria)
	X** 09 09 99 99 00 Choyo, Chrysanthemum Festival ("Five Festivals", Japan)
	X** 09 09 99 99 00 National Day (North Korea)
	X** 09 10 99 99 00 Korean Thanksgiving Day (Chusuk) (South Korea)
	X** 09 10 99 99 00 Moon Festival (Taiwan)
	X** 09 10 99 99 00 National Day (Belize)
	X** 09 11 99 99 00 Ethiopian New Year (Ethiopia)
	X** 09 11 99 99 00 National Holiday (Chile)
	X** 09 12 99 99 00 Amilcar Cabral's Birthday (Guinea-Bissau)
	X** 09 12 99 99 00 Revolution Day (Ethiopia)
	X** 09 14 99 99 00 Battle of San Jacinto (Nicaragua)
	X** 09 15 99 99 00 Foundation of Panama (Panama)
	X** 09 15 99 99 00 Respect for the Aged Day (Japan)
	X** 09 16 99 99 00 Independence Day (Mexico, Papua, New Guinea)
	X** 09 17 99 99 00 National Heroes Day (Angola)
	X** 09 18 99 99 00 Independence Day (Chile)
	X** 09 18 99 99 00 Victory of Uprona (Burundi)
	X** 09 19 99 99 00 Army Day (Chile)
	X** 09 21 99 99 00 Independence Day (Belize)
	X** 09 22 99 99 00 Independence Day (Mali)
	X** 09 22 99 99 00 National Sovereignty Day (Haiti)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 Shuki Korei Sai, Autumnal Equinox Festival for Imperial Ancestors (Japan)
	X** 09 24 99 99 00 Anniversary of Third Republic (Ghana)
	X** 09 24 99 99 00 Independence Day (Guinea-Bissau)
	X** 09 24 99 99 00 National Day (Saudi Arabia)
	X** 09 24 99 99 00 Our Lady of Mercedes (Dominican Republic)
	X** 09 24 99 99 00 Republic Day (Trinidad, Tobago)
	X** 09 25 99 99 00 Army Day (Mozambique)
	X** 09 25 99 99 00 Referendum Day (Rwanda)
	X** 09 26 99 99 00 National Day (Maldives, Yemen Deomcratic Republic)
	X** 09 26 99 99 00 Revolution Anniversary Day (Yemen Arab)
	X** 09 27 99 99 00 Feast of Finding the True Cross (Ethiopia)
	X** 09 28 99 99 00 Confucious' Day (Taiwan)
	X** 09 29 99 99 00 Battle of Boqueron (Paraquay)
	X** 09 30 99 99 00 Botswanna Day (Botswanna)
	X** 10 01 99 99 00 Armed Forces Day (South Korea)
	X** 10 01 99 99 00 Independence Day (Nigeria)
	X** 10 01 99 99 00 Labor Day (Australia)
	X** 10 01 99 99 00 National Liberation Day (2 days) (China)
	X** 10 01 99 99 00 Public Holiday (Botswanna)
	X** 10 02 99 99 00 Anniversary of Guinean Independence (Guinea)
	X** 10 03 99 99 00 Chung Yeung Festival (Hong Kong)
	X** 10 03 99 99 00 Francisco Morazan's Birthday (Honduras)
	X** 10 03 99 99 00 National Foundation Day (South Korea)
	X** 10 03 99 99 00 U.N. Day (Barbados)
	X** 10 04 99 99 00 Independence Day (Lesotho)
	X** 10 05 99 99 00 Anniversary of Proclamation of the Republic (Portugal)
	X** 10 06 99 99 00 National Sports Day (Lesotho)
	X** 10 07 99 99 00 National Heroes Day (Jamaica)
	X** 10 08 99 99 00 Battle of Agamos (Peru)
	X** 10 08 99 99 00 Constitution Day (U.S.S.R.)
	X** 10 08 99 99 00 Fiji Day (Fiji)
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 Independence Day (Uganda)
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 Independence of Guayaquil (Ecuador)
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 Korean Alphabet Day (South Korea)
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 Republic Day (Khmer Republic)
	X** 10 10 99 99 00 Beginning of Wars for Independence (Cuba)
	X** 10 10 99 99 00 Fiji Day (Fiji)
	X** 10 10 99 99 00 Foundation of Workers Party (North Korea)
	X** 10 10 99 99 00 Health-Sports Day (Japan)
	X** 10 10 99 99 00 National Day (Taiwan)
	X** 10 11 99 99 00 Day of the Revolution (Panama)
	X** 10 11 99 99 00 Druger Day (South Africa)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Day of the Race (Argentina)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Discovery Day (Gahamas)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 National Day (Equatorial Guinea, Spain)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Our Lady Aparecida Day (Brazil)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Pan American Day (Belize)
	X** 10 13 99 99 00 St. Edward's Day - patron saint of England
	X** 10 14 99 99 00 National Day (Yemen Arab Repyblic)
	X** 10 14 99 99 00 Young People's Day (Zaire)
	X** 10 15 99 99 00 Evacuation Day (Tunisia)
	X** 10 17 99 99 00 Anniversary of Dessaline's Death (Haiti)
	X** 10 17 99 99 00 Heroes Day (Jamaica)
	X** 10 17 99 99 00 Kanname Sai, God's Tasting Ceremony, a Harvest Festival (Japan)
	X** 10 17 99 99 00 Mother's Day (Malawi)
	X** 10 20 99 99 00 Anniversary of 1944 Revolution (Guatemala)
	X** 10 20 99 99 00 Kenyatta Day (Kenya)
	X** 10 21 99 99 00 Armed Forces Day (Honduras)
	X** 10 21 99 99 00 Revolution Days (2 days) (Somalia)
	X** 10 23 99 99 00 Chulalongkron's Day (Thailand)
	X** 10 24 99 99 00 Independence Day (Zambia)
	X** 10 25 99 99 00 Labor Day (New Zealand)
	X** 10 25 99 99 00 Taiwan Restoration Day (Taiwan)
	X** 10 26 99 99 00 Agam Day (Nauru)
	X** 10 26 99 99 00 Armed Forces Day (Benin, Rwanda)
	X** 10 26 99 99 00 National Day (Austria)
	X** 10 28 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (Republic of Ireland)
	X** 10 28 99 99 00 National Holiday (Greece)
	X** 10 28 99 99 00 OHI Day (Cyprus)
	X** 10 29 99 99 00 Republic Day (Turkey)
	X** 11 02 99 99 00 Memorial Day (Ecuador)
	X** 11 03 99 99 00 Meiji Setsu, Birthday of Meiji Tenno, 1864, "Unifier of the Nation" (Japan)
	X** 11 03 99 99 00 Independence from Columbia (Panama)
	X** 11 03 99 99 00 Independence of Cuenca (Ecuador)
	X** 11 03 99 99 00 Thanksgiving Day (Liberia)
	X** 11 04 99 99 00 Flag Day (Panama)
	X** 11 05 99 99 00 Guy Fawke's Day (U.K., commemorates the Gunpowder Plot of 1605)
	X** 11 06 99 99 00 Anniversary of October Socialist Revolution (2 days, U.S.S.R.)
	X** 11 06 99 99 00 Green March Day (Morocco)
	X** 11 06 99 99 00 Prophet Mohammed's Birthday (Malaysia)
	X** 11 07 99 99 00 Anniversary of Great October Revolution (Bulgaria)
	X** 11 07 99 99 00 October Revolution Day (Hungary)
	X** 11 08 99 99 00 Her Majesty, the Queen's Birthday (Nepal)
	X** 11 10 99 99 00 King's Birthday (Bhutan)
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Independence Day (Angola)
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Independence of Cartagena (Colombia)
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Republic Day (Maldives)
	X** 11 12 99 99 00 Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday (Taiwan)
	X** 11 12 99 99 00 Prince Charles' Birthday (Fiji)
	X** 11 14 99 99 00 King Hussein's Birthday (Jordan)
	X** 11 15 99 99 00 Dynasty Day (Belgium)
	X** 11 15 99 99 00 Proclamation of the Republic (Brazil)
	X** 11 15 99 99 00 Thatlouang Festival (Laos)
	X** 11 17 99 99 00 Army Day (Zaire)
	X** 11 17 99 99 00 Corrective Movement (Syrian Arab Republic)
	X** 11 18 99 99 00 Battle of Viertieres (Haiti)
	X** 11 18 99 99 00 Independence Day (Morocco)
	X** 11 18 99 99 00 National Days (4 days) (Oman)
	X** 11 19 99 99 00 Anniversary of 1968 Coup by Army (Mali)
	X** 11 19 99 99 00 Feast Day of S.A.S. Prince Rainier (Monaco)
	X** 11 19 99 99 00 Garifuna Settlement (Belize)
	X** 11 19 99 99 00 Prince of Wales Birthday (Fiji)
	X** 11 20 99 99 00 Revolution Day (Mexico)
	X** 11 21 99 99 00 Day of Prayer & Repentance (Federal Republic of Germany)
	X** 11 22 99 99 00 Anniversary of Portuguese Aggression (Guinea)
	X** 11 22 99 99 00 Independence Day (Lebanon)
	X** 11 23 99 99 00 Niiname Sai, Tasting New Rice Ceremony, a Thanksgiving Day (Japan)
	X** 11 24 99 99 00 Anniversary of the New Regime (Zaire)
	X** 11 25 99 99 00 Independence Day (Suriname)
	X** 11 28 99 99 00 Independence Day (Albania, Mauritania)
	X** 11 28 99 99 00 Independence from Spain (Panama)
	X** 11 28 99 99 00 Proclamation of the Republic (Chad)
	X** 11 29 99 99 00 Day of the Republic (2 days, Yugoslavia)
	X** 11 29 99 99 00 Goodwill Day (Liberia)
	X** 11 29 99 99 00 Liberation Day (Albania)
	X** 11 29 99 99 00 National Day (Burma)
	X** 11 30 99 99 00 Independence Day (Barbados, Yemen Deomcratic Republic)
	X** 11 30 99 99 00 National Day (Benin)
	X** 11 30 99 99 00 National Heroes Day (Philippines)
	X** 12 01 99 99 00 Anniversary of Restoration of Independence (Portugal)
	X** 12 01 99 99 00 Independence Day (Central African Republic)
	X** 12 02 99 99 00 National Holiday (United Arab Emirates)
	X** 12 03 99 99 00 National Holiday (Laos)
	X** 12 06 99 99 00 Independence Day (Finland)
	X** 12 07 99 99 00 Independence Day (Ivory Coast, Panama)
	X** 12 07 99 99 00 Prophet Mohammed's Birthday (Fiji)
	X** 12 08 99 99 00 Blessing of the Water (Uruguay)
	X** 12 08 99 99 00 Mother's Day (Panama)
	X** 12 08 99 99 00 Our Lady of the Cacupe (Paraguay)
	X** 12 09 99 99 00 Independence Day (Tanzania)
	X** 12 10 99 99 00 Foundation of Worker's Party (Angola)
	X** 12 10 99 99 00 Thai Constitution Day (Thailand)
	X** 12 11 99 99 00 Independence Day (Upper Volta)
	X** 12 12 99 99 00 Independence Day (Kenya)
	X** 12 13 99 99 00 Republic Day (Malta)
	X** 12 15 99 99 00 Statue Day (Netherlands Antilles)
	X** 12 16 99 99 00 Constitution Day (Nepal)
	X** 12 16 99 99 00 Day of the Covenant (South Africa)
	X** 12 16 99 99 00 National Day (Bahrain)
	X** 12 16 99 99 00 Victory Day (Bangladesh)
	X** 12 17 99 99 00 National Day (Bhutan)
	X** 12 18 99 99 00 Republic Day (Niger)
	X** 12 23 99 99 00 Victory Day (Egypt)
	X** 12 25 99 99 00 Children's Day (Congo)
	X** 12 25 99 99 00 Taisho Tenno Sai, Commemoration of the Demise of the Late Emperor (Japan)
	X** 12 25 99 99 00 Birthday of Quaid-i-Azam (Pakistan)
	X** 12 26 99 99 00 Boxing Day (U.K.)
