xbin -- Un*x binhex filter

Dave Johnson ddj at brunix.UUCP
Tue Dec 18 22:49:10 AEST 1984

#!/bin/sh-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	README #	xbin.c
echo shar: extracting README
cat - << \SHAR_EOF > README
This program will convert a file in BinHex format
into binary files suitable for downloading via
Macterminal / macput from a un*x host.  It creates
all three forks (.info, .data, and .rsrc), so that
the filetype, author, create/modify times and eventually
the file flags (ie the Bundle Bit) are all passed on
to MacTerminal when the file is created on the Mac.

When you receive a BinHex file in the mail or news,
save the message in a file with extension ".hex" --
for example "freeware.hex".  Then invoke "xbin freeware".
This reads freeware.hex and creates freeware.data,
freeware.rsrc, and freeware.info.  When this is done,
you can download through MacTerminal by running
"macput freeware".

The compressed data format is almost identical to
that used by uuencode/uudecode.  They both store 6
bits of data per byte, both offset the binary data
by 0x20 (' '), and both have the number of bytes in
the record at the beginning of each record.  The
difference is exactly 2 bits.  In uuencode format
the first byte contains the entire (6 bit) byte count,
but in BinHex format the byte count is 8 bits -- 6 from
the first byte, and 2 from the second.

Note that the problem of trailing spaces has been worked
around in this program -- short buffers are filled out
with spaces as needed.  So there is no need to manually
restore lost spaces as before.

As soon as I can figure out how the crc is computed
I will post a new version of xbin which actually verifies
the crc value.  For now the crc line is ignored completely.
Given the crc formula, it will be straightforward to write
the complementary encoding program.  How about calling it bhex?

As usual, I'm open to suggestions and bug reports.  I hope
this will save a lot of people the trouble I went through
to figure out the format . . . enjoy!

	Dave Johnson
	Brown University Computer Science
	ddj%brown at csnet-relay.ARPA
echo shar: extracting xbin.c
cat - << \SHAR_EOF > xbin.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>

/* Mac time of 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970 */
#define TIMEDIFF 0x7c25b080

#define DATABYTES 128

#define BYTEMASK 0xff

#define NAMEBYTES 63
#define H_NLENOFF 1
#define H_NAMEOFF 2

/* 65 <-> 80 is the FInfo structure */
#define H_TYPEOFF 65
#define H_AUTHOFF 69

#define H_LOCKOFF 81
#define H_DLENOFF 83
#define H_RLENOFF 87
#define H_CTIMOFF 91
#define H_MTIMOFF 95

#define H_OLD_DLENOFF 81
#define H_OLD_RLENOFF 85

struct macheader {
	char m_name[NAMEBYTES+1];
	char m_type[4];
	char m_author[4];
	long m_flags;
	long m_datalen;
	long m_rsrclen;
	long m_createtime;
	long m_modifytime;
} mh;

struct filenames {
	char f_info[256];
	char f_data[256];
	char f_rsrc[256];
} files;

FILE *ifp;
int pre_beta;
int compressed;

 * xbin -- unpack BinHex style .HEX file into suitable
 * format for downloading with macput
 * Dave Johnson, Brown University Computer Science
 * (c) 1984 Brown University
 * may be used but not sold without permission
 * created ddj 12/16/84
char usage[] = "usage: \"xbin [-o] [-n name] filename\"\n";

main(ac, av)
char **av;
	char *filename, *macname;

	filename = ""; macname = "";
	ac--; av++;
	while (ac) {
		if (av[0][0] == '-') {
			switch (av[0][1]) {
			case 'o':
			case 'n':
				if (ac > 1) {
					ac--; av++;
					macname = av[0];
					goto bad_usage;
				goto bad_usage;
		else {
			if (*filename == '\0')
				filename = av[0];
				goto bad_usage;
		ac--; av++;
	if (*filename == '\0') {
		fprintf(stderr, usage);

	setup_files(filename, macname);
	forge_info();	/* now that we know the size of the forks */

setup_files(filename, macname)
char *filename;		/* input file name -- .hex extension optional */
char *macname;		/* name to use on the mac side of things */
	char namebuf[256];
	int n, tdiff;
	struct tm *tp;
	struct timeb tbuf;
	struct stat stbuf;

	/* find input .hex file and open it */
	sprintf(namebuf, "%s.hex", filename);
	if (stat(namebuf, &stbuf) != 0) {
		strcpy(namebuf, filename);
		if (stat(namebuf, &stbuf) != 0) {
	ifp = fopen(namebuf, "r");
	if (ifp == NULL) {

	/* set up names for output files and create them */
	if (macname[0] == '\0') {
		macname = filename;
	n = strlen(macname);
	strncpy(mh.m_name, macname, n);
	mh.m_name[n] = '\0';

	sprintf(files.f_data, "%s.data", mh.m_name);
	close(creat(files.f_data, 0666));
	sprintf(files.f_rsrc, "%s.rsrc", mh.m_name);
	close(creat(files.f_rsrc, 0666));
	sprintf(files.f_info, "%s.info", mh.m_name);
	/* info file gets created later */

