vt52 emulator for c64 sources

Fred Walter grwalter at watmath.UUCP
Tue Jan 13 05:55:18 AEST 1987

this is the source for a vt52 emulator for the c64 written by frank 
prindle and played with by me. read term.doc.
----------cut line--------------------------------------------------
# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by watmath!grwalter on Mon Jan  5 19:38:02 EST 1987
# Contents:  term.1 term.2 term.doc term.end term.font term.lables
#	term.plus.bas term.tables
echo x - term.1
sed 's/^@//' > "term.1" <<'@//E*O*F term.1//'
  100 ;
  110 ; term.plus.64.1
  120 ;
  130 ; last date 870102
  140 ;
  150 ;various scaler variables
  160 char .byte 0 ; character just read
  170 stat .byte 0 ; rs-232 status byte
  180 ndig .byte 0 ; digit counter for downline load
  190 loopcnt .byte 0 ; cursor blink counter
  200 loopmax .byte $00 ; cursor blink loop reset value
  210 control .byte $06 ; rs-232 control reg (300 baud default)
  220 command .byte $00 ; rs-232 command reg
  230 optbdlo .byte $3c ; kluge value for 1200 baud
  240 optbdhi .byte $01 ; kluge value for 1200 baud
  250 fgbg8 .byte $bf ; 80 col fgnd/bgnd colors (gray1/gray3)
  260 fgbg4 .byte $1b ; 40 col fgnd/bgnd colors (white/gray1)
  270 escflag .byte 0 ; escape sequence flag/counter
  280 xcoord .byte 0 ; temp storage for x screen coordinate
  290 ycoord .byte 0 ; temp storage for y screen coordinate
  300 lineh .byte 0 ; hires cursor line number
  310 colh .byte 0 ; hires cursor column number
  320 hilo .byte $f0 ; hires nibble mask
  330 revmask .byte $0 ; reverse video mask ($f=reverse, $0=normal)
  340 cflag .byte $ff ; zero if char under cursor has been reversed
  350 cstate .byte $0 ; top nibble of char under cursor if cflag=0
  360 flag79 .byte $0 ; non-zero if previous char printed in column 79
  370 flag79t .byte $0 ; one shot copy of previous flag79
  380 ccode .byte $0 ; temporary character storage for chrouth
  390 suspend .byte $0 ; rs-232 reads suspended if non-zero
  400 fxoff .byte $0 ; xoff has been sent if non-zero
  410 commflg .byte $0 ; non-zero if commodore key is depressed
  420 flag80 .byte $0 ; non-zero if 80 column mode
  430 ;
  440 ; terminal emulator reloacation from "here" to "there"
  450 ;
  460 *=there+$280
  470 ;
  480 movterm lda #<here ; set up source and dest to point
  490 sta source ; to "here" and "there" respectively
  500 lda #>here
  510 sta source+1
  520 lda #<there
  530 sta dest
  540 lda #>there
  550 sta dest+1
  560 ldx #$10 ; $1000 bytes will be moved
  570 ldy #$00
  580 lp lda (source),y ; beginning of outer and inner move loops
  590 sta (dest),y
  600 iny
  610 bne lp ; end inner loop to move $100 bytes
  620 inc source+1
  630 inc dest+1
  640 dex
  650 bne lp ; end outer loop to do inner loop 16 times
  660 beq renter ; skip around termination code
  670 term lda r6510 ; prepare to terminate
  680 ora #1 ; by paging basic rom in
  690 sta r6510
  700 brk ; terminate
  710 renter lda r6510 ; reenter here
  720 and #$fe ; page out basic rom
  730 sta r6510
  740 jmp init ; branch to init "there"
  750 ;
  760 ; terminal emulator main program
  770 ;
  780 init jsr revic ; set up vic chip bank and addresses
  790 jsr movechr ; move 40 col char set from rom to ram
  800 jsr replchr ; mod 40 col char set for full ascii
  810 jsr screen ; set up screen attributes
  820 jsr openrs ; open rs-232 channel
  830 jsr welcome ; write initial message to screen
  840 ;
  850 tloop lda ndx ; main terminal loop begins
  860 bne kbd ; keyboard has priority over rs-232
  870 jsr flowcon ; do rs-232 flow control if necessary
  880 jsr getrs ; get an rs-232 byte
  890 bne kbd ; if none available, go check keyboard
  900 jsr unblink ; restore character under cursor
  910 lda escflag ; escape sequence activeprint
  920 beq normal ; no
  930 jsr escseq ; yes - process escape seq.
  940 clc ; then skip printing char
  950 bcc nospec
  960 normal ldx char ; get ascii character read
  970 lda from,x ; get equivalent c64 character to print
  980 jsr chrouth ; print it on screen
  990 ldx char ; get ascii again
 1000 lda from,x ; get c64 again
 1010 cmp #$01 ; code 1 characters are special
 1020 bne nospec ; skip if not special
 1030 jsr special ; process special rs-232 characters
 1040 nospec jsr cleanup ; clean up after 40 col screen print
 1050 clc ; repeat
 1060 bcc tloop ; main loop
 1070 ;
 1080 kbd jsr getkb ; get a keyboard byte
 1090 beq cursor ; if none available, go generate cursor
 1100 ldx #5 ; change kernel output
 1110 jsr chkout ; to rs-232
 1120 jsr optimum ; wait for optimum time to do rs-232 out
 1130 ldx char ; get c64 character read
 1140 lda to,x ; get equivalent ascii character to send
 1150 jsr chrout ; send it to rs-232
 1160 ldx #0 ; return kernel output
 1170 jsr chkout ; to screen
 1180 cursor jsr docurs ; blink cursor position
 1190 clc ; repeat
 1200 bcc tloop ; main loop
 1210 ;
 1220 ; subroutine - open rs-232 as logical device 5
 1230 ;
 1240 openrs lda #<rsout ; allocate the rs-232 buffers
 1250 sta robuf
 1260 lda #>rsout
 1270 sta robuf+1
 1280 lda #<rsin
 1290 sta ribuf
 1300 lda #>rsin
 1310 sta ribuf+1
 1320 lda #4 ; pass rs-232 parameters as "filename"
 1330 ldx #<control
 1340 ldy #>control
 1350 jsr setnam
 1360 lda #5 ; equate logical unit 5 to physical 2 (rs-232)
 1370 ldx #2
 1380 ldy #0
 1390 jsr setlfs
 1400 jsr open ; do the open
 1410 rts
 1420 ;
 1430 ; subroutine - move character set 2 from rom into ram as set 1
 1440 ;
 1450 movechr lda #$8e ; switch to character set 1
 1460 jsr chrout
 1470 lda vmcr ; set low 4 bits of vic memory control register
 1480 and #$f0 ; to $0c so vic will fetch character patterns
 1490 ora #$0e ; from $b800
 1500 sta vmcr
 1510 lda ccra ; clear bit 0 of cia control register a to stop
 1520 and #$fe ; keyboard scan
 1530 sta ccra
 1540 lda r6510 ; page in character rom at $d000
 1550 and #$fb
 1560 sta r6510
 1570 lda #$00 ; set up source to $d800 (rom set 2)
 1580 sta source ; and dest to $b800 (ram set 1)
 1590 sta dest
 1600 lda #$d8
 1610 sta source+1
 1620 lda #$b8
 1630 sta dest+1
 1640 ldx #$08 ; $0800 bytes need to be moved
 1650 ldy #$00
 1660 mloop lda (source),y ; beginning of both outer and inner move loops
 1670 sta (dest),y
 1680 iny
 1690 bne mloop ; end inner loop to move $100 bytes
 1700 inc source+1
 1710 inc dest+1
 1720 dex
 1730 bne mloop ; end outer loop to do inner loop 8 times
 1740 lda r6510 ; page out character rom
 1750 ora #$04
 1760 sta r6510
 1770 lda ccra ; resume keyboard scan
 1780 ora #$01
 1790 sta ccra
 1800 rts
 1810 ;
 1820 ; subroutine - replace the bit patterns for 8 characters to attain full asc
 1830 ;
 1840 replchr lda #<newchar ; set up source to point to newchar
 1850 sta source
 1860 lda #>newchar
 1870 sta source+1
 1880 ldx #0 ; x always 0, y indexes through newchar
 1890 ldy #0
 1900 rloop1 lda (source),y ; begin outer loop - fetch screen code and
 1910 lsr a ; compute dest as $b800 + screen code*8
 1920 lsr a
 1930 lsr a
 1940 lsr a
 1950 lsr a
 1960 clc
 1970 adc #$b8
 1980 sta dest+1
 1990 lda (source),y
 2000 asl a
 2010 asl a
 2020 asl a
 2030 sta dest
 2040 lda #8 ; set inner loop counter to 8
 2050 sta loopcnt
 2060 iny ; index to first pattern byte
 2070 rloop2 lda (source),y ; begin inner loop - move bit pattern for 1 chr
 2080 sta (dest,x)
 2090 lda dest+1 ; switch dest to reversed character area
 2100 ora #$04
 2110 sta dest+1
 2120 lda (source),y ; move reversed bit pattern
 2130 eor #$ff
 2140 sta (dest,x)
 2150 lda dest+1 ; switch dest back to normal characters
 2160 eor #$04
 2170 sta dest+1
 2180 iny ; index to next bit pattern
 2190 inc dest
 2200 dec loopcnt
 2210 bne rloop2 ; end inner loop to move 8 bytes
 2220 cpy #$40
 2230 bmi rloop1 ; end outer loop to modify 8 characters
 2240 rts
 2250 ;
 2260 ; subroutine - perform rs-232 flow control
 2270 ;
 2280 flowcon lda shflag ; check commodore key
 2290 and #$02 ; is it depressedprint
 2300 beq nocomm ; no
 2310 lda commflg ; was it depressed before
 2320 bne bufchk ; yes, ignore it
 2330 inc commflg ; set commodore key flag
 2340 lda suspend ; currently suspendedprint
 2350 beq notsus ; no
 2360 lda #0 ; clear suspend flag
 2370 sta suspend
 2380 beq bufchk
 2390 notsus inc suspend ; set suspend flag
 2400 bne bufchk
 2410 nocomm sta commflg ; clear commodore key flag
 2420 bufchk lda ridbe ; compute number of char in rs-232 buffer
 2430 sec
 2440 sbc ridbs
 2450 lsr a ; divide count by 2 for accurate check
 2460 ldx fxoff ; has an xoff already been sent
 2470 bne itsoff ; yes
 2480 cmp #100 ; number chars in buffer reached 200print
 2490 bmi flowret ; no - no flow control necessary yet
 2500 jsr xoff ; send an xoff
 2510 rts ; return
 2520 itsoff cmp #10 ; has backlog dropped to 20 or lessprint
 2530 bpl flowret ; no - leave input suspended
 2540 jsr xon ; send an xon
 2550 flowret rts
 2560 ;
 2570 ; subroutine - set border, background, and text colors, then clear screen
 2580 ;
 2590 screen lda #$0c ; set border to gray 2
 2600 sta bord
 2610 lda flag80 ; 80 column modeprint
 2620 beq s40 ; no
 2630 ;
 2640 lda #<vidmat ; set up hires bgnd and fgnd colors
 2650 sta dest
 2660 lda #>vidmat
 2670 sta dest+1
 2680 ldx #$04 ; $0400 bytes need to be set
 2690 ldy #0
 2700 lda fgbg8 ; foreground/background colors
 2710 sloop sta (dest),y ; begin both outer and inner set loops
 2720 iny
 2730 bne sloop ; end inner loop to set $100 bytes
 2740 inc dest+1
 2750 dex
 2760 bne sloop ; end outer loop to do inner loop 4 times
 2770 beq scom ; now go to common code
 2780 ;
 2790 s40 lda fgbg4 ; set 40 col bgnd color
 2800 and #$0f
 2810 sta bgnd
 2820 lda fgbg4 ; set 40 col foreground color
 2830 lsr a
 2840 lsr a
 2850 lsr a
 2860 lsr a
 2870 sta color ; continue into common code
 2880 ;
 2890 scom lda #$93 ; clear screen
 2900 jsr chrouth
 2910 rts
 2920 ;
 2930 ; subroutine - try to get a byte from rs-232 channel
 2940 ;
 2950 getrs lda suspend ; is rs-232 reading suspendedprint
 2960 bne rsret ; yes
 2970 ldx #$05 ; change kernel input to rs-232 channel
 2980 jsr chkin
 2990 jsr getin ; get byte
 3000 and #$7f ; remove parity bit
 3010 sta char
 3020 jsr readst ; get status
 3030 sta stat
 3040 lda #0 ; return kernel input to keyboard
 3050 jsr chkin
 3060 jsr rserrs ; check for rs-232 errors
 3070 bne rsret ; if error, return no byte
 3080 lda stat ; check status to see if byte was read
 3090 and #$08
 3100 rsret rts ; return "ne" if no byte read
 3110 ;
 3120 ; subroutine - check for rs-232 errors
 3130 ;
 3140 rserrs lda stat ; check status for error bits
 3150 and #$f7
 3160 beq erret ; no errors, return "eq"
 3170 jsr beeplo ; just beep on error
 3180 lda #1
 3190 erret rts ; return "ne" on errors
 3200 ;
 3210 ; subroutine - restore character under cursor to normal
 3220 ;
