Resend of latest postings

Vicky White vyw at msr.EPM.ORNL.GOV
Thu Nov 10 02:24:05 AEST 1988

From: vyw at msr.EPM.ORNL.GOV (Vicky White)

Due to last week's nationwide virus, our site was cut off from the
internet for several days, just as the long-awaited quarterly reports
on the posix committees were coming out.  We have received volume 15,
no. 19, the "Access to Unix-Related Standards" message, but none of
the 3 companion articles.  I wonder if other sites have experienced
similar problems due to the virus, and I wonder if the entire set of 
articles could be resent?

Hope this is reasonable and possible.

Vicky White
Martin Marietta Energy Systems
Oak Ridge, TN

[ It wasn't the virus:  the other articles haven't been posted yet.
New information came in just as I was doing the usual set of four,
and Shane hasn't finished the report yet.  -mod ]

Volume-Number: Volume 15, Number 21

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