DEVF Font-making Program

utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!sdccsu3!sdcatta!phonlab!donn utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!cmcl2!philabs!sdcsvax!sdccsu3!sdcatta!phonlab!donn
Wed Oct 20 00:25:25 AEST 1982

 * devf.c
 * Purpose:	Edit vtroff fonts in an expanded (ASCII) format.
 * Usage:	devf < infile > fontfile
 *	The input file contains an ASCII version of a fontfile in the format
 *	of "vfontinfo -z0 -v", suitable for hand editing.  Actually,
 *		/usr/lib/vfontinfo -v -z0 [font] | devf > [font]
 *	is a very tedious no-op and a good test of the program.
 * Date:	7/18/82
 * Author:	Donn Seeley  UCSD Linguistics Dept.
 * Remarks:

# include	<stdio.h>

# include	<vfont.h>

# define	LEFT		0
# define	RIGHT		1

# define	MAXINT		0x7fffffff

# define	LINESIZE	256
# define	GLYPHSIZE	4096

struct header	header;
struct dispatch	dispatch[256];
struct dispatch	*getdisp();
char           *bitmap[256];
char		glyphbuf[GLYPHSIZE];

 * Macro for identifying dispatch info lines.
# define	DISP(x)		((x) != NULL && strlen(x) > 5 \
				&& (x)[4] >= '0' && (x)[4] <= '9')

	register char  *pg	= &glyphbuf[0];
	char           *startg, *endg;
	register int	n;
	register int	nlines, nblanks;
	int		addr	= 0;
	int		left_offset, right_offset, top_offset, bottom_offset;
	register struct dispatch *pd;

	 * Get initial header information.
	if ( fgets( pg, LINESIZE, stdin ) == NULL ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Can't read input\n" );
		exit( 1 );
	if ( ! gethead( pg ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Input is not vfontinfo format\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	 * Read the first dispatch description line.
	fgets( pg, LINESIZE, stdin );
	fgets( pg, LINESIZE, stdin );
	if ( fgets( pg, LINESIZE, stdin ) == NULL ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Can't read input\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	 * Loop on glyphs.
	while ( (pd = getdisp( pg )) != NULL ) {

		left_offset	= MAXINT;
		right_offset	= 0;
		top_offset	= -1;
		bottom_offset	= 0;
		pg		= &glyphbuf[0];
		startg		= pg;
		endg		= pg;
		nlines		= 0;
		nblanks		= 0;

		 * Fetch a glyph.
		fgets( pg, LINESIZE, stdin );
		while( ! DISP( pg ) ) {
			 * Eat extra blank lines at the tops of glyphs.
			if ( blank( pg ) )
			else {
				if ( top_offset == -1 ) {
					top_offset	= nblanks;
					startg		= pg;
				nblanks		= 0;
				endg		= pg;

			 * Eat extra rows on left and right margins.
			if ( (n = margin( pg, LEFT )) < left_offset )
				left_offset	= n;
			if ( (n = margin( pg, RIGHT )) >= right_offset )
				right_offset	= n + 1;

			 * Read next line, test for end.
			pg		+= strlen( pg ) + 1;
			if ( fgets( pg, LINESIZE, stdin ) == NULL ) {
# ifdef DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr, "END OF FILE\n");
		fwrite( glyphbuf, 1, pg-glyphbuf, stderr );
		fprintf( stderr, "%s", pg );
# endif
				pg		= NULL;

		bottom_offset	= nblanks;

		 * Adjust dispatch values.
		pd->down	= (nlines - pd->up) - bottom_offset;
		pd->up		-= top_offset;
		n		= pd->right;
		pd->right	= right_offset - pd->left;
		pd->left	-= left_offset;
		pd->width	+= pd->right - n;
		pd->nbytes	=
			((pd->left + pd->right + 7) / 8) * (pd->up + pd->down);
		pd->addr	= addr;
		addr		+= pd->nbytes;

		 * Make raster data.
		do_bitmap( pd, startg, endg, left_offset, right_offset );

	 * Output the file.
	header.size	= addr;
	fwrite( &header, sizeof (struct header), 1, stdout );
	fwrite( &dispatch[0], sizeof (struct dispatch), 256, stdout );
	for ( n = 0; n < 256; ++n )
		if ( dispatch[n].nbytes > 0 && bitmap[n] != NULL )
			fwrite( bitmap[n], sizeof (char), dispatch[n].nbytes, stdout );
	exit( 0 );

 * gethead( buf ) -- Read ascii vfontinfo information out of buf into a header.
 * Sample: "Font S.10, raster size 4334, max width 96, max height 96, xtend 21"
gethead( buf )
    char   *buf;
	register int	n;

	header.magic	= 0436;
	n		= 
		sscanf( buf, "%*s %*s %*s %*s %hd, %*s %*s %hd, %*s %*s %hd, %*s %hd",
		    &header.size, &header.maxx, &header.maxy, &header.xtend );
	return ( n == 4 );

 * getdisp( buf ) -- Read ascii dispatch information out of buf, store it in
 *	the right dispatch structure and return a pointer to the structure.
 *           ASCII     offset    size  left    right   up     down    width 
 * Sample: "    1 ^A        0     24     -3     20     12     -4      21"
struct dispatch *
getdisp( buf )
    char   *buf;
	register struct dispatch       *pd;
	int				n, l, r, u, d, w, count;

	if ( buf == NULL )
		return ( NULL );

	count		=
		sscanf( buf, " %o %*s %*d %*d %d %d %d %d %d",
			       &n,            &l,&r,&u,&d,&w );
	if ( count != 6 ) {
# ifdef DEBUG
		fprintf(stderr, "BAD INPUT\n");
		fwrite( glyphbuf, 1, buf-glyphbuf, stderr );
		fprintf( stderr, "%s", buf );
# endif
		return ( NULL );

	pd		= &dispatch[n];
	pd->addr	= 0;
	pd->nbytes	= 0;
	pd->left	= l;
	pd->right	= r;
	pd->up		= u;
	pd->down	= d;
	pd->width	= w;

	return ( pd );