 3230 unblink lda flag80 ; 80 column modeprint
 3240 beq u40 ; no
 3250 ;
 3260 lda cflag ; has cursor been blinked at this positionprint
 3270 bne noneed ; no - char must still be in original state
 3280 ldy #0 ; fetch top byte of character
 3290 lda (pnth),y
 3300 and hilo ; isolate nibble under cursor
 3310 cmp cstate ; is character in original stateprint
 3320 beq noneed ; yes
 3330 ldy #8-1 ; must restore 8 bytes
 3340 uloop lda (pnth),y ; fetch hires byte
 3350 eor hilo ; reverse nibble under cursor
 3360 sta (pnth),y ; replace hires byte
 3370 dey ; decrement counter
 3380 bpl uloop ; loop 8 times
 3390 noneed ldy #$ff ; flag that char under cursor is restored
 3400 sty cflag
 3410 rts
 3420 ;
 3430 u40 ldy pntr ; fetch column displacement of cursor
 3440 lda (pnt),y ; fetch screen byte under cursor
 3450 and #$7f ; ensure non reversed character
 3460 sta (pnt),y ; store back in screen
 3470 rts
 3480 ;
 3490 ; subroutine - handle special input characters
 3500 ;
 3510 special lda char ; get ascii character
 3520 cmp #$0d ; carriage returnprint
 3530 bne notcr ; no
 3540 sec ; yes, fetch cursor coordinates
 3550 jsr ploth
 3560 ldy #0 ; set column number to 0
 3570 clc ; set cursor coordinates
 3580 jsr ploth
 3590 rts
 3600 notcr cmp #$07 ; bellprint
 3610 bne notbell ; no
 3620 jsr beephi ; beep the tv with high tone
 3630 rts
 3640 notbell cmp #$1b ; ^[ (esc)print
 3650 bne notesc ; no
 3660 sta escflag ; set escape flag
 3670 rts
 3680 notesc cmp #$09 ; ^i (tab)print
 3690 bne nottab ; no
 3700 sec ; fetch cursor coordinates
 3710 jsr ploth
 3720 tya
 3730 lsr a ; divide column by 8
 3740 lsr a
 3750 lsr a
 3760 tay ; add one
 3770 iny
 3780 tya
 3790 asl a ; multiply by 8
 3800 asl a
 3810 asl a
 3820 tay
 3830 lda flag80 ; 80 column modeprint
 3840 bne nowrap ; yes
 3850 cpy #40 ; is new column number 40print
 3860 bne nowrap ; no
 3870 ldy #0 ; column=0
 3880 inx ; line=line+1
 3890 cpx #25 ; does screen need to be rolled upprint
 3900 bne nowrap ; no
 3910 sty char ; zero char as a rollup flag
 3920 nowrap clc ; reset column to new tab stop
 3930 jsr ploth
 3940 lda char ; is char zero (rollup required)print
 3950 bne tabret ; no
 3960 lda #$11 ; print cursor down to do rollup
 3970 jsr chrouth
 3980 tabret rts
 3990 nottab brk ; error - there should be no other specials
 4000 ;
 4010 ; subroutine - clean up the c64 text editor flags for clean operation
 4020 ;
 4030 cleanup lda #$84 ; flag 2nd line as unlinked for good rollup
 4040 sta ldtb1+1
 4050 lda #$00 ; flag no-quote mode
 4060 sta qtsw
 4070 rts
 4080 ;
 4090 ; subroutine - try to get a keyboard byte
 4100 ;
 4110 getkb jsr getin ; get a keyboard character
 4120 cmp #0 ;"is there a character ?
 4130 bne kbchar ; yes
 4140 rts ; return "eq" if no character
 4150 kbchar cmp #$83 ;"is it "shift/run/stop" ?
 4160 bne kbsw ; no
 4170 jsr end ; yes, terminate program
 4180 kbsw cmp #$9e ;"is it ^8 ?
 4190 bne kbsw2 ; no
 4200 jsr restore ; restore everything
 4210 lda #"8" ; set 80 column flag
 4220 sta digcol ; and 80 column message digit
 4230 kbsw1 sta flag80
 4240 pla ; fix stack pointer
 4250 pla
 4260 jmp init ; restart program in new mode
 4270 kbsw2 cmp #$9f ;"is it ^4 ?
 4280 bne kbret ; no
 4290 jsr restore ; restore everything
 4300 lda #"4" ; set 40 column message digit
 4310 sta digcol
 4320 lda #0 ; clear 80 column flag
 4330 beq kbsw1 ; via common code
 4340 kbret sta char ; save in char
 4350 rts
 4360 ;
 4370 ; subroutine - blink the cursor
 4380 ;
 4390 docurs dec loopcnt ; decrement timer
 4400 beq blinkit ;"expired ?
 4410 rts ; no
 4420 blinkit lda flag80 ;"80 column mode ?
 4430 beq b40 ; no
 4440 ;
 4450 lda cflag ;"must we save state of current character ?
 4460 beq nosave ; no
 4470 ldy #0 ; fetch top byte of char
 4480 lda (pnth),y
 4490 and hilo ; isolate nibble under cursor
 4500 sta cstate ; save this state
 4510 sty cflag ; clear flag
 4520 nosave ldy #8-1 ; must reverse 8 bytes
 4530 bloop lda (pnth),y ; fetch hires byte
 4540 eor hilo ; reverse nibble under cursor
 4550 sta (pnth),y ; replace hires byte
 4560 dey
 4570 bpl bloop ; loop 8 times
 4580 bmi bcom ; go to common code
 4590 ;
 4600 b40 ldy pntr ; fetch column displacement of cursor
 4610 lda (pnt),y ; fetch screen byte under cursor
 4620 eor #$80 ; reverse it's current state
 4630 sta (pnt),y ; store back in screen
 4640 clc ; compute corresponding color ram address
 4650 lda pnt+1 ; because c64 "user" is unreliable
 4660 adc #>(colram-vidmat4)
 4670 sta source+1
 4680 lda pnt
 4690 sta source
 4700 lda fgbg4 ; get color code for fgnd
 4710 lsr a
 4720 lsr a
 4730 lsr a
 4740 lsr a
 4750 sta (source),y ; into color ram
 4760 ;
 4770 bcom lda loopmax ; reset timer
 4780 sta loopcnt
 4790 lda #0 ; reset sound from beep routine
 4800 sta wave
 4810 rts
 4820 ;
 4830 ; subroutine - initiate sounds (beeps) - will be terminated next cursor bl
 4840 ;
 4850 beeplo lda #$14 ; select low frequency
 4860 bne beep
 4870 beephi lda #$50 ; select high frequency
 4880 beep sta freqhi
 4890 lda #$0f ; select fast attack, slow decay
 4900 sta attdec
 4910 lda #$12 ; select sustain ...
 4920 sta susrel
 4930 lda #6 ; select not-too-loud volume
 4940 sta vol
 4950 lda #$21 ; select sawtooth wave
 4960 sta wave
 4970 lda loopmax ; reset cursor timer for consistent beep time
 4980 sta loopcnt
 4990 rts
 5000 ;
 5010 ; subroutine - downline load output from 6502 assembler until ^^
 5020 ;
 5030 dload lda #0 ; initialize
 5040 sta ndig ; number of digits read
 5050 sta dest ; clear load base address
 5060 sta dest+1
 5070 dget lda ndx ; begin line loop - check keyboard
 5080 bne dbreak ; any key terminates load
 5090 jsr getrs ; get rs-232 byte
 5100 bne dget ; if none, keep waiting
 5110 lda char ; get ascii character
 5120 cmp #$1e ; ^^ (terminate load)print
 5130 bne noterm ; no
 5140 dbreak rts ; yes, return
 5150 noterm cmp #$0a ; line feedprint
 5160 beq dload ; yes, new line restarts load process
 5170 jsr chekdig ; convert character to digit
 5180 bmi dget ; not a digit, ignore
 5190 inc ndig ; increment digit count
 5200 lda ndig ; check digit count
 5210 cmp #3 ; first or secondprint
 5220 bpl ndlo ; no
 5230 jsr dlo ; yes, update destination low
 5240 clc ; loop for next character
 5250 bcc dget
 5260 ndlo cmp #5 ; third or fourthprint
 5270 bpl ndhi ; no
 5280 jsr dhi ; yes, update destination high
 5290 clc ; loop for next character
 5300 bcc dget
 5310 ndhi jsr putdat ; must be data, go store it
 5320 clc ; loop for next character
 5330 bcc dget
 5340 ;
 5350 ; subroutine - a a hex digit, return binary value (also in char), else -1
 5360 ;
 5370 chekdig sec ; convert decimal digit to binary
 5380 sbc #"0"
 5390 bmi ckbad ; below 0, not a digit
 5400 cmp #9+1 ; is it a decimal digitprint
 5410 bmi ckgood ; yes, return binary
 5420 sec ; convert hex digit to binary
 5430 sbc #"a"-"0"-10
 5440 cmp #$a
 5450 bmi ckbad ; below "A", not a digit
 5460 cmp #$f+1 ; is it a hex digitprint
 5470 bpl ckbad ; no, too high
 5480 ckgood sta char ; return good digit value
 5490 lda char
 5500 rts
 5510 ckbad lda #-1 ; return -1 (not digit)
 5520 rts
 5530 ;
 5540 ; subroutine - dest(low) = 16*dest(low)+char
 5550 ;
 5560 dlo lda dest ; dest low
 5570 asl a ; multiply by 16
 5580 asl a
 5590 asl a
 5600 asl a
 5610 ora char ; combine with char
 5620 sta dest ; update dest low
 5630 rts
 5640 ;
 5650 ; subroutine - dest(high) = 16*dest(high)+char
 5660 ;
 5670 dhi lda dest+1 ; dest high
 5680 asl a ; multiply by 16
 5690 asl a
 5700 asl a
 5710 asl a
 5720 ora char ; combine with char
 5730 sta dest+1 ; update dest high
 5740 rts
 5750 ;
 5760 ; subroutine - put data into memory at dest
 5770 ;
 5780 putdat lda ndig ; which digitprint
 5790 and #1 ; odd or evenprint
 5800 bne podd ; odd, just go stash char
 5810 lda source ; even, get stashed data
 5820 asl a ; multiply by 16
 5830 asl a
 5840 asl a
 5850 asl a
 5860 ora char ; combine with char
 5870 ldy #0 ; store data into memory
 5880 sta (dest),y
 5890 inc dest ; increment destination
 5900 bne samehi
 5910 inc dest+1
 5920 samehi rts
 5930 podd lda char ; stash char
 5940 sta source ; temporarily in source
 5950 rts
 5960 ;
 5970 .file 08,"0:term.2"
@//E*O*F term.1//
chmod u=rw,g=,o= term.1
echo x - term.2
sed 's/^@//' > "term.2" <<'@//E*O*F term.2//'
  100 ;
  110 ; term.plus.64.2
  120 ;
  130 ; last date 870102
  140 ;
  150 ; subroutine - map vic into appropriate bank and set up addresses
  160 ;
  170 revic lda ddrpa2 ; ensure bank select bits are outputs
  180 ora #$03
  190 sta ddrpa2
  200 lda flag80 ; 80 column modeprint
  210 beq re40 ; no
  220 ;
  230 lda dpa2 ; set vic bank to 1
  240 and #$fc
  250 ora #$02
  260 sta dpa2
  270 lda #$78 ; set vic screen to $5c00, hires to $6000
  280 sta vmcr
  290 lda vcr ; turn on hires mode
  300 ora #$20
  310 sta vcr
  320 rts
  330 ;
  340 re40 lda dpa2 ; set vic bank to 2
  350 and #$fc
  360 ora #$01
  370 sta dpa2
  380 lda vmcr ; set vic screen to $b400
  390 and #$0f
  400 ora #$d0
  410 sta vmcr
  420 lda #$b4 ; tell kernel screen is at $b400
  430 sta hibase
  440 rts
  450 ;
  460 ; subroutine - restore everything and terminate program
  470 ;
  480 end jsr restore ; restore everything to default state
  490 pla ; fix up stack pointer
  500 pla
  510 pla
  520 pla
  530 ldx #16 ; move 16 byte term/reentry code to $2a7
  540 eloop lda term-1,x
  550 sta unused-1,x
  560 dex
  570 bne eloop
  580 jmp unused ; exit now through term code at $2a7
  590 ;
  600 ; subroutine - restore everything to default state
  610 ;
  620 restore lda #5 ; close rs-232 channel
  630 jsr close
  640 lda vcr ; turn off hires mode if on
  650 and #$df
  660 sta vcr
  670 lda #$14 ; set vic memory control reg to default
  680 sta vmcr
  690 lda dpa2 ; map vic back to bank 0
  700 ora #$03
  710 sta dpa2
  720 lda #$04 ; tell kernel screen is at $0400
  730 sta hibase
  740 lda #$93 ; clear the screen
  750 jsr chrouth
  760 ldx #0
  770 stx flag79 ; restore flags to their initial state
  780 stx suspend
  790 stx fxoff
  800 dex
  810 stx cflag
  820 rts
  830 ;
  840 ; subroutine - process escape sequences
  850 ;
  860 escseq sec ; get cursor coordinates
  870 jsr ploth
  880 sty xcoord
  890 stx ycoord
  900 lda escflag ; if escflag still esc, char is
  910 cmp #$1b ; a function code
  920 beq fcode
  930 ;
  940 ; process cursor coordinates following ^[y
  950 ;
  960 lda char ; put char-$20 into y coordinate if
  970 sec ; escflag=2, x coordinate if
  980 sbc #$20 ; escflag=1
  990 dec escflag
 1000 ldy escflag
 1010 sta xcoord,y
 1020 ldy xcoord ; move cursor to new position
 1030 ldx ycoord
 1040 clc
 1050 jsr ploth
 1060 rts
 1070 ;
 1080 ; process ^[a (cursor up)
 1090 ;
 1100 fcode lda char ; process escape function codes
 1110 cmp #"a" ;"cursor up ?
