Pyramid xterm (premature file closure?) bug

Karl Kleinpaste karl at
Thu Sep 7 21:55:48 AEST 1989

bg at (Bj|rn Gr|nvall) writes:
   > [Bob Sutterfield reports problems with xterm and /dev/tty under X11R3.

   I don't think the problem is in xterm but rather in /dev/tty.
   Consider the behaviour of the following program when run under an xterm
   and `inside' a script command.

Very interesting.  It seems that /dev/tty doesn't like to be opened
for read in general?  This can't be the entirety of the problem,
though, because /dev/tty works fine from a real terminal or a more
ordinary pty running from telnet or rlogin, just not from inside an
xterm window.

   Does anybody know if this is fixed in 4.4c?

Assuming it's a  bona fide bug  with /dev/tty, no.   That's what we're
running.  But I don't think I'm yet convinced yet that /dev/tty is at

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