	X** 12 26 99 99 00 Family Day (South Africa)
	X** 12 26 99 99 00 Feast of Our Theotokos (Greece)
	X** 12 27 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (Cayman Islands)
	X** 12 27 99 99 00 Constitution Day (North Korea)
	X** 12 27 99 99 00 Public Holiday (Lesotho, Zimbabwe)
	X** 12 29 99 99 00 Civic Holidays (3 days) (Costa Rica)
	X** 12 29 99 99 00 His Majesty, the King's Birthday (Nepal)
	X** 12 30 99 99 00 Anniversary of Democratic Republic of Madagascar (Madagascar)
	X** 12 31 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (El Salvador, Honduras, Pakistan)
	X** 12 31 99 99 00 Feed Yourself Day (Benin)
	X** 12 31 99 99 00 Proclamation of the Republic (Congo)
	X** 12 31 99 99 00 St. Sylvester (Switzerland)
if test 25422 -ne "`wc -c < 'world'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'world'" '(should have been 25422 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'events'" '(25426 characters)'
if test -f 'events'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'events'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'events'
	X# $Header: events,v 2.2 89/05/16 10:45:45 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Events of historical interest
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Castro expells Cuban President Batista (1959)
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" speech (1947)
	X** 01 05 99 99 00 -50 degrees F (Strawberry, UT, 1913)
	X** 01 05 99 99 00 FCC hears first demonstration of FM radio (1940)
	X** 01 05 99 99 00 Ronald Reagan proposes first trillion dollar US budget (1987)
	X** 01 08 99 99 00 Battle of New Orleans
	X** 01 10 99 99 00 First meeting of United Nations General Assembly (London, 1946)
	X** 01 11 99 99 00 Surgeon General condemns cigarettes (1964)
	X** 01 16 99 99 00 Prohibition begins (1920)
	X** 01 24 99 99 00 Gold discovered (Sutter's Mill, CA, 1848)
	X** 01 26 99 99 00 Sydney Australia settled (1778)
	X** 01 27 99 99 00 Vietnam War cease-fire signed (1973)
	X** 01 27 99 99 00 Military draft ends (1973)
	X** 01 28 99 99 00 First ski tow (Woodstock ,VT, 1914)
	X** 01 28 99 99 00 Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes 73s after liftoff (1986)
	X** 01 30 99 99 00 Mohandas Gandhi assassinated by Hindu fanatic (New Delhi, 1948)
	X** 01 30 99 99 00 Tet Offensive (1968)
	X** 01 31 99 99 00 First US satellite (Explorer I) launched, Van Allen Belt discovered (1958)
	X** 02 01 99 99 00 First TV soap: Secret Storm (1954)
	X** 02 01 99 99 00 Khomeini's forces triumph in Iran (1979)
	X** 02 01 99 99 00 RCA Victor unveils 45 rpm record system (1949)
	X** 02 05 99 99 00 Patricia Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army (1974)
	X** 02 09 99 99 00 -51 degrees F (Vanderbilt, MI, 1934)
	X** 02 09 99 99 00 Daylight Wartime begins (1942)
	X** 02 12 99 99 00 Santa Barbara oil leak (1969)
	X** 02 13 99 99 00 Offical "birthday" of the Barbie doll (1959)
	X** 02 14 99 99 00 Bombing of Dresden (1945)
	X** 02 15 99 99 00 Chicago Seven convicted (1970)
	X** 02 16 99 99 00 Nylon patented (1937)
	X** 02 16 99 99 00 Stephen Decatur burns U.S. frigate (Tripoli, 1804)
	X** 02 18 99 99 00 F. D. R. signs Executive Order interning Japanese Americans (1942)
	X** 02 21 99 99 00 Battle of Verdun begins (1M casualties, 1916)
	X** 02 21 99 99 00 Malcolm X shot to death (Harlem, 1965)
	X** 02 23 99 99 00 Lt. Calley confesses, implicates Cpt. Medina (1971)
	X** 02 23 99 99 00 Sixteenth amendment enacted as Wyoming becomes 36th state to approve it, creating federal income tax (1913)
	X** 02 27 99 99 00 The Lionheart crowned (1189)
	X** 02 28 99 99 00 "French Connection" drug bust occurs (Marseilles, 1972)
	X** 02 29 99 99 00 French & Indian raid (Deerfield, MA, 1704)
	X** 03 01 99 99 00 Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, & Tituba arrested for witchcraft (Salem, MA, 1692)
	X** 03 02 99 99 00 Texas declares independence (1836)
	X** 03 04 99 99 00 First meeting of Congress (New York City, 1789)
	X** 03 06 99 99 00 All US banks closed (1933)
	X** 03 07 99 99 00 Last Gilbert & Sullivan opera produced (1896)
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 First annual International Women's Day (1909)
	X** 03 11 99 99 00 Johnny Appleseed Day; anniversary John Chapman's death
	X** 03 11 99 99 00 Great New England blizzard begins (1888)
	X** 03 13 99 99 00 "Striptease" introduced, Paris (1894)
	X** 03 13 99 99 00 New York stock market crash (1907)
	X** 03 14 99 99 00 Great New England blizzard ends (1888)
	X** 03 14 99 99 00 Teddy Roosevelt excludes Japanese laborers from continental U.S. (1907)
	X** 03 15 99 99 00 Buzzards return to Hinckley OH
	X** 03 15 99 99 00 Ides of March; Julius Caesar assassinated by Brutus (44 BC)
	X** 03 15 99 99 00 Watts, Los Angeles, riots kill two, injure 25 (1966)
	X** 03 16 99 99 00 First liquid-fuel-powered rocket flight (1926)
	X** 03 16 99 99 00 MyLai Massacre; 300 non-combatant villagers killed by U.S. infantrymen
	X** 03 16 99 99 00 Robert Goddard launches first liquid-fueled rocket (1926)
	X** 03 17 99 99 00 Vanguard I launched, Earth proved pear-shaped (1958)
	X** 03 20 99 99 00 Radio Caroline, original British pirate radio station, sinks (1980)
	X** 03 24 99 99 00 Construction of New York City subway system begins (1900)
	X** 03 25 99 99 00 Triangle Shirt Waist Fire (1911)
	X** 03 26 99 99 00 Popeye statue unveiled (Spinach Festival, Crystal City, TX, 1937)
	X** 03 27 99 99 00 Khrushchev becomes Premier of Soviet Union (1958)
	X** 03 28 99 99 00 Three Mile Island releases radioactive gas (1979)
	X** 03 29 99 99 00 Swedish settled Christiana (Wilmington) DE (1638)
	X** 03 29 99 99 00 Last US troops leave Vietnam (1973)
	X** 03 30 99 99 00 Five rings around Uranus discovered (1977)
	X** 03 30 99 99 00 Pencil with eraser patented (1858)
	X** 04 03 99 99 00 Pony Express begins (1860)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 First flight of space shuttle Challenger (1983)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 Martin Luther King assassinated (Memphis, TN, 1968)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 NATO Established (1949)
	X** 04 06 99 99 00 Joseph Smith founds Mormon Church (1830)
	X** 04 07 99 99 00 Albert Hofmann synthesizes LSD (Switzerland, 1943)
	X** 04 07 99 99 00 Alewives run, Cape Cod
	X** 04 09 99 99 00 Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse (1865)
	X** 04 11 99 99 00 Jackie Robinson breaks the color barrier in baseball when he plays for the Brooklyn Dodgers (1947)
	X** 04 12 99 99 00 First flight of US space shuttle Columbia (1981)
	X** 04 12 99 99 00 Confederate troops fire first shots of Civil War (Ft Sumter, 1861)
	X** 04 12 99 99 00 Yuri Gagarin first man in space (1961)
	X** 04 14 99 99 00 Titanic hits iceberg, sinks (1912)
	X** 04 16 99 99 00 Lincoln shot in Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth (1865)
	X** 04 17 99 99 00 Bay of Pigs invasion crushed by Castro forces (1961)
	X** 04 18 99 99 00 San Francisco earthquake (1906)
	X** 04 19 99 99 00 Warsaw Ghetto uprising (1943)
	X** 04 20 99 99 00 Supreme Court unanimously rules in favor of bussing (1971)
	X** 04 23 99 99 00 Hank Aaron hits his first home run (1954)
	X** 04 29 99 99 00 "Hair" premiers on Broadway (1968)
	X** 05 03 99 99 00 Anti-war protest disrupts business (Washington, 1971)
	X** 05 04 99 99 00 Four Kent State students protesting invasion of Cambodia are shot by Ohio National Guard (1970)
	X** 05 07 99 99 00 Germany Surrenders after WWII (1945)
	X** 05 07 99 99 00 Lusitania sunk by German U-boat(1915)
	X** 05 08 99 99 00 U.S. institutes mining of Haiphong Harbor (1972)
	X** 05 09 99 99 00 94 degrees F (New York City, 1979)
	X** 05 10 99 99 00 Germany invades Low Countries (1940)
	X** 05 10 99 99 00 Nazi book burning (1933)
	X** 05 13 99 99 00 V-E (Victory in Europe) day (1945)
	X** 05 14 99 99 00 Beginning of Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804)
	X** 05 14 99 99 00 Nation of Israel proclaimed (1948)
	X** 05 17 99 99 00 24" rain in 11 hours (Pearl River, S. China, 1982)
