68020/68881 Anyone?

Howard E. Motteler motteler at umbc3.UMBC.EDU
Mon Oct 30 03:44:31 AEST 1989

In article <13 at bagend.UUCP> jan at bagend.UUCP (Jan Isley) writes:
[ discussion about adding a 6820/68881 daughter board ]
>I am neither a software or hardware gooroo, can't even spell it, but some
>preliminary questions come to mind for the gurus out there:
>  Are there any *known* reasons why an 020/881 would present a problem 
>  hardware wise?  I think this would be the easy part?
>  Any 020/881 fatal code in the software?
>The other really obvious question is, would you buy one?  for how much?
>jan at bagend  {..gatech..}!bagend!jan  (404)434-1335 voice at home

Well, the obvious software difficulty is that the 68881 reg's don't
get saved in a context switch.  But I would find even being
restricted to a single floating point process quite usefull.
The other obvious difficulty is generating code for it!

I don't know about other hardware/software difficulties, but I would 
definitely want to buy one if it worked at all.

Howard Motteler

ps: Jan, do your or Discovery know anything about ethernet cards for
this box?  Anbody got one they want to sell?
Howard E. Motteler       |  Dept. of Computer Science
motteler at umbc3.umbc.edu  |  UMBC, Catonsville, MD 21228

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