Silent mail handler

Robert J. Granvin rjg at
Fri Mar 29 13:35:22 AEST 1991

||...  Sendmail does the job admirably, and frankly isn't as difficult
||to configure as some people think.
|Is that why there's a package available (EASE) that attempts to make
|it easier?  (1/2 :-) ) I found it not difficult to get sendmail to
|pass mail, I had enormous difficulty trying to keep it from molesting
|the headers.

Sendmail is quite easy to set up when someone gives you a
that is already functional.  :-)

(I've yet to meet anyone (myself included) who didn't find sendmail to
be as difficult as they believed... Maybe not as difficult as was
_feared_, but I doubt it has ever actually "surprised" anyone...)

Robert J. Granvin \\\\\\\\                            rjg at : INTERNET
University of Minnesota \\\              ...uunet!rosevax!sialis!rjg : UUCP
School of Statistics \\\\\\\    at : BITNET
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