	X** 05 17 99 99 00 Six Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) members killed in televised gun fight (1974)
	X** 05 18 99 99 00 Napoleon crowned Emperor (1804)
	X** 05 20 99 99 00 Lindbergh flies to Paris (1927)
	X** 05 22 99 99 00 U.S. Civil War ends (1865)
	X** 05 23 99 99 00 Israeli raid into Argentina to capture Adolf Eichmann (1960)
	X** 05 23 99 99 00 Two Yetis sighted, Mt. Everest (1953)
	X** 05 24 99 99 00 First telegraph message (1824)
	X** 05 25 99 99 00 Oral Roberts sees 900 foot tall Jesus Christ, Tulsa OK (1980)
	X** 05 25 99 99 00 Successful test of limelight (Purfleet, England, 1830)
	X** 05 26 99 99 00 Congress sets first immigration quotas (1924)
	X** 05 27 99 99 00 Afghanistan attains sovereignty (1921)
	X** 05 27 99 99 00 First joint meeting of U.S. & European ALGOL definition committee (1958)
	X** 05 27 99 99 00 Golden Gate Bridge opens (1937)
	X** 05 29 99 99 00 Edmund Hillary & Tenzing Norkay climb Mt. Everest (1953)
	X** 05 30 99 99 00 U.S. Marines sent to Nicaragua (1912)
	X** 06 02 99 99 00 Native Americans "granted" citizenship (1924)
	X** 06 04 99 99 00 Roquefort cheese developed (1070)
	X** 06 05 99 99 00 Robert Kennedy assasinated (1968)
	X** 06 06 99 99 00 Normandy landing (1944)
	X** 06 11 99 99 00 Greeks seize Troy (1184 BC)
	X** 06 13 99 99 00 Pioneer flies past Neptune, leaving Solar System
	X** 06 14 99 99 00 Sandpaper invented by I. Fischer, Jr. (1834)
	X** 06 15 99 99 00 Native Americans made US citizens (1915)
	X** 06 15 99 99 00 Ben Franklin's kite experiment (1752)
	X** 06 15 99 99 00 Magna Carta signed (1215)
	X** 06 15 99 99 00 Series of photographs by Eadweard Muybridge prove to Leland Stanford that all hooves of horse are off ground during gallop (1878)
	X** 06 16 99 99 00 Bloomsday - Anniversary of Dublin events, 1904 ("Ulysses")
	X** 06 17 99 99 00 China explodes its first Hydrogen bomb (1967)
	X** 06 17 99 99 00 Watergate Democratic National Committee Break-In (1972)
	X** 06 18 99 99 00 Sally Ride, on Challenger, first American woman in orbit (1983)
	X** 06 19 99 99 00 Julius & Ethel Rosenberg are executed (Sing-Sing prison, 1953)
	X** 06 19 99 99 00 Lizzie Borden acquitted (1893)
	X** 06 20 99 99 00 Victoria crowned (1837)
	X** 06 21 99 99 00 Berlin airlift begins (1948)
	X** 06 21 99 99 00 Columbia Records announces first mass production of LPs (1948)
	X** 06 22 99 99 00 Civil rights workers disappear (MS, 1964)
	X** 06 23 99 99 00 Slavery abolished (England, 1772)
	X** 06 24 99 99 00 Senate repeals Gulf of Tonkin resolution (1970)
	X** 06 25 99 99 00 Custer's Last Stand (1876)
	X** 06 25 99 99 00 N. Korea invades S. Korea (1950)
	X** 06 26 99 99 00 Battle of Gettysburg (1863)
	X** 06 26 99 99 00 St. Lawrence Seaway dedicated by Eisenhower & Queen Elizabeth II (1959)
	X** 06 26 99 99 00 Toothbrush invented (1498)
	X** 06 27 99 99 00 100 degrees F (Fort Yukon, 1915)
	X** 06 28 99 99 00 Supreme Court decides in favor of Alan Bakke (1978)
	X** 06 28 99 99 00 Treaty of Versailles (1919)
	X** 06 28 99 99 00 World War I begins (1914)
	X** 06 30 99 99 00 "That" explosion (Siberia, 1908)
	X** 06 30 99 99 00 China & Soviet Union announce split over ideology (1960)
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 First adhesive postage stamp (1847)
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 Battle of Gettysburg begins (1863)
	X** 07 02 99 99 00 Felix Pappalardi & Leslie West form Mountain (1969)
	X** 07 03 99 99 00 Dog days begin
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Battles of Vicksburg & Gettysburg won by Union forces (1863)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Cloudy, 76 degrees F (Philadelphia, PA, 1776)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 New York abstains on Declaration of Independence vote (1776)
	X** 07 06 99 99 00 Lawrence of Arabia captures Aqaba (1917)
	X** 07 06 99 99 00 Premiere of first talking motion picture (New York City, 1928)
	X** 07 07 99 99 00 US occupies Iceland (1941)
	X** 07 07 99 99 00 First radio broadcast of "Dragnet" (1949)
	X** 07 08 99 99 00 First public reading, Declaration of Independence (1776)
	X** 07 09 99 99 00 10-hour working day set by law, NH (1847)
	X** 07 12 99 99 00 Chicago DJ Steve Dahl holds "Disco Demolition" (Kamisky Park, 1979)
	X** 07 13 99 99 00 Women first compete in Olympic games (1908)
	X** 07 16 99 99 00 Detonation of first atomic bomb (Alamagordo, NM, 1945)
	X** 07 17 99 99 00 Disneyland opens (1955)
	X** 07 18 99 99 00 Ty Cobb gets 4000th base hit (1927)
	X** 07 19 99 99 00 Five Massachusetts women executed for witchcraft (1692)
	X** 07 20 99 99 00 Armstrong & Aldrin land on moon (1969)
	X** 07 21 99 99 00 Vietnam divided at 17th parallel (1954)
	X** 07 23 99 99 00 Ice cream cone introduced (St. Louis MO, 1904)
	X** 07 24 99 99 00 Scopes Monkey Trial (1925)
	X** 07 30 99 99 00 "In God We Trust" made U.S. motto (1956)
	X** 07 31 99 99 00 Harry S. Truman dedicates NY Int'l Airport (later JFK) (Idlewild Field, 1948)
	X** 08 03 99 99 00 U.S.S. Nautilus passes below north polar ice cap (1958)
	X** 08 04 99 99 00 Bombing of North Vietnam begins (1964)
	X** 08 04 99 99 00 Britain declares war on Germany starting World War I (1914)
	X** 08 06 99 99 00 Atomic bomb dropped (Hiroshima, 1945)
	X** 08 06 99 99 00 Cy Young pitches first game (1890)
	X** 08 08 99 99 00 Atomic bomb dropped (Nagasaki, 1945)
	X** 08 08 99 99 00 Great Train Robbery bags $7,368,000 (1963)
	X** 08 08 99 99 00 Montenegro declares war on Germany (1914)
	X** 08 08 99 99 00 Nixon announces resignation (1973)
	X** 08 09 99 99 00 Helter Skelter...the Charles Manson murders (1969)
	X** 08 09 99 99 00 Persia defeats Spartan King Leonidas at Thermopylae (480 BC)
	X** 08 09 99 99 00 Richard Nixon resigns as President (1974)
	X** 08 09 99 99 00 U.S./Canada border defined in Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842)
	X** 08 10 99 99 00 Chicago incorporated as village of 300 people (1833)
	X** 08 10 99 99 00 U.S. & Panama agree to transfer canal in year 2000 (1977)
	X** 08 11 99 99 00 Dog days end
	X** 08 11 99 99 00 France Ends War in Indochina (1954)
	X** 08 12 99 99 00 Last U.S. ground troops out of Vietnam (1972)
	X** 08 13 99 99 00 Berlin wall erected (1961)
	X** 08 13 99 99 00 Li'l Abner debut (1934)
	X** 08 14 99 99 00 Social Security begins (1935)
	X** 08 14 99 99 00 V-J (Victory in Japan) Day (1945)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Gandhi's movement obtains independence (Pakistan, India, 1947)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Hurricane hits Plimoth Plantation (1635)
	X** 08 16 99 99 00 Roller Coaster patented (1898)
	X** 08 17 99 99 00 First public bath opened in New York City (1891)
	X** 08 17 99 99 00 First steamboat trip (1807)
	X** 08 19 99 99 00 Gail Borden patents condensed milk (1856)
	X** 08 20 99 99 00 Leon Trotsky assassinated (1940)
	X** 08 22 99 99 00 St. Columba reports seeing monster (Loch Ness, 565)
	X** 08 23 99 99 00 Sacco & Vanzetti executed (1927)
	X** 08 24 99 99 00 -126.9 degrees F (Vostok, Antarctica, 1960)
	X** 08 24 99 99 00 British troops burn Washington (1814)
	X** 08 25 99 99 00 Gen. DeGaulle leads French forces into Paris (1944)
	X** 08 26 99 99 00 Women's suffrage, US (1920)
	X** 08 27 99 99 00 "Tarzan of the Apes" published (1912)
	X** 08 27 99 99 00 Krakatoa, Java explodes with force of 1,300 megatons (1883)
	X** 08 28 99 99 00 King leads over 200,000 in civil rights rally (Washington, DC, 1963)
	X** 08 29 99 99 00 Star in Cygnus goes nova & becomes 4th brightest in sky (Nova Cygni 1975)
	X** 08 30 99 99 00 75 cents per pound tariff set on opium (1842)
	X** 08 30 99 99 00 Japan Stationery Co. sells first felt-tipped pen (1960)
	X** 08 30 99 99 00 Washington-to-Moscow hot line connected (1963)
	X** 08 31 99 99 00 269 people killed as Korean Airlines 747 shot down by U.S.S.R. (1983)
	X** 08 31 99 99 00 Non-aggression pact signed by U.S.S.R. & Afghanistan (1926)
	X** 09 01 99 99 00 Bobby Fischer defeats Boris Spassky (World Chess Match, 1972)
	X** 09 01 99 99 00 Joshua A. Norton proclaims himself Emperor Norton I (1859)
