utzoo!decvax!harpo!ihnp4!houxz!wb2!tcb utzoo!decvax!harpo!ihnp4!houxz!wb2!tcb
Wed Feb 16 10:17:51 AEST 1983

For those systems not running ucb unix - the standard od (octal dump)
command with a -c option can be used to dump the directory.  This will
give you octal representations of any unprintable characters.  Then of
course you've got to figure out which control characters these are so
you can type in the string to the rm command.  Alternatively, why not
pick any of the readable characters and use rm in the interactive mode?
i.e.:  rm -i *A*	For files you want to keep enter 'n', and hope-
fully rm will come across the offending file and you can type 'y' and
then quit.

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