DVItoPS on DECstation

Timothy Murphy tim at maths.tcd.ie
Sun Oct 14 06:47:21 AEST 1990

I was recently compiling the TeX PostScript driver program dvitops
on a DECstation,
and was surprised to find that the compiler didn't like
	fopen(filename, "rb");
It didn't object at compile-time,
but simply failed to open the file (returning NULL).
(There was no problem once all the "rb"'s and "wb"'s
were changed to "r" and "w".)

I think it's quite a common practice to give the "rb" and "wb"
arguments for Unix/DOS compatibility.
Is this relying on the compiler's generosity?
What does standard C say about it?
And should the DECstation compiler have complained at compile-time,
if it didn't understand the argument?


Timothy Murphy  

e-mail: tim at maths.tcd.ie

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