comp.sys.att/unix-pc.* (was Re: Undocumented "features and bug fixes" found in FIXDISK2.0 (3.51m))

Greg A. Woods woods at robohack.UUCP
Fri Feb 2 01:55:17 AEST 1990

As always, when something exciting happens in the Unix-PC world, I
have to carefully wade through comp.sys.att, because the traffic gets

Now this wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a unix-pc.* heirarchy.

You see, I'm interested in unix-pc's, but not as interested as I am in
386's and 3B2's.  I read comp.sys.att all the time, but unix-pc.* only
25% of the time.  I don't want to have a kill file for comp.sys.att.

I don't want to start the old war again either.

What I do want to do is point out that the article I'm following up
came from a USA site, and was NOT cross-posted to unix-pc.general.

I should also say I receive the u3b groups too, and I see a lot of 3b2
stuff cross-posted between u3b and comp.sys.att too.  I'd like to
suggest that everyone evaluate the possible generality of their
articles and only cross-post when the article is not specific to one
particular type of system.
						Greg A. Woods

+1 416 443-1734 [h]   +1 416 595-5425 [w]   VE3-TCP   Toronto, Ontario; CANADA

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