loops in general

Colin Plumb ccplumb at lion.waterloo.edu
Wed Apr 11 00:52:24 AEST 1990

Actually, C already has a loop syntax that could be extended to
exit-in-the-middle loops.  It would be fun to hack this into GCC.  I
presume the standard would require its usual one diagnostic about the
use of extensions and then be silent on the issue.

Anyway, C currently has

while (expr) stmt
do stmt while (expr);

However, ';' is a legal statement, so how about treating these as
special cases of

[do stmt] while (expr) stmt

So I could write a loop like

	c = getchar();
while (c != EOF || !feof(stdin)) {
	<rest of loop>

Perl's continue blocks are also nifty, but I don't know of a really
elegant way to add them, and goto cont; ... ; continue: ...; works
just as well.

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