3B2 Floppy Drive and System Manuals

Charles Taylor taylor at qtp.ufl.edu
Sun Feb 4 05:27:15 AEST 1990

I could sure use some help with a 3b2/300 if someone out there has
the time to answer a couple of simple questions.

  1.  What is the proper sequence of events for preparing floppy disks.
      for example....

                     1. fmtflop /dev/rdiskette   (seems to work)
                     2. mkfs /dev/diskette 1422:200 1 18 (or somesuch)
                     3. mount /dev/diskette /mnt

     When I do this, mkfs says something like

               /dev/diskette? Del if not correct.

     and then goes on to do something which ends with an error 215 which I
     would like to know something about.

  2. When I try to use the sysadm scripts basically the same thing happens
     but sysadm runs all this other stuff like fsstat and labelit etc...
     These seem obvious enough but are they necessary?

  3. What kind of floppy drive to I get to replace mine if bad.  Will a 
     standard pc-type 5 1/4 inch drive work if I stick it in there.

  4. Last, but perhaps most important, does anyone have a 3b2/300 system
     administration utilities guide they would send me to copy and return.
     The one for this system seems to have disappeared.  My experience is
     with SunOS and AT&T System V is a little bit foreign to me.  By the
     way, this particular machine is still running release 2 version 2.

Since this is pretty specific stuff and I don't think generally interesting,
reply by email to...
                        taylor at qtp.ufl.edu

                                          thanks in advance
                                          Charlie Taylor

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