Pointers to functions

Erik Naggum enag at ifi.uio.no
Tue May 21 02:38:20 AEST 1991

D P Gilbert writes:
|   As I reach for the shift button to put yet another set of left and
|   right parentheses after a niladic function call I have begun to
|   wonder how to relieve such tedium. Wouldn't it be nice just to
|   write the function name without those parentheses (e.g. token.get
|   instead of token.get() ). The syntax of C tells me why but could
|   it be bent with a #pragma perhaps? Whenever I want the address of
|   a function I use "&" so I can understand my code 18 months later.


	struct ... {
		void (*get)();
	} token;

token.get() is a function call by virtue of the "()", while
token.get is the value of the function pointer.

Remember that statements such as


are legal in C, but sort of pointless.


is no exception.

Other languages don't know about function pointers and can alleviate
the user of the power thereof.

Erik Naggum             Professional Programmer            +47-2-836-863
Naggum Software             Electronic Text            <enag at ifi.uio.no>
0118 OSLO, NORWAY       Computer Communications      <erik at naggum.uu.no>

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