	X** 09 02 99 99 00 Great Britain adopts Gregorian Calendar (1752)
	X** 09 02 99 99 00 Japan signs unconditional surrender aboard U.S. battleship `Missouri' (1945)
	X** 09 05 99 99 00 First Continental Congress convened (Philadelphia, 1774)
	X** 09 05 99 99 00 Kennedy orders resumption of underground nuclear tests (1961)
	X** 09 06 99 99 00 149 Pilgrims set forth from England aboard Mayflower (1620)
	X** 09 06 99 99 00 President McKinley shot (1901)
	X** 09 08 99 99 00 "Star Trek" debuts on NBC (1966)
	X** 09 08 99 99 00 President Gerald R. Ford pardons Richard M. Nixon (1974)
	X** 09 09 99 99 00 California becomes 31st state (1850)
	X** 09 09 99 99 00 United Colonies renamed United States (1776)
	X** 09 10 99 99 00 Mountain Meadows Massacre: Mormons attack Gentile wagon train (1857)
	X** 09 12 99 99 00 German paratroopers rescue Mussolini from captivity (Rome, 1943)
	X** 09 12 99 99 00 Germany annexes Sudentenland (1938)
	X** 09 13 99 99 00 136.4 degrees F (el Azizia, Libya, 1922)
	X** 09 13 99 99 00 British defeat French at Abraham (near Quebec City, 1788)
	X** 09 13 99 99 00 Building of Hadrian's Wall begun (122)
	X** 09 13 99 99 00 Chiang Kai-Shek becomes president of China (1943)
	X** 09 14 99 99 00 Benjamin Franklin sent to France as American minister (1778)
	X** 09 14 99 99 00 Francis Scott Key writes words to "Star Spangled Banner" (1814)
	X** 09 14 99 99 00 Salem, Massachusetts, founded (1629)
	X** 09 14 99 99 00 Selective Service Act establishes first peacetime draft (1940)
	X** 09 15 99 99 00 Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev begins 13 day tour of U.S. (1959)
	X** 09 15 99 99 00 U.S. Foreign Affairs Dept. becomes U.S. State Department (1789)
	X** 09 16 99 99 00 Village of Shawmut, Massachusetts, becomes city of Boston (1630)
	X** 09 17 99 99 00 Battle of Antietam (1862)
	X** 09 20 99 99 00 Equal Rights Party nominates Belva Lockwood for President (1884)
	X** 09 20 99 99 00 First meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Science (1848)
	X** 09 20 99 99 00 First meeting of National Research Council (1916)
	X** 09 20 99 99 00 Magellan leaves Spain on first circumnavigation (1519)
	X** 09 22 99 99 00 Allied Forces form independent nation West Germany (1953)
	X** 09 22 99 99 00 First Soviet atomic bomb explodes (1949)
	X** 09 22 99 99 00 Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation (1862)
	X** 09 22 99 99 00 Special prosecutor Leon Jeworski subpoenaes President Nixon (1974)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 New York Knickerbockers becomes first U.S. Baseball club (1845)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 Phillippine President Ferdinand Marcos declares martial law (1972)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 V.P. Nixon denies campaign fund fraud with "Checkers" speech (1952)
	X** 09 24 99 99 00 New York stock market crash (1869)
	X** 09 25 99 99 00 Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman on U.S. Supreme Court (1981)
	X** 09 27 99 99 00 First passenger conveyed by locomotive (England, 1825)
	X** 09 28 99 99 00 "Pilgrim's Progress" published (1678)
	X** 09 29 99 99 00 First U.S. shuttle launch following Challenger disaster (Discovery, 8:37 PDT, 1988)
	X** 09 30 99 99 00 First tooth extracted under anesthesia (Charleston, MA, 1846)
	X** 09 30 99 99 00 Verdicts of Nuremberg trials announced (1946)
	X** 10 02 99 99 00 Thurgood Marshall sworn as first black Supreme Court Justice (1967)
	X** 10 03 99 99 00 Discovery lands successfully (1988)
	X** 10 04 99 99 00 Crimean war begins (1853)
	X** 10 04 99 99 00 Sputnik I (first satelite) launched (1957)
	X** 10 06 99 99 00 Antioch College first public school to admit men & women (1853)
	X** 10 06 99 99 00 Egyptian President Anwar Sadat assassinated (Cairo, 1981)
	X** 10 06 99 99 00 Israel attacked by alliance of Egypt & Syria (1973)
	X** 10 07 99 99 00 Foundation of German Democratic Republic (1949)
	X** 10 07 99 99 00 Maryland Governor Marvin Mandel sent to prison on fraud charges (1977)
	X** 10 07 99 99 00 Mother Teresa of Calcutta awarded Nobel Peace Prize (1979)
	X** 10 07 99 99 00 Police stop Wilbur Mills' car, Fanne Fox jumps into water (1974)
	X** 10 08 99 99 00 Great Chicago Fire (1871)
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 First two-way telephone conversation (1876)
	X** 10 10 99 99 00 Vice-President Spiro Agnew resigns due to tax fraud (1973)
	X** 10 11 99 99 00 "Saturday Night Live" premiers (NBC-TV, 1975)
	X** 10 11 99 99 00 First steam powered ferry run (between New York City & Hoboken, 1811)
	X** 10 11 99 99 00 Gang of Four arrested (Peking, 1976)
	X** 10 11 99 99 00 Second Vatican Ecumenical Council opens (Rome, 1962)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Columbus lands (Bahamas, 1492)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Khrushchev pounds desk with shoe during speech to UN (1960)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Man O'War's last race (1920)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Native Americans discover Columbus of Europe lost on their shores (1492)
	X** 10 13 99 99 00 Italy declares war on Germany (1943)
	X** 10 13 99 99 00 U.S. Navy authorized by Second Continental Congress (1775)
	X** 10 14 99 99 00 Battle of Hastings (and England) won by William the Conqueror (1066)
	X** 10 14 99 99 00 Chuck Yeager breaks sound barrier (1947)
	X** 10 15 99 99 00 First draft card burned (1965)
	X** 10 18 99 99 00 Boston Shoemakers form first U.S. labor org. (1648)
	X** 10 18 99 99 00 Soviets announce photos of far side of Moon (1959)
	X** 10 19 99 99 00 Mao Tse-tung establishes People's Republic of China (1949)
	X** 10 19 99 99 00 Napoleon's defeated army begins long retreat from Moscow (1812)
	X** 10 20 99 99 00 Nixon's "Saturday Night Massacre" (1973)
	X** 10 20 99 99 00 OPEC embargo (1973)
	X** 10 21 99 99 00 Edison makes first practical incandescent lamp (1879)
	X** 10 21 99 99 00 Guggenheim Museum opens (1959)
	X** 10 22 99 99 00 Chester Carlson invents xerography (1938)
	X** 10 23 99 99 00 Battle of Leyte Gulf begins (1944)
	X** 10 25 99 99 00 UN removes Taiwan & admits People's Republic of China (1971)
	X** 10 26 99 99 00 Erie Canal opens (1825)
	X** 10 26 99 99 00 World Health Organization declares smallpox eradicated (1978)
	X** 10 27 99 99 00 First New York City Subway opened (1904)
	X** 10 27 99 99 00 New York City's Boss Tweed arrested on fraud charges (1871)
	X** 10 28 99 99 00 Columbus discovers Cuba (1492)
	X** 10 28 99 99 00 Constantine's army defeats forces of Maxentius at Mulvian Bridge (312)
	X** 10 28 99 99 00 Harvard founded (MA, 1636)
	X** 10 28 99 99 00 Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island (1886)
	X** 10 29 99 99 00 Stock Market Crash (New York City, 1929)
	X** 10 30 99 99 00 Orson Welles' "War of the Worlds" broadcast (1938)
	X** 10 31 99 99 00 Luther nails 95 Theses to door of Castle Church, Wittenberg (1517)
	X** 11 01 99 99 00 Austria-Hungary become two seperate nations (1918)
	X** 11 01 99 99 00 Puerto Rican nationalists try to kill Truman at Blair House (1950)
	X** 11 02 99 99 00 Luftwaffe completes 57 consecutive nights of bombing of London (1940)
	X** 11 02 99 99 00 Two Frenchmen make first free hot air balloon flight (1783)
	X** 11 03 99 99 00 Beef rises to 3 cents per pound (IL, 1837)
	X** 11 03 99 99 00 Linus Pauling wins Nobel Chemistry Prize (1954)
	X** 11 03 99 99 00 Sputnik II launched, bearing spacedog Laika (1957)
	X** 11 04 99 99 00 First wagon train reaches California (1841)
	X** 11 04 99 99 00 Iranian militants seize U.S. embassy personnel (Teheran, 1979)
	X** 11 04 99 99 00 Soviet forces crush anti-communist revolt (Hungary, 1956)
	X** 11 07 99 99 00 Abolitionist newspaperman Elijah P Lovejoy murdered by mob (1837)
	X** 11 07 99 99 00 Lewis & Clark Expedition in sight of Pacific Ocean (1805)
	X** 11 08 99 99 00 George Bush elected President (1988)
	X** 11 09 99 99 00 Blackout of New York, New England, & Eastern Canada (1965)
	X** 11 09 99 99 00 Giant panda discovered (China, 1927!?)