 1120 bne notup ; no
 1130 up lda #$91 ; yes - print cursor up
 1140 print jsr chrouth
 1150 return lda #0 ; reset escape flag
 1160 sta escflag
 1170 rts
 1180 ;
 1190 ; process ^[b (cursor down)
 1200 ;
 1210 notup cmp #"b" ;"cursor down ?
 1220 bne notdn ; no
 1230 cpx #24 ; at bottom marginprint
 1240 beq return ; yes
 1250 lda #$11 ; print cursor down
 1260 bne print
 1270 ;
 1280 ; process ^[c (cursor right)
 1290 ;
 1300 notdn cmp #"c" ;"cursor right ?
 1310 bne notrt ; no
 1320 lda flag80 ; 80 column mode
 1330 bne rt80 ; yes, skip next check
 1340 cpy #39 ; at right margin
 1350 beq return ; yes
 1360 rt80 cpy #79 ; at right marginprint
 1370 beq return ; yes
 1380 lda #$1d ; print cursor right
 1390 bne print
 1400 ;
 1410 ; process ^[d (cursor left)
 1420 ;
 1430 notrt cmp #"d" ;"cursor left ?
 1440 bne notlft ; no
 1450 cpy #0 ;"at left margin ?
 1460 beq return ; yes
 1470 lf80 lda #$9d ; print cursor left
 1480 bne print
 1490 ;
 1500 ; process ^[h (cursor home)
 1510 ;
 1520 notlft cmp #"h" ;"cursor home ?
 1530 bne nothome ; no
 1540 lda #$13 ; print cursor home
 1550 bne print
 1560 ;
 1570 ; process ^[o (reverse video)
 1580 ;
 1590 nothome cmp #"o"+$20 ;"reverse video ?
 1600 bne notrev ; no
 1610 lda #$12 ; print reverse on
 1620 bne print
 1630 ;
 1640 ; process ^[n (normal video)
 1650 ;
 1660 notrev cmp #"n"+$20 ;"normal video ?
 1670 bne notnorm ; no
 1680 lda #$92 ; print reverse off
 1690 bne print
 1700 ;
 1710 ; process ^[i (reverse line feed)
 1720 ;
 1730 notnorm cmp #"i" ;"reverse line feed ?
 1740 beq yesrlf ; yes
 1750 jmp notrlf ; no
 1760 yesrlf cpx #0 ; at top marginprint
 1770 bne up ; no - use normal cursor up
 1780 lda flag80 ; 80 column modeprint
 1790 beq rlf40 ; no
 1800 ;
 1810 lda #<(hires+$1e00-$100) ; source pointer
 1820 sta source
 1830 lda #>(hires+$1e00-$100)
 1840 sta source+1
 1850 lda #<(hires+$1f40-$100) ; destination pointer
 1860 sta dest
 1870 lda #>(hires+$1f40-$100)
 1880 sta dest+1
 1890 ldx #$1e ; 1e00 bytes must be moved
 1900 ldy #0
 1910 rfloop1 lda (source),y ; begin both outer and inner move loops
 1920 sta (dest),y
 1930 iny
 1940 lda (source),y ; this is replicated to gain speed
 1950 sta (dest),y
 1960 iny
 1970 lda (source),y ; this is replicated to gain speed
 1980 sta (dest),y
 1990 iny
 2000 lda (source),y ; this is replicated to gain speed
 2010 sta (dest),y
 2020 iny
 2030 bne rfloop1 ; end inner loop to move $100 bytes
 2040 dec source+1
 2050 dec dest+1
 2060 dex
 2070 bne rfloop1 ; end outer loop to do inner loop $1e times
 2080 tya
 2090 rfloop2 sta (dest),y ; now clear next 256 bytes back
 2100 iny
 2110 bne rfloop2
 2120 dec dest+1
 2130 ldy #$c0 ; last, clear first 64 hires bytes
 2140 rfloop3 sta (dest),y
 2150 iny
 2160 bne rfloop3
 2170 jmp retesc
 2180 ;
 2190 rlf40 lda #<(vidmat4+999-40)
 2200 sta source ; source = address of last byte to move
 2210 sta dest ; dest = corresponding color ram address
 2220 lda #>(vidmat4+999-40)
 2230 sta source+1
 2240 lda #>(colram+999-40)
 2250 sta dest+1
 2260 ldy #40 ; distance to be moved
 2270 ldx #0 ; inhibit x indexing
 2280 rlfloop lda (source,x) ; move a character to next line
 2290 sta (source),y
 2300 lda #$01 ; color code for white
 2310 sta (dest),y ; into corresponding color ram addr
 2320 dec source ; decrement source addresses
 2330 dec dest
 2340 lda source
 2350 cmp #$ff
 2360 bne rlf1
 2370 dec source+1
 2380 dec dest+1
 2390 rlf1 lda source ; screen all movedprint
 2400 cmp #<(vidmat4-1)
 2410 bne rlfloop ; no
 2420 lda source+1 ; screen all movedprint
 2430 cmp #>(vidmat4-1)
 2440 bne rlfloop ; no
 2450 lda #$20 ; screen code for space
 2460 bfloop sta vidmat4-1,y ; set first line to all spaces
 2470 dey
 2480 bne bfloop
 2490 jmp retesc
 2500 ;
 2510 ; process ^[k (clear to end of line)
 2520 ;
 2530 notrlf cmp #"k" ;"clear to end of line ?
 2540 bne noteol ; no
 2550 lda flag80 ;"80 column mode ?
 2560 beq eol40 ; no
 2570 ;
 2580 jsr hceol ; do the clear
 2590 jmp retesc
 2600 ;
 2610 eol40 lda #$20 ; screen code for space
 2620 ldy pntr ; get displacement from pnt
 2630 eoloop sta (pnt),y ; store a space
 2640 iny ; next logical column
 2650 cpy #40 ; end of physical lineprint
 2660 beq retesc ; yes
 2670 cpy #80 ; end of physical lineprint
 2680 beq retesc ; yes
 2690 bne eoloop ; no, keep clearing
 2700 ;
 2710 ; process ^[j (clear to end of screen)
 2720 ;
 2730 noteol cmp #"j" ;"clear to end of screen ?
 2740 bne noteos ; no
 2750 lda flag80 ;"80 column mode ?
 2760 beq eos40 ; no
 2770 ;
 2780 jsr hclear ; clear to end of screen
 2790 jmp retesc
 2800 ;
 2810 eos40 lda pntr ; put cursor screen memory address
 2820 clc ; (pnt+pntr) into dest
 2830 adc pnt
 2840 sta dest
 2850 lda #0
 2860 adc pnt+1
 2870 sta dest+1
 2880 lda #$20 ; screen code for space
 2890 ldy #0 ; inhibit indexing
 2900 eosloop sta (dest),y ; store a space
 2910 inc dest ; increment screen address
 2920 bne eos1
 2930 inc dest+1
 2940 eos1 ldx dest ; end of screenprint
 2950 cpx #<(vidmat4+1000)
 2960 bne eosloop ; no
 2970 ldx dest+1 ; end of screenprint
 2980 cpx #>(vidmat4+1000)
 2990 bne eosloop ; no
 3000 beq retesc
 3010 ;
 3020 ; process ^[y (cursor motion initiate)
 3030 ;
 3040 noteos cmp #"y" ;"cursor motion ?
 3050 bne notcm ; no
 3060 lda #2 ; set escflag to 2 so next 2
 3070 sta escflag ; chars will be processed as
 3080 rts ; coordinates
 3090 ;
 3100 ; process ^[z (identify <vt-52> terminal)
 3110 ;
 3120 notcm cmp #"z" ;"identify terminal ?
 3130 bne notid ; no
 3140 ldx #5 ; change kernel output
 3150 jsr chkout ; to rs-232
 3160 lda #$1b ; output esc
 3170 jsr chrout
 3180 lda #"/" ; output /
 3190 jsr chrout
 3200 lda #"z" ; output z
 3210 jsr chrout
 3220 ldx #0 ; restore kernel output
 3230 jsr chkout ; to screen
 3240 clc
 3250 bcc retesc
 3260 ;
 3270 ; process ^[^\ (initiate downline load)
 3280 ;
 3290 notid cmp #$1c ; downline loadprint
 3300 bne retesc ; no
 3310 jsr dload ; do download
 3320 retesc lda #0 ; no other functions
 3330 sta escflag ; clear escape flag
 3340 rts
 3350 ;
 3360 ; subroutine - hires screen print (but use chrout if 40 column mode)
 3370 ;
 3380 chrouth ldx flag80 ;"80 column mode ?
