NIST is not all bad

WHITE V L vyw at
Fri Jan 12 02:55:18 AEST 1990

In a recent article Doug Gwyn <gwyn at> writes:

 > The problem is, NIST prepares FIPS and there is essentially no stopping
 > them.  Because FIPS are binding on government procurements (unless
 > specific waivers are obtained), they have heavy economic impact on
 > vendors.  In the "good old days", NBS allowed the computing industry
 > to develop suitable standards and later blessed them with FIPS.  With
 > the change in political climate that occurred with the Reagan
 > administration, which was responsible for the name change from NBS to
 > NIST, NIST was given a more "proactive" role in the development of
 > technology.  Unfortunately they seem to think that forcing standards
 > advances the technology, whereas that would be true only under
 > favorable circumstances (which unsuitable standards do not promote).
 > (Actually I think that the whole idea of a government attempting to
 > promote technology is seriously in error, but that's another topic.)
 > I don't know how you can tone down NIST.  Perhaps if enough congressmen
 > receive enough complaints some pressure may be applied.

I understand the sentiment behind this and other complaints that have 
appeared in this forum against NIST, but I am compelled nevertheless to
rise to their defense.  

I don't believe NIST is just slap happy with power.
They are reacting to pressure from other government agencies who desperately
need their help to develop and maintain an open computing environment.  

In the good old days, these agencies had far greater freedom to buy 
from whomever they wished, and they could afford the luxury of allowing
the industry to develop standards at its slow and careful pace.
Now the stricter enforcement of the rules 
for open competition do not allow these agencies to specify
which implementation of Unix they want or whether they get
Unix at all.  Applications portability as
provided by 1003.1 is their greatest need, but they also have a need
for shell scripts to work across different systems, for interactive
environments to be similar enough across systems to minimize
training costs for (and mutinies by) users, and even for 
system administration to be reasonably standard, especially as more
users obtain workstations and become their own system administrators.
The current push for the UPE and for 1003.7 may be from NIST, but it originated
from beleagured federal government systems programmers.

NIST wants to provide these folks something to include in a procurement
specification so that they can buy systems which can be made to work together.

It is quite right and a good thing for industry to balk when NIST
pushes too fast.  We need the ideas and the pushing/pulling from both sides 
to battle out just the right standard and to decide when it is appropriate
to attempt the standard at all.  But if a good standard is
going to take awhile, I would prefer to have a not-so-good FIPS in
the meantime that blesses some acceptable, widely used solution so
that I can buy my system and connect it to everything else.   If
the time is not yet right for a standard (or even for a FIPS), then
it really is the responsibility of NIST to back off.  But even in
that case, I would appreciate the fact that it tried,
because in this it was acting as an advocate 
for those government systems programmers.   Somebody has to.

Do you know what federal agencies do when they want something not
yet covered by a FIPS?  They try to rely on the SVID or X/OPEN without
making anybody mad (lots of luck).  
Much of what you get away with depends upon how much money you are
spending, which vendors want a piece of it, and how paranoid
your procurement attorneys are.

Vendors always complain that NIST is too fast and other 
government agencies always complain that it is too slow.  I
may not always agree with its pace, either, but I am very grateful
it is there.

Vicky White
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
vyw at

Volume-Number: Volume 18, Number 18

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