	/* get file times and convert to mac time format */
	tp = localtime(&tbuf.time);
	tdiff = TIMEDIFF - tbuf.timezone * 60;
	if (tp->tm_isdst)
		tdiff += 60 * 60;

	mh.m_createtime = stbuf.st_mtime + tdiff;
	mh.m_modifytime = stbuf.st_mtime + tdiff;

	char buf[DATABYTES];
	char *np;
	FILE *fp;
	int n;

	for (np = mh.m_name; *np; np++)
		if (*np == '_') *np = ' ';

	buf[H_NLENOFF] = n = np - mh.m_name;
	strncpy(buf + H_NAMEOFF, mh.m_name, n);
	strncpy(buf + H_TYPEOFF, mh.m_type, 4);
	strncpy(buf + H_AUTHOFF, mh.m_author, 4);
	/* put4(buf + H_FLAGOFF, mh.m_flag);	XXX */
	if (pre_beta) {
		put4(buf + H_OLD_DLENOFF, mh.m_datalen);
		put4(buf + H_OLD_RLENOFF, mh.m_rsrclen);
	else {
		put4(buf + H_DLENOFF, mh.m_datalen);
		put4(buf + H_RLENOFF, mh.m_rsrclen);
		put4(buf + H_CTIMOFF, mh.m_createtime);
		put4(buf + H_MTIMOFF, mh.m_modifytime);
	fp = fopen(files.f_info, "w");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		perror("info file");
	fwrite(buf, 1, DATABYTES, fp);

	char ibuf[BUFSIZ];
	int compressed = 0;
	int forks = 0;
	int n;

	while (fgets(ibuf, BUFSIZ, ifp) != NULL) {
		n = strlen(ibuf);
		if (n >= 7 && ibuf[0] == '#' || ibuf[n-6] == '$') {
			if (n >= 11)
				strncpy(mh.m_type, &ibuf[1], 4);
			if (n >= 15)
				strncpy(mh.m_author, &ibuf[5], 4);
			sscanf(&ibuf[n-5], "%4x", &mh.m_flags);
	while (forks < 2 && fgets(ibuf, BUFSIZ, ifp) != NULL) {
		if (forks == 0 && strncmp(ibuf, "***COMPRESSED", 13) == 0) {
		if (strncmp(ibuf, "***DATA", 7) == 0) {
			mh.m_datalen = make_file(files.f_data, compressed);
		if (strncmp(ibuf, "***RESOURCE", 11) == 0) {
			mh.m_rsrclen = make_file(files.f_rsrc, compressed);

static int crc;

make_file(fname, compressed)
char *fname;
int compressed;
	register int n;
	char ibuf[BUFSIZ];
	FILE *outf;
	int nbytes = 0;

	outf = fopen(fname, "w");
	if (outf == NULL) {

	while (fgets(ibuf, BUFSIZ, ifp) != NULL) {
		if (strncmp(ibuf, "***END", 6) == 0)
		if (compressed)
			nbytes += comp_to_bin(ibuf, outf);
			nbytes += hex_to_bin(ibuf, outf);
	/* XXX read crc record and do crc check */

	return nbytes;

#define SIXB(c) (((c)-0x20) & 0x3f)

comp_to_bin(ibuf, outf)
char ibuf[];
FILE *outf;
	char obuf[BUFSIZ];
	register char *ip = ibuf;
	register char *op = obuf;
	register int n, outcount;
	int numread, incount;

	numread = strlen(ibuf);
	ip[numread-1] = ' ';		/* zap out the newline */
	outcount = (SIXB(ip[0]) << 2) | (SIXB(ip[1]) >> 4);
	incount = ((outcount / 3) + 1) * 4;
	for (n = numread; n < incount; n++)	/* restore lost spaces */
		ibuf[n] = ' ';

	n = 0;
	while (n <= outcount) {
		*op++ = SIXB(ip[0]) << 2 | SIXB(ip[1]) >> 4;
		*op++ = SIXB(ip[1]) << 4 | SIXB(ip[2]) >> 2;
		*op++ = SIXB(ip[2]) << 6 | SIXB(ip[3]);
		ip += 4;
		n += 3;
	fwrite(obuf+1, 1, outcount, outf);
	return outcount;

hex_to_bin(ibuf, outf)
char ibuf[];
FILE *outf;
	register char *ip = ibuf;
	register int n, outcount;
	int c;

	n = strlen(ibuf) - 1;
	outcount = n / 2;
	for (n = 0; n < outcount; n++) {
		c = hexit(*ip++);
		c = (c << 4) | hexit(*ip++);
		fputc(c , outf);
	return outcount;

int c;
	if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
		return c - '0';
	if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F')
		return c - 'A' + 10;

put4(bp, value)
char *bp;
long value;
	register int i, c;

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		c = (value >> 24) & BYTEMASK;
		value <<= 8;
		*bp++ = c;

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