	X** 11 09 99 99 00 Kristallnacht (1938)
	X** 11 09 99 99 00 Margaret Sanger forms American Birth Control League (1921)
	X** 11 09 99 99 00 Roosevelt establishes Civil Works Administration (1933)
	X** 11 10 99 99 00 41 Women arrested in suffragette demonstrations near White House (1917)
	X** 11 10 99 99 00 Captain Wirz, commandant of Andersonville Prison hanged (1865)
	X** 11 10 99 99 00 Henry Stanley asks David Livingston, "Dr. Livingston, I presume?" (1871)
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Angola gains independence from Portugal (1975)
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Washington becomes 42nd state (1889)
	X** 11 12 99 99 00 U.S. first exports oil to Europe (1861)
	X** 11 14 99 99 00 Quarter Pounder price raised from $0.53 to $0.55 in violation of Nixon price controls (approved by Price Commission after formal request from McDonald's, 1971)
	X** 11 15 99 99 00 Niagara Falls power plant startup (1896)
	X** 11 16 99 99 00 Opening of Suez Canal (1869)
	X** 11 17 99 99 00 46,000 meteoroids fall in 20 minutes (AZ, 1966)
	X** 11 18 99 99 00 First hydrogen bomb explosion (Enewetok, 1952)
	X** 11 18 99 99 00 Local standard time zones established for U.S. (1883)
	X** 11 18 99 99 00 Mickey Mouse first appears on screen ("Steamboat Willie," 1928)
	X** 11 19 99 99 00 Gettysburg Address delivered (1863)
	X** 11 21 99 99 00 Announcement of 18 1/2 minute gap on Watergate tape (1973)
	X** 11 22 99 99 00 John F. Kennedy assassinated (Dallas, 1963)
	X** 11 24 99 99 00 Lee Harvey Oswald killed by Jack Ruby (Dallas, 1963)
	X** 11 25 99 99 00 Alfred Nobel invents dynamite (1867)
	X** 11 25 99 99 00 Johann Strauss, Jr., writes `On the Beautiful Blue Danube' (1867)
	X** 11 27 99 99 00 Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel Prize (1895)
	X** 11 27 99 99 00 Friction match invented (England, 1826)
	X** 11 27 99 99 00 Hoosac Railroad Tunnel completed (Northwest MA, 1873)
	X** 11 29 99 99 00 King Tut's tomb opened (1922)
	X** 12 01 99 99 00 First National Corn-Husking Championship (Alleman, IA, 1924)
	X** 12 01 99 99 00 Martin Luther King Jr. leads black boycott of Montgomery buses (1955)
	X** 12 01 99 99 00 Rosa Parks refuses to move to back of bus (Montgomery, AL, 1955)
	X** 12 03 99 99 00 First neon light display, Paris (1910)
	X** 12 03 99 99 00 First successful human heart transplant by Dr. Christian Barnard (South Africa, 1967)
	X** 12 04 99 99 00 Washington takes leave of his officers (Fraunce's Tavern, New York City, 1783)
	X** 12 05 99 99 00 Eighteenth Amendment repealed, ending Prohibition (1933)
	X** 12 05 99 99 00 Phi Beta Kappa founded (1776)
	X** 12 06 99 99 00 First sound recording (Thomas Edison, 1877)
	X** 12 07 99 99 00 Japan attacks Pearl Harbor (1941)
	X** 12 08 99 99 00 John Lennon murdered (New York City, 1980)
	X** 12 09 99 99 00 Ball-bearing roller skates patented (1884)
	X** 12 10 99 99 00 Metric system established (France, 1799)
	X** 12 10 99 99 00 Nobel Peace Prize awarded annually
	X** 12 12 99 99 00 First wireless message sent across Atlantic by Marconi (1901)
	X** 12 13 99 99 00 Dartmouth College chartered (1769)
	X** 12 15 99 99 00 Argo Merchant oil spill (1976)
	X** 12 15 99 99 00 Bill of Rights adopted (1791)
	X** 12 15 99 99 00 James Naismith invents basketball, Canada (1891)
	X** 12 15 99 99 00 Sitting Bull shot in head while submitting to arrest (1890)
	X** 12 15 99 99 00 Thomas Edison receives patent on phonograph (1877)
	X** 12 18 99 99 00 Prohibition Amendment passes (1917)
	X** 12 20 99 99 00 U.S. Buys ~1,000,000 sq. miles of Louisiana for ~$20/sq.mi.
	X** 12 21 99 99 00 Phineas Fogg completes trip around world in under 80 days
	X** 12 23 99 99 00 First Gilbert & Sullivan collaboration, Thespis (1871)
	X** 12 24 99 99 00 KKK formed (Pulaski, TN, 1865)
	X** 12 27 99 99 00 Ether first used as anesthetic in childbirth (1845)
	X** 12 29 99 99 00 Battle of Wounded knee (1890)
	X** 12 30 99 99 00 First Los Angeles freeway dedicated (1940)
if test 25426 -ne "`wc -c < 'events'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'events'" '(should have been 25426 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'usa_other'" '(3598 characters)'
if test -f 'usa_other'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'usa_other'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'usa_other'
	X# $Header: usa_other,v 2.1 89/05/09 14:33:40 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Misc US and Canadian holidays fixed by exact date or as nth mday of month
	X# (including some international holidays)
	X# (This file includes holidays that are not common national dates and
	X#  are not known to be specific to a single state or states.)
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Feast of the Circumcision of Christ
	X** 01 06 99 99 00 Millard Fillmore's birthday
	X** 01 23 99 99 00 National Handwriting Day
	X** 02 01 99 99 00 National Freedon Day
	X** 02 02 99 99 00 Candlemas
	X** 02 02 99 99 00 Ground Hog Day
	X** 02 10 99 99 00 Feast of St. Paul's Shipwreck (AD 60)
	X** 02 12 99 99 00 Lincoln's Birthday
	X** 02 14 99 99 00 St. Valentine's day
	X** 02 15 99 99 00 Susan B. Anthony Day
	X** 02 24 99 99 00 Gregorian Calendar Day
	X** 03 16 99 99 00 Black Press Day; first Black newspaper founded (1827)
	X** 03 17 99 99 00 St. Patrick's Day
	X** 03 25 99 99 00 Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
	X** 04 01 99 99 00 April Fool's Day
	X** 04 14 99 99 00 Pan American Day
	X** 04 Su 99 99 00 [1] <4> DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS (set clocks forward 1 h)
	X** 04 Fr 99 99 00 [L] Arbor Day
	X** 05 01 99 99 00 Law Day (declared by Eisenhower)
	X** 05 01 99 99 00 Loyalty Day
	X** 05 01 99 99 00 May Day
	X** 05 22 99 99 00 National Maritime Day
	X** 05 30 99 99 00 Decoration Day
	X** 05 Mo 99 99 00 [4] Victoria Day (Canada)
	X** 05 Sa 99 99 00 [3] Armed Force's Day
	X** 05 Su 99 99 00 [3] I'm an American Day
	X** 06 14 99 99 00 Flag Day
	X** 06 29 99 99 00 St. Peter's Day
	X** 06 30 99 99 00 St. Paul's Day
	X** 06 Su 99 99 00 [2] Children's Day
	X** 07 01 99 99 00 Canada Day
	X** 08 06 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (Australia, Fiji, Iceland, Ireland, Ontario, British Columbia)
	X** 08 06 99 99 00 Feast of the Transfiguration
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
	X** 09 04 99 99 00 Kid's Day
	X** 09 08 99 99 00 Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
	X** 09 13 99 99 00 Barry Day (commemorates death of Commodore John Barry)
	X** 09 14 99 99 00 Constitution Day
	X** 09 14 99 99 00 Feast of the Exhaltation of the Cross
	X** 09 15 99 99 00 Independence Day
	X** 09 17 99 99 00 Citizenship Day
	X** 09 29 99 99 00 Michaelmas
	X** 09 Su 99 99 00 [2] Grandparent's Day
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 Leif Erikson Day (commemorates discovery of North America in AD 1000)
	X** 10 11 99 99 00 General Pulaski Memorial Day
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Columbus Day
	X** 10 15 99 99 00 World Poetry Day
	X** 10 16 99 99 00 National Boss Day
	X** 10 18 99 99 00 Feast Day of St. Luke
	X** 10 22 99 99 00 Mothers-in-Law Day
	X** 10 24 99 99 00 United Nations Day
	X** 10 31 99 99 00 Halloween
	X** 10 31 99 99 00 Reformation Day
	X** 10 Su 99 99 00 [L] <4> DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS (set clocks back 1 h)
	X** 10 Mo 99 99 00 [1] Child Health Day
	X** 10 Mo 99 99 00 [2] Thanksgiving Day (Canada)
	X** 11 01 99 99 00 All Saints Day
	X** 11 01 99 99 00 All Souls Day
	X** 11 04 99 99 00 Will Rogers Day
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Armistice Day
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Rememberance Day (Canada)
	X** 11 12 99 99 00 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Day
	X** 11 30 99 99 00 St. Andrew's Day
	X** 11 Su 99 99 00 [3] Sadie Hawkin's Day
	X** 12 05 99 99 00 St. Nicholas' Day
	X** 12 10 99 99 00 Human Rights Day
	X** 12 15 99 99 00 Bill of Rights Day
	X** 12 17 99 99 00 Wright Brothers Day
	X** 12 21 99 99 00 Forefathers' Day
	X** 12 24 99 99 00 Christmas Eve
	X** 12 26 99 99 00 Bank Holiday (Canada, Republic of Ireland, UK)
	X** 12 26 99 99 00 Boxing Day (Canada)
	X** 12 26 99 99 00 St. Stephen's Day
	X** 12 31 99 99 00 New Year's Eve
if test 3598 -ne "`wc -c < 'usa_other'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'usa_other'" '(should have been 3598 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'popcult'" '(12146 characters)'
if test -f 'popcult'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'popcult'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'popcult'
	X# $Header: popcult,v 2.1 89/05/09 14:33:33 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Dates in recent popular culture
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 Country Joe McDonald born (El Monte, CA, 1942)
	X** 01 03 99 99 00 Steven Stills born (Dallas, 1945)
