sizeof in 36-bits machines

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL
Tue Oct 17 15:33:12 AEST 1989

In article <14904 at> karl at (Karl Heuer) writes:
>>>Alternatively, you could just make sizeof(int)=sizeof(char)=1
>It remains to be seen whether this is legal, and if so, what happens when the
>input stream contains a bit pattern that compares equal to the value of EOF.

There wouldn't be a problem for the characters corresponding to the C
source character set.  There certainly might be for other characters.
I think our tentative resolution of this was that it IS a permitted
implementation, although there was some question as to whether X3J11
had actually intended for it to be.  Thus it should be raised as a
formal request for interpretation, in order to get a definitive ruling.

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