1003.1 overview wanted

ralph%ralmar.uucp at apple.com ralph%ralmar.uucp at apple.com
Sat Feb 10 00:35:10 AEST 1990

From: ralph%ralmar.uucp at apple.com

UniForum (formerly /usr/group) has three current publications which
provide overviews of POSIX:

     1.  "Your Guide to POSIX" - an executive-level overview of the
     2.  "POSIX Explored: System Interface" - an overview for technical
             managers, etc.
     3.  a white paper called "Standards Update:  Shell and Utilities"
             a snapshot of the current status of P1003.2, which is
             currently in balloting

These publications were distributed to UniForum general members as part
of their membership benefits, but are available to non-members as well.
Call 408-986-8840 for ordering info.

Disclaimer:  I work for UniForum, was involved in the publishing of
these pamphlets, and continue to be involved in the association's
standards activities, but I still think the books are great.
(Hal Jespersen, chair of P1003.2 did most of the work.)

Ralph Barker, RALMAR Business Systems, 640 So Winchester Blvd, San Jose,CA 95128
uucp: ...{pyramid, sun, uunet}!amdahl!unixprt!ralmar!ralph        
         or,     attmail!ralmar!ralph                   Voice: (408) 248-8649

Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 51

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