HDB uucp and the phone manager

Bruce Lilly bruce at balilly
Fri May 10 22:19:48 AEST 1991

In article <O-5BC+4 at ris1.ferranti.com> harter at ficc.ferranti.com (ron harter) writes:
> How do I set
>the system up and get around this when I poll other machines. 

Edit /usr/lib/uucp/uudemon.hour so that the phone line is set to DATA mode
before uusched is run, then set back to VOICE mode after it completes.
You'll have to run uusched in foreground from the script. You might also
wish to get Lenny's "phset" program to set the phone line mode.

	Bruce Lilly		blilly!balilly!bruce at sonyd1.Broadcast.Sony.COM

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