Bug in users command

Norman Diamond diamond at jit345.swstokyo.dec.com
Thu Jan 24 13:19:27 AEST 1991

In article <12360:Jan2320:15:5291 at kramden.acf.nyu.edu> brnstnd at kramden.acf.nyu.edu (Dan Bernstein) writes:

>The correct call is strncmp(&((*a)[0]),&((*b)[0]),sizeof *a)---or,
>equivalently, strncmp(*a,*b,sizeof *a).
>Chris or Doug or Karl or somebody out there, could you check me on this?

Mr. Bernstein appears to be right.  When *a is an array, and it is not the
operand of sizeof or unary &, so it has to be converted to a pointer to the
first element of *a.  This is true in both of Mr. Bernstein's suggested calls.
Norman Diamond       diamond at tkov50.enet.dec.com
If this were the company's opinion, I wouldn't be allowed to post it.

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