 3390 bne cho80 ; yes
 3400 jsr chrout
 3410 rts
 3420 cho80 cmp #$00 ; no-ops (0,1) are ignored
 3430 beq hret4
 3440 cmp #$01
 3450 beq hret4
 3460 ldy flag79 ; copy special column 79 flag to one-shot
 3470 sty flag79t
 3480 ldy #0 ; then clear the main flag
 3490 sty flag79
 3500 cmp #$13 ; cursor homeprint
 3510 bne hnhome ; no
 3520 ;
 3530 ; process home code
 3540 ;
 3550 hhome lda #<hires ; reset cursor variables to home position
 3560 sta pnth
 3570 lda #>hires
 3580 sta pnth+1
 3590 lda #$f0
 3600 sta hilo
 3610 lda #0
 3620 sta lineh
 3630 sta colh
 3640 hret4 rts
 3650 ;
 3660 ; process clear code
 3670 ;
 3680 hnhome cmp #$93 ; clear screenprint
 3690 bne hnclear ; no
 3700 jsr hhome ; first home the cursor
 3710 jsr hclear ; then clear to end of screen
 3720 rts
 3730 ;
 3740 ; process cursor left code
 3750 ;
 3760 hnclear cmp #$9d ; cursor leftprint
 3770 bne hnleft ; no
 3780 lda colh ; get column
 3790 bne hncol0 ; column zero check
 3800 lda lineh ; column zero case, get line
 3810 beq hret1 ; line zero also so it's a no-op
 3820 dec lineh ; decrement line
 3830 lda #79 ; column=79
 3840 sta colh
 3850 bne hcom1
 3860 hncol0 dec colh ; not column zero, just decrement column
 3870 hcom1 lda hilo ; get hilo mask
 3880 eor #$ff ; reverse it
 3890 sta hilo
 3900 cmp #$0f ; previous hires byteprint
 3910 bne hret1 ; no
 3920 lda pnth ; decrement hires pointer by 8
 3930 sec
 3940 sbc #8
 3950 sta pnth
 3960 lda pnth+1
 3970 sbc #0
 3980 sta pnth+1
 3990 hret1 rts
 4000 ;
 4010 ; process cursor up code
 4020 ;
 4030 hnleft cmp #$91 ; cursor upprint
 4040 bne hnup ; no
 4050 lda lineh ; get line
 4060 beq hret2 ; line zero is no-op
 4070 dec lineh ; decrement line
 4080 lda pnth ; decrement hires pointer by 320
 4090 sec
 4100 sbc #$40
 4110 sta pnth
 4120 lda pnth+1
 4130 sbc #$01
 4140 sta pnth+1
 4150 hret2 rts
 4160 ;
 4170 ; process cursor down code
 4180 ;
 4190 hnup cmp #$11 ; cursor downprint
 4200 bne hndown ; no
 4210 lda lineh ; get line
 4220 cmp #24 ; bottom lineprint
 4230 beq hrollup ; yes, rollup required
 4240 inc lineh ; increment line
 4250 lda pnth ; increment hires pointer by 320
 4260 clc
 4270 adc #$40
 4280 sta pnth
 4290 lda pnth+1
 4300 adc #$01
 4310 sta pnth+1
 4320 rts
 4330 hrollup lda #<(hires+$140) ; source points to hires line 1
 4340 sta source
 4350 lda #>(hires+$140)
 4360 sta source+1
 4370 lda #<hires ; dest points to hires line 0
 4380 sta dest
 4390 lda #>hires
 4400 sta dest+1
 4410 ldx #$1e ; 1e0 bytes must be moved
 4420 ldy #0
 4430 hloop1 lda (source),y ; begin both outer and inner move loops
 4440 sta (dest),y
 4450 iny
 4460 lda (source),y
 4470 sta (dest),y
 4480 iny
 4490 lda (source),y
 4500 sta (dest),y
 4510 iny
 4520 lda (source),y
 4530 sta (dest),y
 4540 iny
 4550 bne hloop1 ; end inner loop to move $100 bytes
 4560 inc source+1
 4570 inc dest+1
 4580 dex
 4590 bne hloop1 ; end outer loop to do inner loop $1e times
 4600 tya ; now clear next 256 hires bytes
 4610 hloop2 sta (dest),y
 4620 iny
 4630 bne hloop2
 4640 inc dest+1
 4650 hloop3 sta (dest),y ; then the last 64 bytes
 4660 iny
 4670 cpy #$41
 4680 bne hloop3
 4690 rts
 4700 ;
 4710 ; process cursor right code
 4720 ;
 4730 hndown cmp #$1d ; cursor rightprint
 4740 bne hnrt ; no
 4750 hright lda colh ; get column
 4760 cmp #79 ; at column 79print
 4770 bne hncol79 ; no
 4780 lda lineh ; get line
 4790 cmp #24 ; at line 24print
 4800 beq heos ; yes, treat end of screen special
 4810 inc lineh ; increment line
 4820 lda #0 ; column=0
 4830 sta colh
 4840 beq hcom2
 4850 hncol79 inc colh ; not column 79, just increment column
 4860 hcom2 lda hilo ; get hilo mask
 4870 eor #$ff ; reverse it
 4880 sta hilo
 4890 cmp #$f0 ; next hires byteprint
 4900 bne hret3 ; no
 4910 lda pnth ; increment hires pointer by 8
 4920 clc
 4930 adc #8
 4940 sta pnth
 4950 lda pnth+1
 4960 adc #0
 4970 sta pnth+1
 4980 hret3 rts
 4990 heos lda #0 ; set column to zero
 5000 sta colh
 5010 lda #$f0 ; set hilo mask to upper nibble
 5020 sta hilo
 5030 lda pnth ; decrement hires pointer by $138
 5040 sec
 5050 sbc #$38
 5060 sta pnth
 5070 lda pnth+1
 5080 sbc #$01
 5090 sta pnth+1
 5100 jmp hrollup ; complete by rolling up
 5110 ;
 5120 ; process reverse on code
 5130 ;
 5140 hnrt cmp #$12 ; reverse videoprint
 5150 bne hnrev ; no
 5160 lda #$0f ; set reverse mask
 5170 sta revmask
 5180 rts
 5190 ;
 5200 ; process reverse off code
 5210 ;
 5220 hnrev cmp #$92 ; normal videoprint
 5230 bne hnnorm ; no
 5240 lda #0 ; clear reverse mask
 5250 sta revmask
 5260 rts
 5270 ;
 5280 ; process printing character codes
 5290 ;
 5300 hnnorm sta ccode ; stash character code for later
 5310 lda colh ; special column 79 treatment
 5320 cmp #79 ; at column 79print
 5330 bne not79 ; no
 5340 lda flag79t ; was previous char printed at col 79print
 5350 beq notf79 ; no
 5360 jsr hright ; move cursor right to col 0 of next line
 5370 clc
 5380 bcc not79
 5390 notf79 inc flag79 ; set flag, this char will print at 79
 5400 not79 lda ccode ; get character code previously saved
 5410 sec ; subtract $20 from character code
 5420 sbc #$20
 5430 sta source ; temporarily save code
 5440 lsr a ; high of (code*8)
 5450 lsr a
 5460 lsr a
 5470 lsr a
 5480 lsr a
 5490 sta source+1 ; source+1=high font displacement
 5500 lda source ; low of (code*8)
 5510 asl a
 5520 asl a
 5530 asl a
 5540 clc
 5550 adc #<font ; set source=desired font address
 5560 sta source
 5570 lda source+1
 5580 adc #>font
 5590 sta source+1
 5600 ldy #8-1 ; move the font into a hires nibble
 5610 hxloop lda (source),y
 5620 eor revmask ; reverse font pattern if necessary
 5630 tax
 5640 lda hilo ; test to see which nibble
 5650 cmp #$f0 ; upper nibbleprint
 5660 bne hnoshft ; no
 5670 txa
 5680 asl a ; shift font byte into high nibble
 5690 asl a
 5700 asl a
 5710 asl a
 5720 tax
 5730 hnoshft lda hilo ; change hilo mask
 5740 eor #$ff ; into a mask to preserve other nibble
 5750 and (pnth),y ; now preserve that nibble
 5760 sta dest ; and temporarily save
 5770 txa ; get new font nibble
 5780 ora dest ; combine with other nibble
 5790 sta (pnth),y ; replace hires screen byte
 5800 dey
 5810 bpl hxloop ; repeat for 8 bytes
 5820 lda flag79 ; should cursor be moved right 1print
 5830 bne skiprt ; no, column 79 just printed
 5840 jmp hright ; finish by moving right 1 column
 5850 skiprt rts
 5860 ;
 5870 ; subroutine - clear from cursor to end of hires screen
 5880 ;
 5890 hclear jsr hclunc ; first clear under cursor if necessary
 5900 lda #<(hires+$1f40) ; compute number of bytes to clear
 5910 sec
 5920 sbc dest
 5930 sta source ; temp save low byte of count
 5940 lda #>(hires+$1f40)
 5950 sbc dest+1 ; high byte of count=0print
 5960 hclr2 beq lastfew ; yes
 5970 tax ; x*$100 bytes need to be cleared first
 5980 lda #0
 5990 tay
 6000 hcloop2 sta (dest),y ; begin both outer and inner clear loops
 6010 iny
 6020 bne hcloop2 ; end inner loop to clear $100 bytes
 6030 inc dest+1
 6040 dex
 6050 bne hcloop2 ; end outer loop to do inner loop x times
 6060 lastfew ldy source ; lastly, clear "low count byte" bytes
 6070 beq hclret ; really nothing more to clear!