 * blank( buf ) -- True if the line in buf is empty or contains only blanks.
blank( buf )
    register char *buf;
	if ( buf == NULL )
		return ( 1 );

	while ( *buf >= ' ' )
		if ( *buf++ != ' ' )
			return ( 0 );
	return ( 1 );

 * margin( buf, side ) -- Return distance from left margin of the data point
 *	nearest the indicated side using vfontinfo data in buf.
 *	Return MAXINT for left, 0 for right if the line is blank.
margin( buf, side )
    char   *buf;
    int     side;
	register char  *pb	= buf;
	register char  *lastp	= buf;

	while ( *pb >= ' ' ) {
		if ( *pb > ' ' ) {
			if ( side == LEFT )
				return ( (pb - buf) >> 1 );
			lastp		= pb;

		if ( *++pb < ' ' )

	if ( side == RIGHT )
		return ( (lastp - buf) >> 1 );
		return ( MAXINT );

 * do_bitmap( pd, start, end, left, right ) -- Read vfontinfo format buffer from
 *	line start up to line end and fill a bitmap buffer associated with
 *	dispatch structure *pd with data from left margin to right margin.
do_bitmap( pd, start, end, left, right )
    struct dispatch *pd;
    char            *start;
    char            *end;
    int              left;
    int              right;
	register char  *pb;
	register char  *pg	= start;
	register int	i, j;

	if ( pd->nbytes == 0 )

	 * Make a bitmap buffer.
	i		= pd - &dispatch[0];
	pb		= (char *) calloc( pd->nbytes, sizeof (char) );
	if ( pb == NULL ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Out of memory\n" );
		exit( 1 );
	bitmap[i]	= pb;

	 * Loop on glyph lines.
	while ( pg <= end ) {
		 * Skip left margin.
		for ( i = 0; i < 2 * left && *pg >= ' '; ++i, ++pg );

		 * Map data points to bits.
		 * Note that bits in a byte are arranged so that the most
		 * significant bit prints in the leftmost position... sigh.
		 * An inelegant decision on the part of Versatec, given
		 * that *bytes* of *least* significance print leftmost on
		 * a plotted line.
		i		= 0;
		j		= 0;
		while ( i < right - left ) {
			if ( *pg > ' ' )
				*pb		|= 1 << 7-j;
			++i, ++j;
			if ( j >= 8 ) {
				j		= 0;
			if ( *pg >= ' ' && *++pg >= ' ' )

		 * Pad out raster rows to byte multiples.
		if ( j > 0 )

		 * Get next line.
		while ( *pg >= ' ' )
		while ( *pg < ' ' )


devf \- fontfile converter for vtroff
.B devf
< input_file > fontfile
.I Devf
is the inverse program to
.I vfontinfo(1).
.I Devf
will take an input file of the sort produced by
`/usr/lib/vfontinfo -v -z0 < fontfile > input_file'
and make a `fontfile'.
Files like `input_file' may be edited to produce
bitmaps for new characters which will appear in
the fontfile which
.I devf
makes, which you can then use with
.I vtroff.
The basic information on how to use this program
is given in the manual entry for
.I makefont(1)
(q.v.); read on only if you like esoteric stuff.
Every character in the font is represented in the expanded fontfile
as a header containing useful information and a diagram.
There are several numbers in the header for each letter;
the names of columns are
given in a main header at the very top.
The first field is an octal number which uniquely
identifies a character.
If you create a new character be sure that its number is distinct.
The left, right, up, down and
width parameters describe distances in relation to a fixed point of
reference for a character.  You can visualize this reference point as
being vertically on the line on which you would write the character on
ruled paper, and horizontally near the left edge of the character.  If
you don't manipulate the numbers in the header then
when you edit a character this point stays
fixed with respect to the top and left margins.  In particular if you
add rows on top or columns on the left this has the effect of translating
the character down or right with respect to the fixed reference
point.  To prevent this sliding you must increment the ``left'' parameter
for every column added on the left and increment the ``up'' parameter for
every row added on top, changing the position of the reference point.
The ``right'', ``down'' and ``width'' parameters are handled automatically by
.I devf.
You may sometimes want to tune the ``width'' parameter though --
this represents the distance to go to the right in order to reach the
reference point of the next letter in the text and thus it ultimately
determines proportional character spacing.
The diagram is a representation of the bitmap for the character.
Every raster position occupies two horizontal screen positions and
one vertical screen position.
Printing bits are indicated by a pair of matching square brackets: `[]'.
Nonprinting bits are simply left blank,
or omitted altogether if they lie on the right margin.
To change the bitmap for a character
you merely change the distribution of the square brackets and blanks.
Replacing a pair of brackets by a pair of blanks (or trimming them
from the right margin) turns off a printing bit;
similarly, replacing blanks with brackets (or adding onto the right margin)
turns on a printing bit.
The rules are actually fairly lax:
.I devf
assumes that a raster position is nonprinting
if the first screen position in a pair is a blank or is unoccupied,
otherwise it assumes that it is printing.
Donn Seeley, UCSD Linguistics Dept.
Probably lots of them.

This version of ``devf'' depends on
your having the latest version of ``vfontinfo'',
with the `-z' option; older versions will require some retooling.

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