	X** 01 04 99 99 00 Jazz great Charlie Mingus dies at 57 (Cuernavaca, Mexico, 1979)
	X** 01 06 99 99 00 Syd Barrett, born Roger Keith Barrett (Cambridge, 1946)
	X** 01 08 99 99 00 David Bowie born David Robert Jones (London, 1947)
	X** 01 09 99 99 00 James Patrick Page (Led Zeppelin) born (Middlesex, England, 1945)
	X** 01 10 99 99 00 Blues guitarist Howlin' Wolf dies (Chicago, 1976)
	X** 01 10 99 99 00 Jim Croce born (Phildelphia, 1943)
	X** 01 10 99 99 00 Pat Benatar born (Long Island, 1952)
	X** 01 10 99 99 00 Rod Stewart born (Glasgow, Scotland, 1945)
	X** 01 11 99 99 00 Whiskey-A-Go-Go opens (Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, 1963)
	X** 01 12 99 99 00 "Long" John Baldry born (London, 1941)
	X** 01 13 99 99 00 Eric Clapton plays "Rainbow Concert" (London, 1973)
	X** 01 14 99 99 00 First "Be-In" (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, 1967)
	X** 01 17 99 99 00 Led Zeppelin's first album released (1969)
	X** 01 19 99 99 00 Janis Joplin born (Port Arthur, TX, 1943)
	X** 01 22 99 99 00 Sam Cooke born (Chicago, 1935)
	X** 01 24 99 99 00 John Belushi born (Chicago, 1949)
	X** 01 24 99 99 00 Warren Zevon born (1947)
	X** 01 25 99 99 00 Bob Dylan plays second "Hurricane" benefit (Astrodome, 1978)
	X** 01 27 99 99 00 Bobby "Blue" Bland (Robert Calvin Bland) born (TN, 1930)
	X** 01 27 99 99 00 Nick Mason born (Birmingham, England 1945)
	X** 01 28 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix headlines Madison Square Garden (1970)
	X** 01 30 99 99 00 Lightnin' Hopkins, most-recorded blues artist, dies (1982)
	X** 01 31 99 99 00 Grateful Dead busted (New Orleans, 1970)
	X** 02 02 99 99 00 Graham Nash born (Lancashire, England, 1942)
	X** 02 03 99 99 00 Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, & Big Bopper killed in plane crash
	X** 02 03 99 99 00 The Day The Music Died (outside Mason City, IA, 1959)
	X** 02 05 99 99 00 Alex Harvey (SAHB) born (Glasgow, Scotland, 1935)
	X** 02 07 99 99 00 Beatles arrive in America for first time (1964)
	X** 02 07 99 99 00 Steven Stills makes first digitally recorded rock album (1979)
	X** 02 09 99 99 00 Carole King (Carole Klein) born (Brooklyn, 1941)
	X** 02 12 99 99 00 Beatles play Carnegie Hall (New York City, 1964)
	X** 02 17 99 99 00 Jazz great Thelonius Monk dies (Englewood, NJ, 1982)
	X** 02 18 99 99 00 Yoko Ono Lennon born (Tokyo, 1933)
	X** 02 19 99 99 00 Paul McCartney's "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" banned in Britain (1972)
	X** 02 19 99 99 00 William "Smokey" Robinson born (Detroit, 1940)
	X** 02 20 99 99 00 J. Geils (J. Geils Band) born (1946)
	X** 02 20 99 99 00 Yes sells out Madison Square Garden without advertising (1974)
	X** 02 23 99 99 00 Johnny Winter born (Leland, MS, 1944)
	X** 02 25 99 99 00 George Harrison born (Liverpool, England, 1943)
	X** 03 01 99 99 00 Jim Morrison busted for obscenity (Miami, 1969)
	X** 03 02 99 99 00 Blues guitarist Rory Gallagher born (Ballyshannon, Ireland, 1949)
	X** 03 03 99 99 00 Buffalo Springfield formed (Los Angeles, 1966)
	X** 03 05 99 99 00 John Belushi dies (Los Angeles, 1982)
	X** 03 06 99 99 00 David Gilmour born (Cambridge, England, 1944)
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 Ron "Pigpen" McKernan (Grateful Dead) dies (CA, 1973)
	X** 03 09 99 99 00 Robin Trower born (London, 1945)
	X** 03 13 99 99 00 Allman Brothers record live album (Fillmore East, 1971)
	X** 03 15 99 99 00 Phil Lesh born Philip Chapman (Berkeley, 1940)
	X** 03 15 99 99 00 Sly Stone born (1944)
	X** 03 17 99 99 00 Paul Kantner (Jefferson Airplane) born (San Francisco, 1942)
	X** 03 22 99 99 00 Ten Years After plays their last concert (1974)
	X** 03 25 99 99 00 Aretha Franklin born (Detroit, 1943)
	X** 03 26 99 99 00 Emerson, Lake, & Palmer record "Pictures at an Exhibition" live (1971)
	X** 03 27 99 99 00 Tony Banks born (England, 1950)
	X** 03 29 99 99 00 Dr. Hook gets group picture on cover of "Rolling Stone" (1973)
	X** 03 30 99 99 00 Eric Clapton born (Surrey, England, 1945)
	X** 04 02 99 99 00 Marvin Gaye born (Washington, DC, 1939)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 Muddy Waters (McKinley Morganfield) born (Rolling Fork, MS, 1915)
	X** 04 06 99 99 00 Bob Marley born Rhoden Hall (Jamaica, 1945)
	X** 04 07 99 99 00 Bill Kreutzmann born (Palo Alto, 1946)
	X** 04 10 99 99 00 Bunny Wailer born Neville O'Reilly Livingston (Kingston, 1947)
	X** 04 10 99 99 00 Paul McCartney announces departure from Beatles (1970)
	X** 04 10 99 99 00 William Booth born (1829), founder of Salvation Army
	X** 04 14 99 99 00 Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple, Rainbow) born (1945)
	X** 04 18 99 99 00 Yes breaks up after 13 years (1981)
	X** 04 25 99 99 00 Blues guitarist Albert King born (1925)
	X** 04 26 99 99 00 Carol Burnett born (San Antonio, TX, 1933)
	X** 05 01 99 99 00 Little Walter (Marion Walter Jacobs) born (Alexandria, LA, 1930)
	X** 05 03 99 99 00 Bob Seger born (Ann Arbor, MI, 1945)
	X** 05 10 99 99 00 Dave Mason born (Worcester, England, 1945)
	X** 05 11 99 99 00 Bob Marley dies in sleep (Miami, 1981)
	X** 05 12 99 99 00 Pink Floyd performs first quadrophonic concert (1977)
	X** 05 13 99 99 00 Peter Gabriel born England (1950)
	X** 05 15 99 99 00 Brian Peter George St. John de Baptiste de la Salle Eno born (Woodbridge, England, 1948)
	X** 05 15 99 99 00 Mike Oldfield born (Essex, England, 1953)
	X** 05 18 99 99 00 Rick Wakeman born (West London, England, 1949)
	X** 05 19 99 99 00 Pete Townshend born (London, 1945)
	X** 05 20 99 99 00 The Jimi Hendrix Experience signed by Reprise Records (1967)
	X** 05 23 99 99 00 Blues great Elmore James dies (1963)
	X** 05 24 99 99 00 Bob Dylan (Robert Zimmerman) born (Duluth, 1941)
	X** 05 31 99 99 00 The Who perform loudest concert ever--76,000 watts (1976)
	X** 06 01 99 99 00 Beatles release "Sgt. Pepper" (1967)
	X** 06 06 99 99 00 "Rock Around The Clock" makes Billboard's #1 slot (1955)
	X** 06 07 99 99 00 Blind Faith debuts in concert (London's Hyde Park, 1969)
	X** 06 09 99 99 00 Les Paul (Lester Polfus) born (Waukesha, WI, 1923)
	X** 06 10 99 99 00 Denver police tear gas Jethro Tull & 2000 fans (Red Rocks, 1971)
	X** 06 10 99 99 00 Howlin' Wolf (Chester Burnett) born (West Point, MS, 1910)
	X** 06 15 99 99 00 Harry Nilsson born (Brooklyn, 1941)
	X** 06 16 99 99 00 "The Blues Brothers" premieres (Chicago, 1980)
	X** 06 16 99 99 00 Monterey Pop festival opens (1967)
	X** 06 18 99 99 00 Paul McCartney born (Liverpool, England, 1942)
	X** 06 22 99 99 00 Meryl Streep born (Summit, NJ, 1949)
	X** 06 22 99 99 00 Todd Rundgren born (Upper Darby, PA, 1948)
	X** 06 24 99 99 00 Jeff Beck born (Surrey, England, 1944)
	X** 06 27 99 99 00 Bill Graham closes Fillmore East (1971)
	X** 07 03 99 99 00 Jim Morrison dies (Paris, 1971)
	X** 07 06 99 99 00 Jefferson Airplane formed (San Francisco, 1965)
	X** 07 07 99 99 00 Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) born (Liverpool, England, 1940)
	X** 07 16 99 99 00 Cream forms (U.K., 1966)
	X** 07 16 99 99 00 Harry Chapin dies (Long Island Expressway, 1981)
	X** 07 17 99 99 00 "Yellow Submarine" premieres (London Pavilion, 1968)
	X** 07 18 99 99 00 Brian Auger born (London, 1939)
	X** 07 20 99 99 00 Carlos Santana born (Autlan, Mexico, 1947)
	X** 07 25 99 99 00 Bob Dylan goes electric (Newport Folk Festival, 1965)
	X** 07 25 99 99 00 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young debut (Fillmore East, 1969)
	X** 07 25 99 99 00 Steve Goodman born (Chicago, 1948)
	X** 07 26 99 99 00 Mick Jagger born (Kent, England, 1943)
	X** 07 28 99 99 00 Richard Wright born (London, 1945)
	X** 07 28 99 99 00 Watkins Glen "Summer Jam" opens (1973)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Concert for Bangla Desh (Madison Square Garden, 1971)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Jerry Garcia born Jerome John Garcia (San Francisco, 1942)
	X** 08 04 99 99 00 John Lennon states "the Beatles are more popular than Jesus" (1966)
	X** 08 08 99 99 00 Dustin Hoffman born (Los Angeles, 1937)
	X** 08 10 99 99 00 Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull) born (Edinburgh, Scotland, 1947)
	X** 08 13 99 99 00 Dan Fogelberg born (Peoria, IL, 1951)
	X** 08 14 99 99 00 David Crosby born (Los Angeles, 1941)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Beatles play Shea Stadium (New York City, 1965)
	X** 08 15 99 99 00 Woodstock Music & Arts Fair (Max Yasgur's farm, 1969)
	X** 08 20 99 99 00 Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin) born (Worcestershire, England, 1948)
	X** 08 23 99 99 00 Keith Moon born (London, 1947)
	X** 08 24 99 99 00 "Alice's Restaurant" premieres (New York City, Los Angeles, 1969)
	X** 08 26 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix gives last performance (Isle of Wight, 1970)
	X** 08 26 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix's Electric Ladyland Studios opens (New York City, 1970)
