Mice and Windows (was Re: Apple Challenges HP New Wave, MS-Windows)

Paul J. Condie pjc at pcbox.UUCP
Wed Apr 27 13:52:28 AEST 1988

In article <298 at flatline.UUCP> erict at flatline.UUCP (eric townsend) writes:
>I'd love to go thru and rewrite the UA on the 3b1 to use all 3 buttons
>in a consistent manner...  ie: first button picks whatever the pointer
>is on, second button calls up a list of commands to be used with whatever
>window happens to be active, and third button could be special systems
>functions -- something like the "W" icon at the top right of the 3b1

The third mouse button does have a UA function.  It is the mark button!
When certain menus allow to select more than one option the third button
is used to click on all options desired.

But like you said, not everyone follows these specs.

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