functions within functions

Dave P. Schaumann dave at
Mon Jan 28 10:40:06 AEST 1991

This does bring up a problem that should be adressed:
  As it stands, C has two scopes where functions can be seen:
	1. Static (ie, within a file)
	2. Global (everywhere)

It would be nice if there were a device that allowed user-definable
scopes that function names would be visible in.  Hmm.  It occurs to me
that C++'s class keyword allows just that...  Maybe a simplified form
of this mechanism should be considered for addition.  Thus, you could
type something like

bar::foo( int baz ) { ... }

bop::foo( char *glorp ) { ... }

With no conflict.  Of course, you would have to include the scope-space
keyword to disambiguate a function call to foo().

Dave Schaumann		|  And then -- what then?  Then, future...
dave at	|  		-Weather Report

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