	X** 09 06 99 99 00 Roger Waters born (Surrey, England, 1944)
	X** 09 07 99 99 00 Keith Moon (The Who) dies of drug overdose (London, 1978)
	X** 09 08 99 99 00 Ron "Pigpen" McKernan (GD) born (San Bruno, CA, 1945)
	X** 09 16 99 99 00 Allen Funt born (Brooklyn, NY, 1914)
	X** 09 16 99 99 00 B. B. King born (Itta Bena, MS, 1925)
	X** 09 18 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix dies from overdose (1970)
	X** 09 19 99 99 00 Simon & Garfunkel reunite (Central Park, New York City, 1981)
	X** 09 20 99 99 00 Jim Croce dies in plane crash (1973)
	X** 09 20 99 99 00 Roxy Theater opens (Hollywood, 1973)
	X** 09 21 99 99 00 Leonard Cohen born (Montreal, 1934)
	X** 09 22 99 99 00 Joan Jett born Philadelphia (1960)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 "Paul is dead" rumors sweep country (1969)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen born (Freehold, NJ, 1949)
	X** 09 25 99 99 00 John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) dies of alcohol poisoning (1980)
	X** 10 04 99 99 00 Janis Joplin dies of heroin overdose (Hollywood, 1970)
	X** 10 05 99 99 00 Steve Miller born (Dallas, 1943)
	X** 10 07 99 99 00 First Bandstand (later, American Bandstand) broadcast (1957)
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 John Alec Entwistle born (London, England, 1944)
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 John Lennon born (Liverpool, England, 1940)
	X** 10 09 99 99 00 Peter Tosh born Winston Hubert MacIntosh (West Morland, Jamaica, 1944)
	X** 10 10 99 99 00 John Prine born (Maywood, IL, 1946)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 The Jimi Hendrix Experience formed (London, 1966)
	X** 10 16 99 99 00 Bob Weir born Robert Hall (San Francisco, 1947)
	X** 10 17 99 99 00 "Hair" opens at New York City's Public Theater (1967)
	X** 10 18 99 99 00 Chuck Berry born (San Jose, CA, 1926)
	X** 10 20 99 99 00 Three members of Lynyrd Skynyrd die in plane crash (1977)
	X** 10 25 99 99 00 Jon Anderson (Yes) born (Lancashire, England, 1944)
	X** 10 25 99 99 00 Rolling Stones appear on Ed Sullivan Show (1964)
	X** 10 29 99 99 00 Duane Allman dies in motorcycle crash (near Macon, GA, 1971)
	X** 10 30 99 99 00 Grace Slick born (Chicago, 1939)
	X** 11 02 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix's "Electric Ladyland" enters U.S. charts at #1 (1968)
	X** 11 02 99 99 00 Keith Emerson born (1944)
	X** 11 03 99 99 00 James Taylor & Carly Simon married (Manhattan, 1972)
	X** 11 07 99 99 00 Joni Mitchell (Roberta Joan Anderson) born (Alberta, Canada, 1943)
	X** 11 09 99 99 00 First issue of "Rolling Stone" published (1967)
	X** 11 10 99 99 00 Greg Lake born (Bournemouth, England, 1948)
	X** 11 12 99 99 00 Neil Young born (Toronto, 1945)
	X** 11 13 99 99 00 Paul Simon born (1942)
	X** 11 16 99 99 00 Bill Ham first demonstrates psychedelic "Light Show" (1965)
	X** 11 20 99 99 00 Duane Allman born (Nashville, TN, 1946)
	X** 11 20 99 99 00 Joe Walsh born (Cleveland, 1947)
	X** 11 25 99 99 00 "The Last Waltz" concert played by The Band at Winterland (1976)
	X** 11 26 99 99 00 Cream performs their farewell concert at Royal Albert Hall (1968)
	X** 11 27 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix (Johnny Allen Hendrix) born (Seattle, 1942)
	X** 12 03 99 99 00 Montreux Casino burns down during Frank Zappa concert (1971)
	X** 12 04 99 99 00 Tommy Bolin dies of heroin overdose (Miami, 1976)
	X** 12 06 99 99 00 Rolling Stones play Altamont Speedway (near San Francisco, 1969)
	X** 12 08 99 99 00 Jim Morrison born (Melbourne, FL, 1943)
	X** 12 09 99 99 00 The Who's "Tommy" premieres (London, 1973)
	X** 12 13 99 99 00 Ted Nugent, the motor city madman, born (Detroit, 1949)
	X** 12 16 99 99 00 Don McLean's "American Pie" released (1971)
	X** 12 21 99 99 00 Frank Zappa born (Baltimore, 1940)
	X** 12 28 99 99 00 Edgar Winter born (Beaumont, TX, 1946)
	X** 12 31 99 99 00 Jimi Hendrix introduces Band of Gypsies at Fillmore East (1969)
	X** 12 31 99 99 00 Winterland closes its doors (1978)
if test 12146 -ne "`wc -c < 'popcult'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'popcult'" '(should have been 12146 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'lotr'" '(2149 characters)'
if test -f 'lotr'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'lotr'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'lotr'
	X# $Header: lotr,v 2.1 89/05/09 14:33:28 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Dates from "The Lord of the Rings" by J. R. R. Tolkien
	X** 01 05 99 99 00 Fellowship enters Moria (LOTR)
	X** 01 09 99 99 00 Fellowship reaches Lorien (LOTR)
	X** 01 17 99 99 00 Passing of Gandalf (LOTR)
	X** 02 07 99 99 00 Fellowship leaves Lorien (LOTR)
	X** 02 17 99 99 00 Death of Boromir (LOTR)
	X** 02 20 99 99 00 Meriadoc & Pippin meet Treebeard (LOTR)
	X** 02 22 99 99 00 Passing of King Ellesar (LOTR)
	X** 02 24 99 99 00 Ents destroy Isengard (LOTR)
	X** 02 26 99 99 00 Aragorn takes the Paths of the Dead (LOTR)
	X** 03 05 99 99 00 Frodo & Samwise encounter Shelob (LOTR)
	X** 03 08 99 99 00 Deaths of Denethor & Theoden (LOTR)
	X** 03 18 99 99 00 Destruction of Ring (LOTR)
	X** 03 29 99 99 00 Flowering of the Mallorn (LOTR)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 Gandalf visits Bilbo (LOTR)
	X** 04 17 99 99 00 An unexpected party (LOTR)
	X** 04 23 99 99 00 Crowning of King Ellesar (LOTR)
	X** 05 19 99 99 00 Arwen leaves Lorian to wed King Ellesar (LOTR)
	X** 06 11 99 99 00 Sauron attacks Osgilliath (LOTR)
	X** 06 13 99 99 00 Bilbo returns to Bag End (LOTR)
	X** 06 23 99 99 00 Wedding of Ellesar & Arwen (LOTR)
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Gandalf imprisoned by Suruman (LOTR)
	X** 07 24 99 99 00 The ring comes to Bilbo (LOTR)
	X** 07 26 99 99 00 Bilbo rescued from Wargs by Eagles (LOTR)
	X** 08 03 99 99 00 Funeral of King Theoden (LOTR)
	X** 08 29 99 99 00 Suruman enters Shire (LOTR)
	X** 09 10 99 99 00 Gandalf escapes from Orthanc (LOTR)
	X** 09 14 99 99 00 Frodo & Bilbo's birthday (LOTR)
	X** 09 15 99 99 00 Black riders enter Shire (LOTR)
	X** 09 18 99 99 00 Frodo & company rescued by Bombadil (LOTR)
	X** 09 28 99 99 00 Frodo wounded at Weathertop (LOTR)
	X** 10 05 99 99 00 Frodo crosses bridge of Mitheithel (LOTR)
	X** 10 16 99 99 00 Boromir reaches Rivendell (LOTR)
	X** 10 17 99 99 00 Council of Elrond (LOTR)
	X** 10 25 99 99 00 End of War of the Ring (LOTR)
	X** 11 16 99 99 00 Bilbo reaches Lonely Mountain (LOTR)
	X** 12 05 99 99 00 Death of Sm8 (LOTR)
	X** 12 16 99 99 00 Fellowship begins Quest (LOTR)
if test 2149 -ne "`wc -c < 'lotr'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'lotr'" '(should have been 2149 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'usa_states'" '(3030 characters)'
if test -f 'usa_states'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'usa_states'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'usa_states'
	X# $Header: usa_states,v 2.1 89/05/09 14:33:42 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# US state holidays fixed by exact date or as nth mday of month
	X** 01 06 99 99 00 Three Kings' Day (PR)
	X** 01 11 99 99 00 De Hostos' Birthday (PR)
	X** 01 19 99 99 00 Confederate Heroes Day (TX)
	X** 01 Mo 99 99 00 [3] Lee-Jackson Day (VA)
	X** 01 Mo 99 99 00 [3] Robert E. Lee's Birthday (AL & MS)
	X** 02 12 99 99 00 Georgia Day (GA)
	X** 03 02 99 99 00 Texas Independence day (TX)
	X** 03 04 99 99 00 Vermont Admission Day (14th state, 1791)
	X** 03 17 99 99 00 Evacuation Day (Suffolk County, MA)
	X** 03 20 99 99 00 Youth Day (OK)
	X** 03 22 99 99 00 Abolition Day (PR)
	X** 03 25 99 99 00 Maryland Day (MD)
	X** 03 26 99 99 00 Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (HI)
	X** 03 Mo 99 99 00 [L] Seward's Day (AK)
	X** 04 02 99 99 00 Pascua Florida Day (FL)
	X** 04 07 99 99 00 Verrazano Day (NY)
	X** 04 12 99 99 00 Thomas Jefferson's Birthday (AL)
	X** 04 16 99 99 00 Jose de Diego's Birthday (PR)
	X** 04 21 99 99 00 San Jacinto Day (TX)
	X** 04 22 99 99 00 Arbor Day (NE & DE)
	X** 04 22 99 99 00 Oklahoma Day (OK)
	X** 04 26 99 99 00 Confederate Memorial Day (FL & GA)
	X** 04 Mo 99 99 00 [3] Patriot's Day (ME & MA)
	X** 04 Mo 99 99 00 [L] Arbor Day (WY)
	X** 04 Mo 99 99 00 [L] Confederate Memorial Day (AL & MS)
	X** 05 04 99 99 00 Rhode Island Independence Day
	X** 05 08 99 99 00 Harry S. Truman's Birthday (MO)
	X** 05 10 99 99 00 Confederate Memorial Day (SC)
	X** 05 11 99 99 00 Minnesota Day (MN)
	X** 05 20 99 99 00 Mecklenburg Independence Day (NC)
	X** 05 25 99 99 00 Memorial Day (NM & PR)
	X** 05 29 99 99 00 Jefferson Davis's Birthday (MS)
	X** 05 Mo 99 99 00 [3] Memorial Day (MI)
	X** 06 03 99 99 00 Confederate Memorial Day (KY & LA)
	X** 06 03 99 99 00 Jefferson Davis's Birthday (FL, GA, KY, & SC)
	X** 06 09 99 99 00 Senior Citizen's Day (OK)
	X** 06 11 99 99 00 King Kamehameha I Day (HI)
	X** 06 17 99 99 00 Bunker Hill Day (Suffolk County, MA)
