My previous post

David Gross dgross at polyslo.CalPoly.EDU
Thu Aug 24 11:33:07 AEST 1989

Hi.  This is David Gross and I'm somewhat new to the net.  New enough so I
don't know whose directions to follow and whose to ignore.  The post about
amino acids was the first and only post I have made to alt.drugs and to
comp.sys.att.  I have since received confusing hatE-mail regarding my decision 
to cross-post.
I was under the impression that AT&T was dropping alt.drugs.  Some folks had
posted on alt.drugs requesting that they somehow be able to read the messages
in alt.drugs through another medium.  Some people suggested mail, others
newsgroups; some suggested it in an informative way, some in a retaliatory
way.  The consensus seemed to be to crosspost to comp.sys.att
I, in my naivete about the terminnology of the net, thought that this would
send the messages to a place (AT&T) where they could be selectively read by 
those who wanted to go looking for them.  I now realize that comp.sys.att is
a newsgroup like any other and is not related (directly) to AT&T.
I apologize for whatever trouble this may have caused.
If someone will tell me a more appropriate way to get messages from alt.drugs
to AT&T, I will forward my future posts to alt.drugs (if, indeed, I post any
future messages there) in that fashion.
--Dave Gross

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