tty kill char (@) problem (and how I fixed it for me)

Dave Snyder dave at
Sat Feb 23 15:16:18 AEST 1991

Well I finally deceided to take the modern approach to stty settings.  According
to donlash at uncle, these are the steps to do that.

->         If we take the reasonably modern approach, then we must:
->                 *       make erase == cntl-H and kill == cntl-U in the
->                         default c_cc[] array in the kernal.
I followed the instructions for adb posted earlier by don and am including them
again in my article.

->                 *       fix the "stty ek" command so that it sets the erase
->                         and kill characters to their system defaults - ie
->                         erase == cntl-H and kill == cntl-U.
I used a binary editor to handle this one.  To "fix" stty ek... change the
0x40 at byte offset 0x06D9 to 0x15.  To "fix" stty sane... change the 0x40 at
byte offset 0x0759 to 0x15.

->                 *       make tset(1) assume the modern defaults of
->                         erase == cntl-H and kill == cntl-U.
I didn't touch this one.  To be honest, I have know idea what tset is... let
alone how to use it.  Can someone share their knowledge?

->                 *       correct the manual pages to reflect the changes.
If I had manual pages I'd correct them, but...

Here are the instructions (re-posted) for patching the kernel with adb.  I can
honestly say that it was a snap and I see no ill effects from the "patch".

-> # adb -w /unix         @
-> ttcchar,2?X            v                          ------------------------
-> ttcchar:        7f1c0840        4000000           | note:                |
-> ttcchar+2?x                                       |   hex 40 == ascii @  |
-> ttcchar+2:      840                               |   hex 15 == ascii ^u |
-> ttcchar+2?w 815                                   | adb on 3.51m kernal  |
-> swpulse+1a48:   840     =       815               | reports swpulse+1b80 |
-> ttcchar,2?X                                       ------------------------
-> ttcchar:        7f1c0815        4000000
-> $q
-> # sync ; sync ; sync ; sync
-> # reboot

Any questions, comments, or complaints can be sent to me, I'll try to help.

David A. Snyder @ Snide Inc. - Folcroft, PA

UUCP:  ..!uunet!das13!dave     INTERNET:  dave at

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