My request for info on PC-UNIX

Robert J. Granvin rjg at
Sat Apr 27 05:54:16 AEST 1991

|>    OOPS.  This is an official apology for the posting where I requested info on
|>    my Mom's problem with finding info on using grass.  As was pointed out to
|>    me by several of you faithful readers of this board (and most politely and 
|>    un-flamably I might add), youse guys are 3B1 users.
|> This is an outrage!  It just goes to show you that grass is a gateway
|> to the really dangerous stuff like 3B1.
|> ---BUSH   "Scaaaary."

OK.  For the last time... 

This is a 3b1.  This is your brains on a 3b1.  Any questions?

Robert J. Granvin                                       School of Statistics
rjg at                             University of Minnesota

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