 6080 dey
 6090 hcloop3 sta (dest),y ; begin clear loop for all but 1 byte
 6100 dey
 6110 bne hcloop3 ; end clear loop for all but 1 byte
 6120 sta (dest),y ; clear the remaining byte
 6130 hclret rts
 6140 ;
 6150 ; subroutine - hires clear from cursor to end of line
 6160 ;
 6170 hceol jsr hclunc ; clear under cursor if necessary
 6180 ldx colh ; compute 40-((colh+1)/2)
 6190 inx
 6200 txa
 6210 lsr a
 6220 sta source ; temp save
 6230 lda #40
 6240 sec
 6250 sbc source
 6260 sta source+1 ; temp save result of calculation
 6270 asl a
 6280 asl a
 6290 asl a
 6300 sta source ; source=low byte of count to be cleared
 6310 lda source+1
 6320 lsr a ; compute high byte of count to be cleared
 6330 lsr a
 6340 lsr a
 6350 lsr a
 6360 lsr a
 6370 clc
 6380 bcc hclr2 ; share code in hclear from here on
 6390 ;
 6400 ; subroutine - hires clear under cursor if cursor in odd column
 6410 ;
 6420 hclunc lda pnth ; make dest point to current byte
 6430 sta dest
 6440 lda pnth+1
 6450 sta dest+1
 6460 lda colh ; is the column number
 6470 and #1 ; evenprint
 6480 beq evencol ; yes
 6490 ldx #8 ; clear low nibble of 8 bytes under cursor
 6500 ldy #0 ; while incrementing dest by 8
 6510 hcloop1 lda (dest),y ; begin 8 byte clear loop
 6520 and #$f0
 6530 sta (dest),y
 6540 inc dest
 6550 bne hc1
 6560 inc dest+1
 6570 hc1 dex
 6580 bne hcloop1 ; end of 8 byte clear loop
 6590 evencol rts
 6600 ;
 6610 ; subroutine - hires plot (but use plot if 40 column mode)
 6620 ;
 6630 ploth bcc pset ; carry clear means go set coordinates
 6640 lda flag80 ; 80 column modeprint
 6650 bne fetch80 ; yes
 6660 jsr plot ; use commodore plot function
 6670 tya
 6680 cmp #40 ; is column >= 40print
 6690 bmi plret ; no
 6700 sec ; subtract 40
 6710 sbc #40
 6720 plret tay ; return the 40 column coordinates
 6730 rts
 6740 fetch80 ldx lineh ; fetch 80 column coordinates
 6750 ldy colh
 6760 rts
 6770 pset cpx #0 ; line < 0print
 6780 bpl ps1 ; no
 6790 ldx #0 ; set line to 0
 6800 ps1 cpx #25 ; line >= 25print
 6810 bmi ps2 ; no
 6820 ldx #24 ; set line to 24
 6830 ps2 cpy #0 ; column < 0print
 6840 bpl ps3 ; no
 6850 ldy #0 ; set column to 0
 6860 ps3 lda flag80 ; 80 column modeprint
 6870 bne test80 ; yes
 6880 cpy #40 ; column >= 40print
 6890 bmi ps4 ; no
 6900 ldy #39 ; set column to 39
 6910 ps4 clc ; set cursor coordinates
 6920 jsr plot ; using commodore plot
 6930 rts
 6940 test80 cpy #80 ; column >= 80print
 6950 bmi hset ; no
 6960 ldy #79 ; set column to 79
 6970 hset stx lineh ; set cursor position
 6980 sty colh
 6990 tya ; derive new hilo mask
 7000 ldy #$f0 ; hilo mask for upper nibble
 7010 and #1 ; check low column bit
 7020 beq hupper ; even columns use high nibble
 7030 ldy #$0f ; hilo mask for lower nibble
 7040 hupper sty hilo ; set up hilo
 7050 lda #<hires ; compute new hires screen pointer
 7060 sta pnth ; assume home position
 7070 lda #>hires
 7080 sta pnth+1
 7090 cpx #0 ; line zeroprint
 7100 beq hatline ; yes
 7110 hploop lda pnth ; add $140 to pointer once for each line
 7120 clc
 7130 adc #$40
 7140 sta pnth
 7150 lda pnth+1
 7160 adc #$01
 7170 sta pnth+1
 7180 dex
 7190 bne hploop ; loop for all lines
 7200 hatline lda colh ; get column
 7210 lsr a ; divide by 2
 7220 asl a ; multiply by 8
 7230 asl a
 7240 asl a
 7250 bcc nocarry ; carry from shiftsprint
 7260 inc pnth+1 ; yes, propogate the carry
 7270 nocarry clc ; add rest of col/2*8 to pointer
 7280 adc pnth
 7290 sta pnth
 7300 lda pnth+1
 7310 adc #0
 7320 sta pnth+1
 7330 lda #0 ; clear column 79 flag
 7340 sta flag79
 7350 rts
 7360 ;
 7370 ; subroutine - send out ^s (xoff) to remote host
 7380 ;
 7390 xoff ldx #5 ; switch kernel to rs-232 output
 7400 stx fxoff ; set xoff flag
 7410 jsr chkout
 7420 jsr optimum ; wait until optimum time
 7430 lda #$13 ; then, transmit ^s
 7440 xcom jsr chrout
 7450 ldx #0 ; restore kernel output to screen
 7460 jsr chkout
 7470 rts
 7480 ;
 7490 ; subroutine - send out ^q (xon) to remote host
 7500 ;
 7510 xon lda #0 ; clear xoff flag
 7520 sta fxoff
 7530 ldx #5 ; switch kernel to rs-232 output
 7540 jsr chkout
 7550 lda #$11 ; transmit ^q
 7560 bne xcom
 7570 ;
 7580 ; subroutine - wait for optimum time to transmit an rs-232 character
 7590 ;
 7600 optimum lda bitci ; rs-232 input bit count
 7610 cmp #7 ; wait until count is not 7
 7620 beq optimum
 7630 ldx time+2 ; set x to 2 jiffys in the future
 7640 inx
 7650 inx
 7660 opti2 lda bitci ; wait until rs-232 bit count
 7670 cmp #7 ; equals 7
 7680 beq optiret
 7690 cpx time+2 ; or until 2 jiffys have expired
 7700 bne opti2
 7710 optiret rts
 7720 ;
 7730 ; subroutine - write initial message to screen
 7740 ;
 7750 welcome lda flag80 ; 80 column modeprint
 7760 beq welprnt ; no
 7770 ldy #20 ; write 20 extra spaces to screen
 7780 sty welcnt
 7790 padloop lda #" " ; this padding will center message
 7800 jsr chrouth
 7810 dec welcnt
 7820 bne padloop
 7830 welprnt ldy #0 ; initial message index
 7840 weloop sty welcnt ; save message counter
 7850 lda welmsg,y ; get message character
 7860 beq welret ; done when 0 character found
 7870 jsr chrouth ; output the character
 7880 ldy welcnt ; retrieve counter
 7890 iny ; increment to get next char index
 7900 bne weloop ; loop for more characters
 7910 welret clc ; now move cursor to line 3, col 0
 7920 ldy #0
 7930 ldx #3
 7940 jsr ploth
 7950 rts ; all done
 7960 ;
 7970 .file 08,"0:term.font"
@//E*O*F term.2//
chmod u=rw,g=,o= term.2
echo x - term.doc
sed 's/^@//' > "term.doc" <<'@//E*O*F term.doc//'
  100 n$="0:term.plus.o":open 15,8,15,"s"+n$:close 15:open 1,8,1,n$
  110 sys 1000
  120 .opt o1
  130 ;
  140 ; term.plus.64.doc
  150 ;
  160 ; origion version by frank prindle using the cbm assembler.
  170 ; converted by g. r. (fred) walter to assemble using pal.
  180 ;
  190 ; last date 870102
  200 ;
  210 ;"This program makes the Commodore 64 operate like a semi-
  220 ;"intellegent 40 or 80 column ascii terminal.  It supports input
  230 ;"and display of all the ASCII characters, and beeps when the BEL
  240 ;"character is received.  Beware that the 80 column display mode
  250 ;"will probably require a monitor unless you are using a B/W
  260 ;"TV set with outstanding sharpness and video bandwidth.
  270 ;
  280 ;"The communication protocol is full duplex, 8 bits, no
  290 ;"parity, 1 stop bit, 300 or 1200 baud, with XON/XOFF (DC1/
  300 ;"DC3) host flow control protocol -- this should satisfy most
  310 ;"host computers.  The display screen is 40 columns X 25 lines
  320 ;"or 80 columns X 25 lines.
  330 ;
  340 ;"Because of the unusual layout of the C64 keyboard, the
  350 ;"desire to support all ascii characters, and a personal
  360 ;"need to find the ESC and BS keys in their usual positions,
  370 ;"the following key substitutions apply (note- ^x is short-
  380 ;"hand for CONTROL-x):
  390 ;
  400 ;"       TO SEND         TYPE               really is
  410 ;"       -------         ----               ---------
  420 ;"       \               BRITISH-POUND      backslash
  430 ;"       ^\              ^BRITISH-POUND     ctrl backslash
  440 ;"       ^[164]              ^=                 ctrl underscore
  450 ;"       ^               UP-ARROW           up-arrow
  460 ;"       ^^              ^UP-ARROW          ctrl up-arrow
  470 ;"       ^[ (ESC)        ^[ or BACK-ARROW   escape
  480 ;"       [164]               f1                 underscore
  490 ;"       [C=*]               f2                 pipe
  500 ;"       [SHIFT_@]               f3                 backwards '
  510 ;"       [175]               f4                 tilde
  520 ;"       [SHIFT_+]               f5                 left curly bracket
  530 ;"       [SHIFT_-]               f6                 right curly bracket
  540 ;"       DEL (RUB)       f7                 delete
  550 ;"       ^T              f8                 ctrl t
  560 ;"       ^H (BS)         DEL, ^H, or ^T     backspace
  570 ;"       ^J (NL)         SHIFT/RETURN or ^J newline
  580 ;"       ^S (DC3)        ^S or HOME
  590 ;"       ^Q (DC1)        ^Q or CURSOR DOWN
  600 ;"       ^I (TAB)        ^I (ie. No separate TAB key)
  610 ;
  620 ;"The CONTROL-8 key is used to switch the program from 40 column
  630 ;"to 80 column mode.  The CONTROL-4 key is used to switch the
  640 ;"program back from 80 column to 40 column mode.  Depressing one
  650 ;"of these keys when already in the corresponding mode will simply
  660 ;"clear the screen (as it does when switching modes).
  670 ;
  680 ;"Note that pressing the COMMODORE key will place the terminal
  690 ;"program in a suspended display mode (ie. the cursor will freeze
  700 ;"at it's current position), and ^S will be sent to the host
  710 ;"computer when the RS-232 input buffer fills up.  Similarly,
  720 ;"pressing the COMMODORE key will remove the terminal from the
  730 ;"suspended display mode and send a ^Q to the host computer only
  740 ;"if a ^S had previously been sent and the buffer has become nearly
  750 ;"empty.  This enables the COMMODORE key to be used like the SCROLL/
  760 ;"NO-SCROLL key on DEC terminals.  Suspended display mode is
  770 ;"indicated to the user by the cursor blinking much faster than
  780 ;"normal, an indication that the COMMODORE key must be pressed to
  790 ;"resume displaying the received text.  The program may also send
  800 ;"^S and ^Q to the host computer on it's own from time to time if
  810 ;"it detects an impending RS-232 buffer overflow condition - this
  820 ;"normally will only occur while printing a number of short or blank
  830 ;"lines while scrolling the screen up (or down), since 4 to 15 char-
  840 ;"acters are received into the RS-232 buffer during the time it
  850 ;"takes to scroll the whole screen.  In any case, this automatic
  860 ;"flow control is fully synchronized with the flow control
  870 ;"necessitated by the use of the COMMODORE key to suspend and resume
  880 ;"the display of received text.  Depressing the ^S and ^Q keys (or
  890 ;"their substitutes indicated above) unconditionally sends those
  900 ;"ASCII characters to the remote host computer without any local
  910 ;"effect.
  920 ;
  930 ;"This terminal program does 'not' support flow control in the
  940 ;"opposite direction - receiving ^S from the host computer will not
  950 ;"lock the keyboard or have any other effect, nor will ^Q.
  960 ;
  970 ;"Also note that pressing the RUN/STOP key with SHIFT depres-
  980 ;"sed will cleanly terminate the terminal emulator program,
  990 ;"and generate the BRK interrupt to send the C64 back
 1000 ;"to whoever is servicing those interrupts (BASIC,
 1010 ;"SUPERMON64,etc).
 1020 ;
 1030 ;"All 94 printable ascii characters and the space will
 1040 ;"be displayed on the screen as received over the RS-232
 1050 ;"channel.  Most of the remaining (control) characters are
 1060 ;"not displayed- however the following control characters
 1070 ;"and escape sequences have special effects:
 1080 ;"
 1090 ;"       CHARACTER       EFFECT
 1100 ;"       ---------       ------
 1110 ;"       ^G (BEL)        beeps the TV
 1120 ;"       ^H (BS)         cursor backspaces
 1130 ;"       ^I (TAB)        cursor moves right to next tab stop
 1140 ;"       ^J (NL)         cursor moves down one line with scrolling
 1150 ;"       ^M (CR)         cursor moves to start of line
 1160 ;"       ^[A             cursor moves up one line
 1170 ;"       ^[B             cursor moves down
 1180 ;"       ^[C             cursor moves right one char.
 1190 ;"       ^[D             cursor moves left one char.
 1200 ;"       ^[H             cursor homes
 1210 ;"       ^[I             cursor moves up one line with scrolling
 1220 ;"       ^[J             clears from cursor to end of screen
 1230 ;"       ^[K             clears from cursor to end of line
 1240 ;"       ^[Ylc           cursor moves to line l-$20, col c-$20
 1250 ;"       ^[Z             sends DEC VT-52 terminal id string
 1260 ;"       ^[n             (lowercase n) turns off reverse video
 1270 ;"       ^[o             (lowercase o) turns on reverse video
 1280 ;"       ^[^\            initiates downline load
 1290 ;
 1300 ;"Tab stops are pre-defined and fixed at every 8 columns
 1310 ;"beginning with column 0 (ie. 0, 8, 16, 24, ...).
 1320 ;
 1330 ;"The rest should all be pretty much self explanatory except
 1340 ;"for "downline load".  Once the ^[^\ sequence has been re-
 1350 ;"ceived, the program expects lines to come in over the RS-
 1360 ;"232 channel of the form:
 1370 ;
 1380 ;"            ;llhhdddddddddd...
 1390 ;
 1400 ;"where "llhh" is the address for the first byte of data
 1410 ;"on the line (in 6502 low/high format), and "dddddd.."
 1420 ;"are the data bytes themselves - note that the address
 1430 ;"must be 4 hexadecimal digits and each data byte must
 1440 ;"be 2 hexadecimal digits.  The load is terminated normally
 1450 ;"by reception of the control character ^^, or abnormally
 1460 ;"if the user hits a key on the C64 keyboard during the
 1470 ;"load.  In the 40 column mode, It is possible to load anywhere
 1480 ;"in the address ranges $0800 through $9fff and $c000 through
 1490 ;"$cfff since the terminal program itself hides under the BASIC
 1500 ;"ROM (from $a000 through $bfff).  80 column mode should not
 1510 ;"be used to download into the address range $5c00 through
 1520 ;"$7fff because that is where the high resolution video matrix
 1530 ;"and screen image reside in that mode.
