3b1 40meg disk woes: Help

gary mckenney gbm at gbmatl.UUCP
Mon May 8 03:52:44 AEST 1989

In article <480 at becker.UUCP} bdb at becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) writes:
}In article <1989May5.150438.13740 at ziebmef.uucp> cks at ziebmef.UUCP (Chris Siebenmann) writes:
}	I have never run up against the problem, even though
}	I've had the machine up for months at a time, with
}	*lots* of disk activity - news & many uucp connections
}	exercise a disk drive & file system pretty good.
}	The main problem seems to be that fsck *always* runs
}	twice at reboot time. I'm not sure why that is, but I
}	seem to recall that it did not happen "at the beginning",
}	but started happening fairly early on.
}	Also, the quota system has never worked 8^) - I guess
}	that 2nd drive will help whenever the interface is up
}	& running...

According to the rc script in /etc fsck will force a reboot and therefore a
second fsck if it finds problems through the first fsck.  In other words if
there is a permenent problem found by fsck I don't think you will be able
to boot up your machine.

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