Reserved names in ANSI C

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL
Sat Jun 24 00:42:16 AEST 1989

In article <321 at> minow at mountn.UUCP (Martin Minow) writes:
>I continue to have difficulty writing transportable programs when well-meaning
>implementors use useful words (such as "line" in one vendor's Macintosh
>C library).  Since there is only one Ansi Standard and, hopefully, many
>people writing code to that standard, I wish the Committee had found
>way to prevent the C-implementation namespace from growing without bounds.

But the proposed Standard does address this issue.  To take your example
of <limits.h>, non-underscore stuff beyond that specified in the Standard
is not permitted to be defined by <limits.h> in a standard-conforming C
implementation.  The Standard imposes definite bounds on name space
pollution; as Dave noted, this is a unique achievement.

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