 1540 ;
 1550 ;"VAX UNIX users (Berkeley 4.1bsd) will find that the following
 1560 ;""termcap" entries effectively describe this terminal program
 1570 ;"for use with the terminal dependent UNIX programs (eg. vi,
 1580 ;"emacs, more, rogue, etc.):
 1590 ;
 1600 ;" qc[C=*]c64[C=*]C64[C=*]Commodore 64:co#40:li#25:\
 1610 ;"         :up=\EA:do=\EB:cl=\EH\EJ:am:bs:\
 1620 ;"         :bw:ho=\EH:nd=\EC:so=\Eo:\
 1630 ;"         :se=\En:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
 1640 ;"         :ce=\EK:sr=\EI:pt:
 1650 ;
 1660 ;" qd[C=*]c64w[C=*]C64W[C=*]Commodore 64 80 Col X 25 Lin:co#80:li#25:\
 1670 ;"         :up=\EA:do=\EB:cl=\EH\EJ:bs:\
 1680 ;"         :bw:ho=\EH:nd=\EC:so=\Eo:\
 1690 ;"         :se=\En:cm=\EY%+ %+ :\
 1700 ;"         :ce=\EK:sr=\EI:pt:
 1710 ;
 1720 ;"VAX VMS users can probably get away with the following (although
 1730 ;"some VMS programs [eg. edt] require an auxilliary keypad, and do
 1740 ;"not work especially well in 40 column mode):
 1750 ;
 1760 ;"         set term /dev=vt52
 1770 ;"         set term /pag=25
 1780 ;"         set term /wid=80  [or 40, as the case may be]
 1790 ;
 1800 ;"TOPS-20 users can run "emacs" and the like after the following:
 1810 ;
 1820 ;"         term vt52
 1830 ;"         term length 25
 1840 ;"         term width 80  [or 40, as the case may be]
 1850 ;"         term pause com
 1860 ;
 1870 ;"A low pitched beep (much lower than that generated by
 1880 ;"receipt of the BEL character) indicates an error on the
 1890 ;"RS-232 channel (a hit, lost data, etc).
 1900 ;
 1910 ;"Of course, this program assumes you have been able
 1920 ;"to connect a modem (or null modem) to the C64 user
 1930 ;"port, which may or may not be trivial!
 1940 ;
 1950 ;"To run the terminal program, just load it like any BASIC
 1960 ;"program and RUN it.  You will be prompted for the baud
 1970 ;"rate.  Enter either 3 or 300 for 300 baud, 12 or 1200
 1980 ;"for 1200 baud, or just a carriage return for the default
 1990 ;"(300 baud).  If you find communications shaky or impos-
 2000 ;"sible at 1200 baud, you may have to change the poke in
 2010 ;"basic which pokes 0 to poke 8 instead.  If this fails to
 2020 ;"help, try tuning the optional baud rate constants in 0a4f
 2030 ;"and 0a50 for your system clock as described in ref. guide
 2040 ;"page 350 (use poke of 0 into 0a4d in this case).
 2050 ;
 2060 ;"Once it has been run, the terminal program moves itself
 2070 ;"under the BASIC ROM and runs there (although the original
 2080 ;"copy remains where it was loaded and can be re-run as long
 2090 ;"as it remains intact).  The memory map at run time is:
 2100 ;
 2110 ;"       $a080-$afff     The program area
 2120 ;"       $b000-$b1ff     Unused
 2130 ;"       $b200-$b2ff     RS-232 output buffer
 2140 ;"       $b300-$b3ff     RS-232 input buffer
 2150 ;"       $b400-$b7ff     Video matrix (the 40 column screen)
 2160 ;"       $b800-$bfff     Character set for 40 column mode
 2170 ;"       $02a7-$02b6     Termination/Restart code
 2180 ;
 2190 ;"In addition, the following memory areas are used only while the
 2200 ;"program is in the 80 column mode:
 2210 ;
 2220 ;"       $5c00-$5fff     Video matrix (the 80 column color memory)
 2230 ;"       $6000-$7fff     Hires screen (the 80 column screen)
 2240 ;
 2250 ;"Once the terminal program has been terminated (with SHIFT/
 2260 ;"RUN/STOP), it may be re-started by re-running the original
 2270 ;"BASIC program.  However, if the BASIC program area has been
 2280 ;"over-written during downloading, the terminal program can
 2290 ;"still be restarted (at the same baud rate as before) with
 2300 ;"the BASIC direct command "(686)" ; this command will
 2310 ;"restart the terminal program at any time, even after running
 2320 ;"other programs, unless some program is run which pokes
 2330 ;"into the areas shown in the first map above.
 2340 ;
 2350 ;"One last warning: this program is not relocatable - do
 2360 ;"not change the *length* of the BASIC program or nothing
 2370 ;"will work!
 2380 ;
 2390 ;"Good Luck and Enjoy....
 2400 ;"               Frank Prindle
 2410 ;
 2420 .file 08,"0:term.lables"
@//E*O*F term.doc//
chmod u=rw,g=,o= term.doc
echo x - term.end
sed 's/^@//' > "term.end" <<'@//E*O*F term.end//'
  100 ;
  110 ; term.plus.64.end
  120 ;
  130 ; last date 870102
  140 ;
  150 ; initial message and counter
  160 ;
  170 welcnt .byte 0 ; counter used for welcome message below
  180 welmsg .byte $11:.asc "      "
  190 .byte "t"+32,"e"+32,"r"+32,"m"+32,"."
  200 .byte "p"+32,"l"+32,"u"+32,"s"+32," ","-"," "
  210 digcol .byte "4","0"," "
  220 .byte "c"+32:.asc "olumn "
  230 .byte "m"+32:.asc "ode"
  240 .byte 0
  250 ;
  260 .end 08,"0:term.doc"
@//E*O*F term.end//
chmod u=rw,g=,o= term.end
echo x - term.font
sed 's/^@//' > "term.font" <<'@//E*O*F term.font//'
  100 ;
  110 ; term.plus.64.font
  120 ;
  130 ; last date 870102
  140 ;
  150 ; 80 column font for the 95 printing characters (in c64 ascii order)
  160 ;
  170 font .byte $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0  ; " "
  180 .byte $0, $4, $4, $4, $4, $0, $4, $0  ; "!"
  190 .byte $0, $a, $a, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0  ; """
  200 .byte $0, $2, $a, $e, $a, $e, $a, $8  ; "#"
  210 .byte $0, $4, $e, $c, $6, $e, $4, $0  ; "$"
  220 .byte $0, $0, $8, $2, $4, $8, $2, $0  ; "%"
  230 .byte $0, $4, $a, $a, $4, $a, $5, $0  ; "&"
  240 .byte $0, $2, $4, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0  ; "'"
  250 .byte $0, $2, $4, $4, $4, $4, $2, $0  ; "("
  260 .byte $0, $8, $4, $4, $4, $4, $8, $0  ; ")"
  270 .byte $0, $0, $a, $4, $e, $4, $a, $0  ; "*"
  280 .byte $0, $0, $0, $4, $e, $4, $0, $0  ; "+"
  290 .byte $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $4, $8  ; ","
  300 .byte $0, $0, $0, $0, $e, $0, $0, $0  ; "-"
  310 .byte $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $4, $0  ; "."
  320 .byte $0, $2, $2, $4, $4, $8, $8, $0  ; "/"
  330 .byte $0, $0, $4, $a, $a, $a, $4, $0  ; "0"
  340 .byte $0, $0, $4, $c, $4, $4, $4, $0  ; "1"
  350 .byte $0, $0, $c, $2, $4, $8, $e, $0  ; "2"
  360 .byte $0, $0, $e, $2, $6, $2, $e, $0  ; "3"
  370 .byte $0, $0, $a, $a, $e, $2, $2, $0  ; "4"
  380 .byte $0, $0, $e, $8, $c, $2, $e, $0  ; "5"
  390 .byte $0, $0, $e, $8, $e, $a, $e, $0  ; "6"
  400 .byte $0, $0, $e, $2, $4, $8, $8, $0  ; "7"
  410 .byte $0, $0, $e, $a, $e, $a, $e, $0  ; "8"
  420 .byte $0, $0, $e, $a, $e, $2, $e, $0  ; "9"
  430 .byte $0, $0, $0, $4, $0, $4, $0, $0  ; ":"
  440 .byte $0, $0, $0, $4, $0, $4, $8, $0  ; ";"
  450 .byte $0, $0, $2, $4, $8, $4, $2, $0  ; "<"
  460 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $0, $e, $0, $0  ; "="
  470 .byte $0, $0, $8, $4, $2, $4, $8, $0  ; ">"
  480 .byte $0, $e, $2, $6, $4, $0, $4, $0  ; "?"