	X** 06 19 99 99 00 Emancipation Day (TX)
	X** 06 20 99 99 00 West Virginia Day (WV)
	X** 06 Mo 99 99 00 [1] Jefferson Davis's Birthday (AL & MS)
	X** 07 16 99 99 00 Bennington Battle Day (VT)
	X** 07 17 99 99 00 Munoz Rivera's Birthday (PR)
	X** 07 24 99 99 00 Pioneer Day (UT)
	X** 07 25 99 99 00 Constitution Day (PR)
	X** 07 27 99 99 00 Barbosa's Birthday (PR)
	X** 07 29 99 99 00 Rain Day (Waynesburg, PA)
	X** 08 14 99 99 00 Victory Day (RI)
	X** 08 26 99 99 00 Susan B. Anthony Day (MA)
	X** 08 30 99 99 00 Huey P. Long Day (LA)
	X** 08 Fr 99 99 00 [3] Admission Day (HI, 1984)
	X** 09 04 99 99 00 Los Angeles Day
	X** 09 09 99 99 00 Admission Day (CA)
	X** 09 12 99 99 00 Defender's Day (MD)
	X** 09 16 99 99 00 Cherokee Strip Day (OK)
	X** 09 23 99 99 00 Grito de Lares (PR)
	X** 10 10 99 99 00 Oklahoma Historical Day (OK)
	X** 10 18 99 99 00 Alaska Day (AK)
	X** 10 31 99 99 00 Nevada Day (NV)
	X** 11 16 99 99 00 Oklahoma Heritage Week (OK)
	X** 11 19 99 99 00 Discovery Day (PR)
	X** 12 07 99 99 00 Delaware Day (DE)
	X** 12 10 99 99 00 Wyoming Day (WY)
if test 3030 -ne "`wc -c < 'usa_states'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'usa_states'" '(should have been 3030 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'celtic'" '(450 characters)'
if test -f 'celtic'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'celtic'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'celtic'
	X# $Header: celtic,v 2.1 89/05/09 14:33:15 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Dates of interest to Celts
	X** 05 01 99 99 00 Beltaine (Feast of sun god Bel)
	X** 08 01 99 99 00 Lughnasa (Feast of god Lugh, 30 day Celtic feast centers on this day)
	X** 11 01 99 99 00 Samhain (beginning of Celtic year, most important holiday)
if test 450 -ne "`wc -c < 'celtic'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'celtic'" '(should have been 450 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'nature'" '(654 characters)'
if test -f 'nature'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'nature'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'nature'
	X# $Header: nature,v 2.2 89/05/16 10:46:14 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Natural events of note
	X** 01 04 99 99 00 Quadrantid meteor shower (look north)
	X** 01 18 99 99 00 Southward Grey whale migration, CA
	X** 04 21 99 99 00 Lyrid meteor shower
	X** 05 21 99 99 00 Mt. St. Helens erupts (1980)
	X** 06 21 99 99 00 Sun rises over Heelstone at Stonehenge
	X** 08 11 99 99 00 Perseid meteor shower (look north; three days)
	X** 12 13 99 99 00 Geminid meteor shower (look south)
	X** 12 28 99 99 00 Comet Kohoutek at perihelion (1973)
if test 654 -ne "`wc -c < 'nature'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'nature'" '(should have been 654 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'usa_holiday'" '(802 characters)'
if test -f 'usa_holiday'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'usa_holiday'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'usa_holiday'
	X# $Header: usa_holiday,v 2.1 89/05/09 14:33:37 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# US and Canadian holidays fixed by exact date or as nth mday of month
	X# (This is a subset of the most common nationally observed dates)
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 New Year's Day
	X** 01 Mo 99 99 00 [3] Martin Luther King Jr. Day
	X** 02 Mo 99 99 00 [3] Presidents Day
	X** 05 Su 99 99 00 [2] Mother's Day
	X** 05 Mo 99 99 00 [L] Memorial Day
	X** 06 Su 99 99 00 [3] Father's Day
	X** 07 04 99 99 00 Independence Day
	X** 09 Mo 99 99 00 [1] Labor Day
	X** 10 Mo 99 99 00 [2] Columbus Day observed
	X** 11 11 99 99 00 Veterans' Day
	X** 11 Th 99 99 00 [4] Thanksgiving Day (United States)
	X** 12 25 99 99 00 Christmas Day
if test 802 -ne "`wc -c < 'usa_holiday'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'usa_holiday'" '(should have been 802 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'computing'" '(4206 characters)'
if test -f 'computing'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'computing'"
sed 's/^	X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'computing'
	X# $Header: computing,v 2.1 89/05/16 10:42:34 billr Exp $
	X# Special days file for calentool (rel 2.1); modified from network posting by
	X# RPC Rodgers, UCSF, Nov. 1988
	X# Events in the history of computing
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 AT&T officially divests its local Bell companies (1984)
	X** 01 01 99 99 00 The Epoch (Time 0 for UNIX systems) (Midnight GMT, 1970)
	X** 01 03 99 99 00 Apple Computer founded (1977)
	X** 01 03 99 99 00 BSD UNIX 3.0 released (1980)
	X** 01 08 99 99 00 American Telephone & Telegraph loses antitrust case (1982)
	X** 01 08 99 99 00 Herman Hollerith patents first data processing computer (1889)
	X** 01 08 99 99 00 Justice Dept. drops IBM suit (1982)
	X** 01 10 99 99 00 First CDC 1604 delivered to Navy (1960)
	X** 01 16 99 99 00 Set uid bit patent issued (1979)
	X** 01 17 99 99 00 Justice Dept. begins IBM suit (1969)
	X** 01 24 99 99 00 DG Nova introduced (1969)
	X** 01 25 99 99 00 First U.S. meeting of ALGOL definition committee (1958)
	X** 01 26 99 99 00 EDVAC demonstrated (1952)
	X** 01 31 99 99 00 Hewlett-Packard founded (1939)
	X** 02 04 99 99 00 Cybernet inaugurated (1969)
	X** 02 11 99 99 00 Last day of JOSS service at RAND Corp. (1966)
	X** 02 14 99 99 00 Texas Instruments patents first micro-on-a-chip (1978)
	X** 02 15 99 99 00 ENIAC demonstrated (1946)
	X** 03 01 99 99 00 First NPL (later PL/I) report (1964)
	X** 03 04 99 99 00 First Cray-1 shipped to Los Alamos
	X** 03 09 99 99 00 "GOTO considered harmful" published (CACM, 1968)
	X** 03 14 99 99 00 LISP introduced (1960)
	X** 03 20 99 99 00 BSD UNIX 4.2 released (1983)
	X** 03 28 99 99 00 DEC announces PDP-11 (1970)
	X** 03 31 99 99 00 Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corp. founded, Phila (1946)
	X** 04 03 99 99 00 IBM 701 introduced (1953)
	X** 04 04 99 99 00 Tandy Corp. acquires Radio Shack, 1963 (9 stores)
	X** 04 07 99 99 00 IBM announces System/360 (1964)
	X** 04 09 99 99 00 ENIAC Project begun (1943)
	X** 04 28 99 99 00 Zilog Z-80 introduced
	X** 05 01 99 99 00 First BASIC program run (Dartmouth, 1964)
	X** 05 10 99 99 00 BSD UNIX 2.0 released (1979)
	X** 05 06 99 99 00 EDSAC demonstrated (1949)
	X** 05 16 99 99 00 First report on SNOBOL distributed (within BTL) (1963)
	X** 05 21 99 99 00 DEC announces PDP-8
	X** 05 28 99 99 00 First meeting of COBOL definition committee (eventually CODASYL) (1959)
	X** 05 30 99 99 00 Colossus Mark II (1944)
	X** 06 02 99 99 00 First issue of Computerworld (1967)
	X** 06 07 99 99 00 BSD UNIX 4.3 released (1986)
	X** 06 10 99 99 00 First Apple II shipped (1977)
	X** 06 15 99 99 00 UNIVAC I delivered to Census Bureau (1951)
	X** 06 23 99 99 00 IBM unbundles software (1969)
	X** 06 30 99 99 00 First advanced degree on computer related topic to H. Karamanian, for symbolic differentiation on ENIAC (Temple University, Philadelphia, 1948)
	X** 07 08 99 99 00 Bell Telephone Co. formed (predecessor of AT&T) (1877)
	X** 07 08 99 99 00 CDC incorporated (1957)
	X** 07 10 99 99 00 BSD UNIX 4.1 released (1981)
	X** 08 06 99 99 00 BSD UNIX 4.2 released (1983)
	X** 08 14 99 99 00 First Unix-based mallet created (1954)
	X** 08 14 99 99 00 IBM PC announced (1981)
	X** 08 22 99 99 00 CDC 6600 introduced (1963)
	X** 08 23 99 99 00 DEC founded (1957)
	X** 09 15 99 99 00 ACM founded (1947)
	X** 09 20 99 99 00 Harlan Herrick runs first FORTRAN program (1954)
	X** 10 02 99 99 00 First robotics-based CAM (1939)
	X** 10 06 99 99 00 First GPSS manual published (1961)
	X** 10 08 99 99 00 First VisiCalc prototype (1978)
	X** 10 11 99 99 00 Doug McIlroy invents the pipe (or "hose," 1964)
	X** 10 12 99 99 00 Univac gives contract for SIMULA compiler to Nygaard & Dahl (1962)
	X** 10 14 99 99 00 British Computer Society founded (1957)
	X** 10 15 99 99 00 First FORTRAN Programmer's Reference Manual published
	X** 10 17 99 99 00 Ritchie and Thompson's UNIX paper (1973)
	X** 10 19 99 99 00 BSD UNIX 4.0 released (1980)
	X** 10 20 99 99 00 Zurich ALGOL report published (1958)
	X** 10 25 99 99 00 DEC announces VAX-11/780
	X** 11 02 99 99 00 Internet computer virus strikes (1988)
	X** 11 04 99 99 00 UNIVAC I program predicts Eisenhower victory based on 7% of votes (1952)
	X** 12 08 99 99 00 First Ph.D. awarded by Computer Science Dept, University of Pennsylvania (1965)
	X** 12 26 99 99 00 DPMA founded (1951)
	X** 12 27 99 99 00 APT report published (1956)
if test 4206 -ne "`wc -c < 'computing'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'computing'" '(should have been 4206 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: done with directory "'dates'"
cd ..
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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