Software Tools in Pascal 1/8

jp at lanl.ARPA jp at lanl.ARPA
Sun Oct 6 14:56:11 AEST 1985

		A version of Kernighan and Plauger's 
		Software Tools in Pascal (SWTiP)

		Chris Lewis, Copyright (c) June 1985

	All of the software in this distribution is copyright, see
	the notices on the individual files to determine the ownership.

	Right is hereby granted to freely distribute or duplicate this
	software, providing distribution or duplication is not for profit
	or other commerical gain and that this copyright notice remains 

Tools in this distribution:

Define		define handler
DeskCalculator desk calculator
Expand		"expand" input "picture"
Kwic		kwic index stuff
Macro		macro and define expansion
Rot		"rotate" a picture
Screen		prints table of characters
Sort		generic sort merge
SortDriv	   "     "     "
SW		editor
swch		sort of a "sed"
SWTr		more or less UNIX "tr"
Unique		uniq
Wc		word count

fontinit.pascal contains a font definition - you should be able
to figure out how to build a driver for it.  It is in two pieces,
fontinit.A and fontinit.B (so that the batch is smaller than 50k).
Just catenate them together.

Some of these are from SWTiP, some I have written myself - these are
noted in the headers.

Using this software (details for Pascal/VS on VM/CMS):
	1) take the swtools.copy file:
		convert it to Fixed 80
		add line numbers in column 73-80
	    swtools.copy is the complete set of include files required
	    for building the tools. (from each *COPY to the next)
	2) Compile all of the source that are "segment"s, and
	   put the objects in a TXTLIB.
	   These are library routines used by various programs.
	3) Compile all of the source that are "program"s, and
	   link them with TXTLIB.

MVS users: you will have to change some of the I/O routines (the
ones copyrighted by me) to use appropriate MVS functions.

Non-Pascal/VS: you will have to convert the flavour of pascal to
what you have:
	Pascal/VS supports separate compilations
	Pascal/VS supports true strings (which I don't use much)
	Pascal/VS supports includes
	Pascal/VS supports fairly complicated initialized global
		  data types, including binary constants.
	You may have to throw out all of the I/O, some of the
	include files, and include all of the routines for a given
	program together.  Yech!  Good Luck!

This software is unsupported, however, upon request I may be able
to provide some hints.

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