X3J11 Pleasanton meeting summary

Mark Brader msb at sq.sq.com
Fri Oct 12 06:33:38 AEST 1990

To Doug Gwyn's summary:
> 	int a[4][5];
> 	a[1][7] = 0;	/* undefined behavior */
> Dave Prosser (our Redactor) vigorously protested ...

I wrote:
@ My opinion is that the protest was right and the ruling wrong.

Doug then posts a longer form of the ruling:
: For an array of arrays, the permitted pointer arithmetic in
: Standard section 3.3.6 Semantics (p. 48, ll. 12-40) is to be
: understood by interpreting the use of the word "object" as
: denoting the specific object determined directly by the pointer's
: type and value, NOT other objects related to that one by contiguity.

I now see that this is right, I was wrong, and it is undefined behavior.
But this leads to a problem, which I'll get to in a moment.

First, I should explain my error.  In reply to Karl Heuer's comment:
! I presume that this ruling (if upheld) also means that strictly conforming
! programs may not use extensible structs via the usual overmalloc hack?

Alan Rosenthal writes:
| Alternatively, (int (*)[5])malloc(4 * 5 * sizeof(int)) may be deemed to
| create an object viewable as being 20 ints even though int a[4][5] does
| not, in which case the overmalloc hack would still be fine (though
| blecherous).

And I agree with this also.  This was in fact the source of my original
confusion: I had previously examined the wording carefully to ensure that
the "overmalloc hack" was legal, remembered the conclusion, and forgotten
the reasoning behind it.  I then assumed that as I knew the conclusion
I didn't need to go back to the Standard and see the actual wording.

Now the problem.  Doug also notes:
> Note that even such a subterfuge as the following would not be strictly
> conforming:
> 	void func( int *p ) { p[7] = 0; }
> 	int main( void ) { int a[4][5]; func( a[1] ); return 0; }

And I agree with this also.  p points to the element a[1][0] in the array
a[1], and there is no element [7] in that array, so it's undefined.
But what if func was written as follows?

	void func (void *p) {int *ip = p; ip[7] = 0; }

Does ip also point to the element a[1][0] in the array a[1], and is
this therefore still non-conforming?  If so... can memcpy() really
be implemented in ANSI C, and used to copy arbitrary objects?

Mark Brader				"It's easier to deal with 'opposite
SoftQuad Inc., Toronto			 numbers' when you know you cannot
utzoo!sq!msb, msb at sq.com		 trust them."		-- Chess

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