Reports on Trailblazer modems (especially with 3B2 and IBM PCs)

Robby Kates robby at beattres.UUCP
Wed Mar 30 04:16:56 AEST 1988

  Hi folks!
  This is a question for everyone using Trailblazer modems.  I am pushing to
get some here, but because PC magazine gave them a bad review, I've been up
against a brick wall.  I am looking for reports from people using them as to
how they found performance, and how much problem they've had with line noise.
Particularly, I'm looking for reports on connections between 3B2 computers,
and between 3B2 and an IBM PC/XT/AT or PS/2 computer doing terminal emulation.
Most importantly, I'd love some reviews from people using them over long
distance lines, or lines that are fairly noisy (regardless of machine type).
Please help me out and mail me some reports from "the field".  I've got the
claims of the Telebit people, but they get dismissed out of hand as biased by
the brass around here.

Thanks much.


P.S.  I can also be reached as kat2 at

Robby Kates
...ihnp4!beattres!robby               Beatrice Corporate Headquarters, Chicago
"...and a lover who looks straaaaangly, like Time the Avenga..." -CH-
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