  490 .byte $0, $4, $a, $e, $a, $8, $6, $0  ; "@"
  500 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $2, $e, $e, $0  ; "a"
  510 .byte $0, $0, $8, $e, $a, $a, $e, $0  ; "b"
  520 .byte $0, $0, $0, $6, $8, $8, $6, $0  ; "c"
  530 .byte $0, $0, $2, $e, $a, $a, $e, $0  ; "d"
  540 .byte $0, $0, $0, $6, $a, $c, $6, $0  ; "e"
  550 .byte $0, $0, $4, $a, $c, $8, $8, $0  ; "f"
  560 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $a, $e, $2, $6  ; "g"
  570 .byte $0, $0, $8, $c, $a, $a, $a, $0  ; "h"
  580 .byte $0, $0, $4, $0, $4, $4, $4, $0  ; "i"
  590 .byte $0, $0, $4, $0, $4, $4, $4, $c  ; "j"
  600 .byte $0, $0, $8, $a, $c, $a, $a, $0  ; "k"
  610 .byte $0, $0, $4, $4, $4, $4, $6, $0  ; "l"
  620 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $e, $e, $a, $0  ; "m"
  630 .byte $0, $0, $0, $c, $a, $a, $a, $0  ; "n"
  640 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $a, $a, $e, $0  ; "o"
  650 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $a, $e, $8, $8  ; "p"
  660 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $a, $e, $2, $3  ; "q"
  670 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $a, $8, $8, $0  ; "r"
  680 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $8, $2, $e, $0  ; "s"
  690 .byte $0, $0, $4, $e, $4, $4, $6, $0  ; "t"
  700 .byte $0, $0, $0, $a, $a, $a, $e, $0  ; "u"
  710 .byte $0, $0, $0, $a, $a, $a, $4, $0  ; "v"
  720 .byte $0, $0, $0, $a, $e, $e, $e, $0  ; "w"
  730 .byte $0, $0, $0, $a, $4, $a, $a, $0  ; "x"
  740 .byte $0, $0, $0, $a, $a, $4, $4, $c  ; "y"
  750 .byte $0, $0, $0, $e, $2, $8, $e, $0  ; "z"
  760 .byte $0, $6, $4, $4, $4, $4, $6, $0  ; "["
  770 .byte $0, $8, $8, $4, $4, $2, $2, $0  ; "\"
  780 .byte $0, $c, $4, $4, $4, $4, $c, $0  ; "]"
  790 .byte $0, $0, $4, $a, $0, $0, $0, $0  ; "^"
  800 .byte $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $e  ; "[164]"
  810 .byte $0, $8, $4, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0  ; "[SHIFT_@]"
  820 .byte $0, $4, $e, $a, $e, $a, $a, $0  ; "A"
  830 .byte $0, $c, $a, $c, $a, $a, $c, $0  ; "B"
  840 .byte $0, $6, $8, $8, $8, $8, $6, $0  ; "C"
  850 .byte $0, $c, $a, $a, $a, $a, $c, $0  ; "D"
  860 .byte $0, $e, $8, $c, $8, $8, $e, $0  ; "E"
  870 .byte $0, $e, $8, $c, $8, $8, $8, $0  ; "F"
  880 .byte $0, $e, $8, $8, $a, $a, $e, $0  ; "G"
  890 .byte $0, $a, $a, $e, $a, $a, $a, $0  ; "H"
  900 .byte $0, $e, $4, $4, $4, $4, $e, $0  ; "I"
  910 .byte $0, $2, $2, $2, $2, $a, $e, $0  ; "J"
  920 .byte $0, $a, $a, $c, $a, $a, $a, $0  ; "K"
  930 .byte $0, $8, $8, $8, $8, $8, $e, $0  ; "L"
  940 .byte $0, $a, $e, $e, $e, $a, $a, $0  ; "M"
  950 .byte $0, $2, $a, $e, $e, $a, $8, $0  ; "N"
  960 .byte $0, $e, $a, $a, $a, $a, $e, $0  ; "O"
  970 .byte $0, $e, $a, $a, $e, $8, $8, $0  ; "P"
  980 .byte $0, $e, $a, $a, $a, $a, $e, $6  ; "Q"
  990 .byte $0, $c, $a, $a, $c, $a, $a, $0  ; "R"
 1000 .byte $0, $e, $8, $c, $6, $2, $e, $0  ; "S"
 1010 .byte $0, $e, $4, $4, $4, $4, $4, $0  ; "T"
 1020 .byte $0, $a, $a, $a, $a, $a, $e, $0  ; "U"
 1030 .byte $0, $a, $a, $a, $a, $a, $4, $0  ; "V"
 1040 .byte $0, $a, $a, $a, $e, $e, $a, $0  ; "W"
 1050 .byte $0, $a, $a, $4, $a, $a, $a, $0  ; "X"
 1060 .byte $0, $a, $a, $e, $4, $4, $4, $0  ; "Y"
 1070 .byte $0, $e, $2, $4, $8, $8, $e, $0  ; "Z"
 1080 .byte $0, $2, $4, $2, $2, $4, $2, $0  ; "[SHIFT_+]" left curly bracket
 1090 .byte $0, $4, $4, $4, $0, $4, $4, $4  ; "[C=*]" pipe
 1100 .byte $0, $8, $4, $8, $8, $4, $8, $0  ; "[SHIFT_-]" right curly bracket
 1110 .byte $0, $0, $5, $a, $0, $0, $0, $0  ; "[175]" tilde
 1120 ;
 1130 .file 08,"0:term.end"
@//E*O*F term.font//
chmod u=rw,g=,o= term.font
echo x - term.lables
sed 's/^@//' > "term.lables" <<'@//E*O*F term.lables//'
  100 ;
  110 ; term.plus.64.lables
  120 ;
  130 ; last date 870102
  140 ;
  150 ; constant declarations
  160 ;
  170 ;kernel entry points
  180 setnam = $ffbd ; set filename
  190 setlfs = $ffba ; set open parameters
  200 chkout = $ffc9 ; change kernel output channel
  210 chrout = $ffd2 ; output a character
  220 chkin = $ffc6 ; change kernel input channel
  230 getin = $ffe4 ; input a character
  240 readst = $ffb7 ; read i/o status
  250 open = $ffc0 ; open a channel
  260 close = $ffc3 ; close a channel
  270 plot = $fff0 ; fetch/set cursor position (40 col)
  280 ;commodore page zero variables
  290 ndx = $c6 ; number of keyboard bytes pending
  300 r6510 = $01 ; memory control register for 6510
  310 ribuf = $f7 ; rs-232 input buffer pointer (2-byte)
  320 robuf = $f9 ; rs-232 output buffer pointer (2-byte)
  330 bitci = $a8 ; rs-232 input bit count
  340 time = $a0 ; jiffy clock (3-byte)
  350 pntr = $d3 ; cursor column displacement (40 col)
  360 pnt = $d1 ; video matrix address of cursor line (40 col)
  370 ldtb1 = $d9 ; editor line link table (40 col)
  380 qtsw = $d4 ; quote-mode switch (40 col)
  390 ;other commodore variables
  400 ridbe = $29b ; rs-232 index to end of input buffer
  410 ridbs = $29c ; rs-232 index to start of input buffer
  420 shflag = $28d ; shift key flags (commodore key = bit 1)
  430 hibase = $288 ; video matrix page number (40 col)
  440 color = $286 ; 40 column foreground color
  450 ;
  460 ;page zero temporaries
  470 source = $fb ; indirect address to be read
  480 dest = $fd ; indirect address to be stored
  490 pnth = $a3 ; hires screen pointer (basic temp data area)
  500 ;commodore i/o addresses
  510 vcr = $d011 ; vic control register
  520 vmcr = $d018 ; vic memory control register
  530 ccra = $dc0e ; cia control register a
  540 bgnd = $d021 ; 40 column background color
  550 bord = $d020 ; border color
  560 freqhi = $d401 ; sid frequency (high byte)
  570 attdec = $d405 ; sid attack/decay
  580 susrel = $d406 ; sid sustain/release
  590 vol = $d418 ; sid volume
  600 wave = $d404 ; sid waveform select
  610 ddrpa2 = $dd02 ; cia-2 data direction reg (port a)
  620 dpa2 = $dd00 ; cia-2 data port a
  630 ;color ram, hires screen, and video matrix addresses
  640 colram = $d800 ; color ram address (40 col)
  650 hires = $6000 ; hires screen address
  660 vidmat = $5c00 ; video matrix address (80 col)
  670 vidmat4 = $b400 ; video matrix address (40 col)
  680 ;low memory area unused by basic
  690 unused = $02a7 ; 16 byte termination/reentry area
  700 ;terminal program load and run addresses
  710 here = $0800 ; address where terminal program loaded
  720 there = $a000 ; address where terminal program runs
  730 ;relocated rs-232 buffer addresses
  740 rsout = $b200 ; address of rs-232 output buffer
  750 rsin = $b300 ; address of rs-232 input buffer
  760 ;
  770 .file 08,"0:term.tables"
@//E*O*F term.lables//
chmod u=rw,g=,o= term.lables
echo x - term.plus.bas
sed 's/^@//' > "term.plus.bas" <<'@//E*O*F term.plus.bas//'
  100 print "     [CLR]"
  110 input "baud";b$
  120 if left$(b$,2)="12"then poke 2637,0
  130 if left$(b$,1)="3" then poke 2637,6
  140 sys(2688)
@//E*O*F term.plus.bas//
chmod u=rw,g=,o= term.plus.bas
echo x - term.tables
sed 's/^@//' > "term.tables" <<'@//E*O*F term.tables//'
  100 ;
  110 ; term.plus.64.tables
  120 ;
  130 ; last date 870102
  140 ;
  150 ;**************************************************************************
  160 ;note - this program is assembled to run in the address space beginning at
  170 ;$a080 but should be loaded at $0880. the space from $a000-$a080 (really
  180 ;$0800-$0880) is reserved for a small basic program which queries for baud
  190 ;rate, pokes "control" as appropriate, and calls "movterm".
  200 ;**************************************************************************
  210 ;
  220 ; table declarations
  230 ;
  240 *=there+$80
  250 ;
  260 ;table "to" translates c64 to ascii
  270 to .byte $00 ; cannot transmit null
  280 .byte $01 ;"^A from ^A key
  290 .byte $02 ;"^B from ^B key
  300 .byte $03 ;"^C from ^C key
  310 .byte $04 ;"^D from ^D key
  320 .byte $05 ;"^E from ^E key
  330 .byte $06 ;"^F from ^F key
  340 .byte $07 ;"^G from ^G key
  350 .byte $08 ;"^H from ^H key
  360 .byte $09 ;"^I from ^I key
  370 .byte $0a ;"^J from ^J key
  380 .byte $0b ;"^K from ^K key
  390 .byte $0c ;"^L from ^L key
  400 .byte $0d ;"^M from ^M and RETURN keys
  410 .byte $0e ;"^N from ^N key
  420 .byte $0f ;"^O from ^O key
  430 .byte $10 ;"^P from ^P key
  440 .byte $11 ;"^Q from ^Q and CURS DOWN keys
  450 .byte $12 ;"^R from ^R key
  460 .byte $13 ;"^S from ^S and HOME keys
  470 .byte $08 ;"^H from ^T and DEL keys
  480 .byte $15 ;"^U from ^U key
  490 .byte $16 ;"^V from ^V key
  500 .byte $17 ;"^W from ^W key
  510 .byte $18 ;"^X from ^X key
  520 .byte $19 ;"^Y from ^Y key
  530 .byte $1a ;"^Z from ^Z key
  540 .byte $1b ;"^[ from ^[ key
  550 .byte $1c ;"^\ from ^POUND key
  560 .byte $1d ;"^] from ^] key
  570 .byte $1e ;"^^ from ^^ key
  580 .byte $1f ;"^[164] from ^= key
  590 .byte $20 ;"SPACE from SPACE bar
  600 .byte "!" ;"! from ! key
  610 .byte $22 ;"" from " key
  620 .byte "#" ;"# from # key
  630 .byte "$" ;"$ from $ key
  640 .byte "%" ;"% from % key
  650 .byte "&" ;"& from & key
  660 .byte "'" ;"' from ' key
  670 .byte "(" ;"( from ( key
  680 .byte ")" ;") from ) key
  690 .byte "*" ;"* from * key
  700 .byte "+" ;"+ from + key
  710 .byte "," ;", from , key
  720 .byte "-" ;"- from - key
  730 .byte "." ;". from . key
  740 .byte "/" ;"/ from / key
  750 .byte "0" ;"0 from 0 key
  760 .byte "1" ;"1 from 1 key
  770 .byte "2" ;"2 from 2 key
  780 .byte "3" ;"3 from 3 key
  790 .byte "4" ;"4 from 4 key
  800 .byte "5" ;"5 from 5 key
  810 .byte "6" ;"6 from 6 key
  820 .byte "7" ;"7 from 7 key
  830 .byte "8" ;"8 from 8 key
  840 .byte "9" ;"9 from 9 key
  850 .byte ":" ;": from : key
  860 .byte ";" ;"; from ; key
  870 .byte "<" ;"< from < key
  880 .byte "=" ;"= from = key
  890 .byte ">" ;"> from > key
  900 .byte "?" ;"? from ? key
  910 .byte "@" ;"@ from @ key
  920 .byte "a"+$20 ;"a from a key
  930 .byte "b"+$20 ;"b from b key
  940 .byte "c"+$20 ;"c from c key
  950 .byte "d"+$20 ;"d from d key
  960 .byte "e"+$20 ;"e from e key
  970 .byte "f"+$20 ;"f from f key
  980 .byte "g"+$20 ;"g from g key
  990 .byte "h"+$20 ;"h from h key
 1000 .byte "i"+$20 ;"i from i key
 1010 .byte "j"+$20 ;"j from j key
 1020 .byte "k"+$20 ;"k from k key
 1030 .byte "l"+$20 ;"l from l key
 1040 .byte "m"+$20 ;"m from m key
 1050 .byte "n"+$20 ;"n from n key
 1060 .byte "o"+$20 ;"o from o key
 1070 .byte "p"+$20 ;"p from p key
 1080 .byte "q"+$20 ;"q from q key
 1090 .byte "r"+$20 ;"r from r key
 1100 .byte "s"+$20 ;"s from s key
 1110 .byte "t"+$20 ;"t from t key
 1120 .byte "u"+$20 ;"u from u key
 1130 .byte "v"+$20 ;"v from v key
 1140 .byte "w"+$20 ;"w from w key
 1150 .byte "x"+$20 ;"x from x key
 1160 .byte "y"+$20 ;"y from y key
 1170 .byte "z"+$20 ;"z from z key
 1180 .byte "[" ;"[ from [ key
 1190 .byte "\" ;"\ from POUND key
 1200 .byte "]" ;"] from ] key
 1210 .byte "^" ;"^ from ^ key (really UP ARROW)
 1220 .byte $1b ;"^[ from [164] key ([164] means ESC)
 1230 .byte "@"+$20 ;"[SHIFT_@] from SHIFT/* key
 1240 .byte "a" ;"A from A key
 1250 .byte "b" ;"B from B key
 1260 .byte "c" ;"C from C key
 1270 .byte "d" ;"D from D key
 1280 .byte "e" ;"E from E key
 1290 .byte "f" ;"F from F key
 1300 .byte "g" ;"G from G key
 1310 .byte "h" ;"H from H key
 1320 .byte "i" ;"I from I key
 1330 .byte "j" ;"J from J key
 1340 .byte "k" ;"K from K key
 1350 .byte "l" ;"L from L key
 1360 .byte "m" ;"M from M key
 1370 .byte "n" ;"N from N key
 1380 .byte "o" ;"O from O key
 1390 .byte "p" ;"P from P key
 1400 .byte "q" ;"Q from Q key
 1410 .byte "r" ;"R from R key
 1420 .byte "s" ;"S from S key
 1430 .byte "t" ;"T from T key
 1440 .byte "u" ;"U from U key
 1450 .byte "v" ;"V from V key
 1460 .byte "w" ;"W from W key
 1470 .byte "x" ;"X from X key
 1480 .byte "y" ;"Y from Y key
 1490 .byte "z" ;"Z from Z key
 1500 .byte $7b ;"[SHIFT_+] from SHIFT/+ key
 1510 .byte $7c ;"[C=*] from ?????
