Battleship source for Unix w/curses

Jeff Glasson jrg at hpda.UUCP
Tue Mar 11 03:55:40 AEST 1986

In article <11587 at watnot.UUCP> cagordon at watnot.UUCP (Chris Gordon) writes:
>Using the following compile command, I got the following undefines below:
>cc -O -o bs bs.c -lcurses -ltermcap
>Can someone (probably the original poster) help?

The undefined routines you see are from the AT&T version of curses.
BSD curses does not have those routines.

Here's a brief description of the routines (maybe someone out there has
BSD versions):

saveterm: save current modes as "in curses" state.
cbreak: set cbreak mode
beep: ring the terminal's bell
resetterm: set tty modes to "out of curses" state

Hope this helps,

Jeff Glasson
Hewlett-Packard ISO

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