quad density floppies

Howard E. Motteler motteler at umbc4.umbc.edu
Sun Mar 3 16:59:15 AEST 1991

A while back, Michael G. Beirne writes:
> I use a Mitsubishi 5 1/4 inch 1.2 meg floppy jumpered to fix the
> disk speed and this gives me a 720K 5 1/4 floppy. This way I can
> just reformat my old 360K backup floppies and use them again.

Is this the same (or similar to) as the "quad-density" from way
back in the CP/M days?

I'd be interested in trying this.  How reliable are the 5 1/4's
used this way?  Would it be possible (e.g., with an external
switch) to toggle the drive between regular and half speeds, and
read both sorts of disks?

>Send me mail if you want the jumper
>list for the Mitsubishi drive and an "iv" description file.

Please post this (or mail me the info!)  I suspect a number of
people might want to try it.

Howard E. Motteler       |  Dept. of Computer Science
motteler at umbc3.umbc.edu  |  UMBC, Catonsville, MD 21228

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