 1520 .byte $7d ;"[SHIFT_-] from SHIFT/- key
 1530 .byte $7e ;"[175] from SHIFT/^ key
 1540 .byte $7f ;"DEL from ?????
 1550 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1560 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1570 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1580 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1590 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1600 .byte $5f ;"[164] from F1 key
 1610 .byte $60 ;"[SHIFT_@] from F3 key
 1620 .byte $7b ;"[SHIFT_+] from F5 key
 1630 .byte $7f ;"DEL from F7 key
 1640 .byte $7c ;"[C=*] from F2 key
 1650 .byte $7e ;"[175] from F4 key
 1660 .byte $7d ;"[SHIFT_-] from F6 key
 1670 .byte $14 ;"^T from F8 key
 1680 .byte $0a ;"NL from SHIFT/CR key
 1690 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1700 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1710 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1720 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1730 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1740 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1750 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1760 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1770 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1780 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1790 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1800 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1810 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1820 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1830 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1840 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1850 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1860 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1870 .byte $20 ;"SPACE from SHIFT/SPACE key
 1880 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1890 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1900 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1910 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1920 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1930 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1940 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1950 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1960 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1970 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1980 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 1990 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2000 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2010 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2020 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2030 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2040 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2050 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2060 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2070 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2080 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2090 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2100 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2110 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2120 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2130 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2140 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2150 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2160 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2170 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2180 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2190 .byte "@"+$20 ;"[SHIFT_@] from SHIFT/* key (dup)
 2200 .byte "a" ;"A from A key (dup)
 2210 .byte "b" ;"B from B key (dup)
 2220 .byte "c" ;"C from C key (dup)
 2230 .byte "d" ;"D from D key (dup)
 2240 .byte "e" ;"E from E key (dup)
 2250 .byte "f" ;"F from F key (dup)
 2260 .byte "g" ;"G from G key (dup)
 2270 .byte "h" ;"H from H key (dup)
 2280 .byte "i" ;"I from I key (dup)
 2290 .byte "j" ;"J from J key (dup)
 2300 .byte "k" ;"K from K key (dup)
 2310 .byte "l" ;"L from L key (dup)
 2320 .byte "m" ;"M from M key (dup)
 2330 .byte "n" ;"N from N key (dup)
 2340 .byte "o" ;"O from O key (dup)
 2350 .byte "p" ;"P from P key (dup)
 2360 .byte "q" ;"Q from Q key (dup)
 2370 .byte "r" ;"R from R key (dup)
 2380 .byte "s" ;"S from S key (dup)
 2390 .byte "t" ;"T from T key (dup)
 2400 .byte "u" ;"U from U key (dup)
 2410 .byte "v" ;"V from V key (dup)
 2420 .byte "w" ;"W from W key (dup)
 2430 .byte "x" ;"X from X key (dup)
 2440 .byte "y" ;"Y from Y key (dup)
 2450 .byte "z" ;"Z from Z key (dup)
 2460 .byte $7b ;"[SHIFT_+] from SHIFT/+ key (dup)
 2470 .byte $7c ;"[C=*] from ????? (dup)
 2480 .byte $7d ;"[SHIFT_-] from SHIFT/- key (dup)
 2490 .byte $7e ;"[175] from SHIFT/^ key (dup)
 2500 .byte $7f ;"DEL from ?????
 2510 .byte $20 ;"SPACE from SHIFT/SPACE key (dup)
 2520 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2530 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2540 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2550 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2560 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2570 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2580 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2590 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2600 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2610 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2620 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2630 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2640 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2650 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2660 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2670 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2680 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2690 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2700 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2710 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2720 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2730 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2740 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2750 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2760 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2770 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2780 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2790 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2800 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2810 .byte "?" ;"illegal key
 2820 .byte $7e ;"[175] from SHIFT/^ key (dup)
 2830 ;
 2840 ;table "from" translates ascii to c64
 2850 from .byte $00 ;"NUL doesn't print
 2860 .byte $00 ;"^A doesn't print
 2870 .byte $00 ;"^B doesn't print
 2880 .byte $00 ;"^C doesn't print
 2890 .byte $00 ;"^D doesn't print
 2900 .byte $00 ;"^E doesn't print
 2910 .byte $00 ;"^F doesn't print
 2920 .byte $01 ;"BEL is special
 2930 .byte $9d ;"BS prints as CURSOR LEFT
 2940 .byte $01 ;"TAB is special
 2950 .byte $11 ;"NL prints as CURSOR DOWN
 2960 .byte $00 ;"^K doesn't print
 2970 .byte $00 ;"^L doesn't print
 2980 .byte $01 ;"CR is special
 2990 .byte $00 ;"^N doesn't print
 3000 .byte $00 ;"^O doesn't print
 3010 .byte $00 ;"^P doesn't print
 3020 .byte $00 ;"^Q doesn't print
 3030 .byte $00 ;"^R doesn't print
 3040 .byte $00 ;"^S doesn't print
 3050 .byte $00 ;"^T doesn't print
 3060 .byte $00 ;"^U doesn't print
 3070 .byte $00 ;"^V doesn't print
 3080 .byte $00 ;"^W doesn't print
 3090 .byte $00 ;"^X doesn't print
 3100 .byte $00 ;"^Y doesn't print
 3110 .byte $00 ;"^Z doesn't print
 3120 .byte $01 ;"^[ is special
 3130 .byte $00 ;"^\ doesn't print
 3140 .byte $00 ;"^] doesn't print
 3150 .byte $00 ;"^^ doesn't print
 3160 .byte $00 ;"^[164] doesn't print
 3170 .byte $20 ;"SPACE prints as SPACE
 3180 .byte $21 ;"! prints as !
 3190 .byte $22 ;"" prints as "
 3200 .byte $23 ;"# prints as #
 3210 .byte $24 ;"$ prints as $
 3220 .byte $25 ;"% prints as %
 3230 .byte $26 ;"& prints as &
 3240 .byte $27 ;"' prints as '
 3250 .byte $28 ;"( prints as (
 3260 .byte $29 ;") prints as )
 3270 .byte $2a ;"* prints as *
 3280 .byte $2b ;"+ prints as +
 3290 .byte $2c ;", prints as ,
 3300 .byte $2d ;"- prints as -
 3310 .byte $2e ;". prints as .
 3320 .byte $2f ;"/ prints as /
 3330 .byte $30 ;"0 prints as 0
 3340 .byte $31 ;"1 prints as 1
 3350 .byte $32 ;"2 prints as 2
 3360 .byte $33 ;"3 prints as 3
 3370 .byte $34 ;"4 prints as 4
 3380 .byte $35 ;"5 prints as 5
 3390 .byte $36 ;"6 prints as 6
 3400 .byte $37 ;"7 prints as 7
 3410 .byte $38 ;"8 prints as 8
 3420 .byte $39 ;"9 prints as 9
 3430 .byte $3a ;": prints as :
 3440 .byte $3b ;"; prints as ;
 3450 .byte $3c ;"< prints as <
 3460 .byte $3d ;"= prints as =
 3470 .byte $3e ;"> prints as >
 3480 .byte $3f ;"? prints as ?
 3490 .byte $40 ;"@ prints as @
 3500 .byte $61 ;"A prints as A
 3510 .byte $62 ;"B prints as B
 3520 .byte $63 ;"C prints as C
 3530 .byte $64 ;"D prints as D
 3540 .byte $65 ;"E prints as E
 3550 .byte $66 ;"F prints as F
 3560 .byte $67 ;"G prints as G
 3570 .byte $68 ;"H prints as H
 3580 .byte $69 ;"I prints as I
 3590 .byte $6a ;"J prints as J
 3600 .byte $6b ;"K prints as K
 3610 .byte $6c ;"L prints as L
 3620 .byte $6d ;"M prints as M
 3630 .byte $6e ;"N prints as N
 3640 .byte $6f ;"O prints as O
 3650 .byte $70 ;"P prints as P
 3660 .byte $71 ;"Q prints as Q
 3670 .byte $72 ;"R prints as R
 3680 .byte $73 ;"S prints as S
 3690 .byte $74 ;"T prints as T
 3700 .byte $75 ;"U prints as U
 3710 .byte $76 ;"V prints as V
 3720 .byte $77 ;"W prints as W
 3730 .byte $78 ;"X prints as X
 3740 .byte $79 ;"Y prints as Y
 3750 .byte $7a ;"Z prints as Z
 3760 .byte $5b ;"[ prints as [
 3770 .byte $5c ;"\ prints as \
 3780 .byte $5d ;"] prints as ]
 3790 .byte $5e ;"^ prints as ^
 3800 .byte $5f ;"[164] prints as [164]
 3810 .byte $60 ;"[SHIFT_@] prints as [SHIFT_@]
 3820 .byte $41 ;"a prints as a
 3830 .byte $42 ;"b prints as b
 3840 .byte $43 ;"c prints as c
 3850 .byte $44 ;"d prints as d
 3860 .byte $45 ;"e prints as e
 3870 .byte $46 ;"f prints as f
 3880 .byte $47 ;"g prints as g
 3890 .byte $48 ;"h prints as h
 3900 .byte $49 ;"i prints as i
 3910 .byte $4a ;"j prints as j
 3920 .byte $4b ;"k prints as k
 3930 .byte $4c ;"l prints as l
 3940 .byte $4d ;"m prints as m
 3950 .byte $4e ;"n prints as n
 3960 .byte $4f ;"o prints as o
 3970 .byte $50 ;"p prints as p
 3980 .byte $51 ;"q prints as q
 3990 .byte $52 ;"r prints as r
 4000 .byte $53 ;"s prints as s
 4010 .byte $54 ;"t prints as t
 4020 .byte $55 ;"u prints as u
 4030 .byte $56 ;"v prints as v
 4040 .byte $57 ;"w prints as w
 4050 .byte $58 ;"x prints as x
 4060 .byte $59 ;"y prints as y
 4070 .byte $5a ;"z prints as z
 4080 .byte $7b ;"[SHIFT_+] prints as [SHIFT_+]
 4090 .byte $7c ;"[C=*] prints as [C=*]
 4100 .byte $7d ;"[SHIFT_-] prints as [SHIFT_-]
 4110 .byte $7e ;"[175] prints as [175]
 4120 .byte $00 ;"DEL doesn't print
 4130 ;
 4140 ;table "newchar" defines 8 substitute screen
 4150 ;graphics, 9 bytes each - first byte is screen
 4160 ;code for graphic, next 8 are bit pattern
 4170 newchar .byte $5b, $0e, $18, $08, $3c, $08, $18, $0e, $00 ; left brace 
 4180 .byte $5d, $70, $18, $10, $3c, $10, $18, $70, $00 ; right brace 
 4190 .byte $5e, $00, $00, $3b, $6e, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; tilde 
 4200 .byte $40, $30, $18, $0c, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ; grave accent
 4210 .byte $5c, $18, $18, $18, $00, $18, $18, $18, $00 ; vertical bar
 4220 .byte $1c, $00, $60, $30, $18, $0c, $06, $03, $00 ; back slash
 4230 .byte $1e, $00, $00, $18, $3c, $66, $00, $00, $00 ; caret
 4240 .byte $1f, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $7f ; underline
 4250 ;
 4260 .file 08,"0:term.1"
@//E*O*F term.tables//
chmod u=rw,g=,o= term.tables
exit 0

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