Volatile binding for const?

David Keppel pardo at uw-june.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET
Wed Mar 29 04:52:29 AEST 1989

I'm confused about the proper binding for the `const' and `volatile'
keywords.  Both of my `pANS conformant' (:-) compilers tell me
something about storage qualifiers that I find counter-intuitive.

	char const *s, *t;	=is=>  {char const *} s, t
	char *const s, *t;	=is=>  char {const *s}, *t

The second one makes sense to me.  The first one doesn't.  Is this
behavior correct?  Is there a rationalle that would help my
intuition get a little closer to reality?

	;-D on  ( temper_t volatile * const hothead; )  Pardo
		    pardo at cs.washington.edu

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